Community Club Home Community Club Firefighter Level A, Community Club What happens when the fire alarm rings? We Give Books Read The Biggest and Brightest Light For Ages: 4-7 Read now More info Wishes Your must-have classroom toolkit Comment:3.8 average rating | Comments (52)Last Updated:17 March, 2014Section:Resources We’ve picked out a selection of must-have classroom management and lesson planning resources uploaded and rated by teachers. This list includes some of the most popular resources ever uploaded to the TES, some have been downloaded by more than 130,000 teachers! And they’re all free .. Simply follow the links to download the individual resources.
Prompts for Reading Conferences/Groups Teachers, here is a list of my favorite questions to ask during 1:1 reading conferences! Fiction ~ Generic Prompts What does the title mean? Great reading strategies: ‘First lines’ for developing comprehension Throughout the summer I’ve been posting a series of posts looking at communicative classroom reading strategies. I’ve started each post with this little bit of blurb explaining my thinking behind the series, as well as what you can expect to find in each post. Although this is now the sixth post of the series, please feel free to read on (you should probably skip this section if you’ve read my previous entries in the series). As far as I’m concerned, when implementing strategy training of this kind in your classes teacher demonstration, modeling, and follow-up independent practice are all critical factors for success.
Comprehension Strategies - Making connections, questioning, inferring, determining importance, and more from Strategies That Work, Mosaic of Thought, and Reading with Meaning, this page gives you information on the six comprehension strategies known as making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, and synthesizing.
Five close reading strategies to support the Common Core I walked in to my first college class, Political Science 101, eager to learn. For my inaugural college assignment, my professor asked the class to read the first three chapters of the textbook for the next class period. That night, I returned to my dorm room, determined to learn everything I could in those three chapters. Common Core Common Core Math Kindergarten Counting & Cardinality Operations & Algebraic Thinking Number & Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Zing! - School Edition What Does My Free Zing Account Include? Personalized Learning Package Upgrade Only $10 a year Assign specific books to individual students, small groups of students, or an entire class Send personalized messages to individual students or an entire class Add your own eLearning teaching points to any Zing text Access a full suite of real-time data and reporting Assigning Books Promo Step into the Future with Zing!
Key Ideas and Details Informational Text Online Games Primary » The Teachers' Cafe Key Ideas and Details Informational Text Online Games - CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.K.1,2,3, RI.1.1,2,3, R2.1.1,2,3. Ask and answer questions about key details, identify the main topic and retell, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information. Who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding.
11 Alternatives to "Round Robin" (and "Popcorn") Reading Round Robin Reading (RRR) has been a classroom staple for over 200 years and an activity that over half of K-8 teachers report using in one of its many forms, such as Popcorn Reading. RRR's popularity endures, despite overwhelming criticism that the practice is ineffective for its stated purpose: enhancing fluency, word decoding, and comprehension. Cecile Somme echoes that perspective in Popcorn Reading: The Need to Encourage Reflective Practice: "Popcorn reading is one of the sure-fire ways to get kids who are already hesitant about reading to really hate reading." Facts About Round Robin Reading In RRR, students read orally from a common text, one child after another, while the rest of the class follows along in their copies of the text. Several spinoffs of the technique offer negligible advantages over RRR, if any.
Online reading games, most of which build comprehension. My favorite is the "Build a Hamburger" game. Students must identify the main idea of the passage, which becomes the "meat" of the hamburger. Passages appear to be at about the 2nd grade level. by jessicabennett Jul 23