sun lighten The Dr. Oz Show Healthy Living News and Opinion on The Huffington Post ثقافة أونلاين : ثقافة عامة - معلومات عامة - معلومات مفيدة - معلومات دينية - معلومات غريبة Sun tanning A suntanned arm showing browner skin where it has been exposed. This pattern of tanning is often called a farmer's tan. Sun tanning or simply tanning is the process whereby skin color is darkened or tanned. It is most often a result of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or from artificial sources, such as a tanning bed. Moderate exposure to the sun contributes to the production of vitamin D by the body, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays has negative health effects, including sunburn and increased risk of skin cancer, [1] as well as depressed immune system function and accelerated ageing of the skin. Several cases of tanning addiction have been reported. The term "tanning" has a cultural origin, arising from the color tan. Tanning process[edit] A woman sun tanning in a beach. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes in a process called melanogenesis. The ultraviolet frequencies responsible for tanning are often divided into the UVA and UVB ranges. UVA[edit]
مجلة وسع صدرك الالكترونية | غرائب وأخبار طريفة من حول العالم! Risks and benefits of sun exposure The ultraviolet radiation in sunlight, though a principal source of vitamin D3 compared to diet, is mutagenic.[1] Supplementing diet with vitamin D3 supplies vitamin D without this mutagenic effect,[2] but bypasses natural mechanisms that would prevent overdoses of vitamin D generated internally from sunlight. In the United States, serum levels of 25(OH) D3 are below the recommended levels for more than a third of white men, with serum levels lower in women and in most minorities. This indicates that Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in the US.[7] According to the U.S. Synthesis of vitamin D3[edit] The factors that affect UV radiation exposure and research to date on the amount of sun exposure needed to maintain adequate vitamin D levels make it difficult to provide general guidelines. Other benefits[edit] There is some evidence that bright light exposure reduces seasonal affective disorder,[17] and it is a standard treatment for certain circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
صحة هل نتف الشيب ( الشعر الابيض بالرأس ) مضر؟ وهل صحيح وان نتف الشيب يزيد من عدده ؟ وشكراً جزيلاً لك. علي العجلان، الرياض. -الشيب (الشعر الأبيض) يظهر بدون سبب و أحيانا في سن مبكر. إزالة الشعر الأبيض لا تضر و لا تزيد من عدده. فى حالة عدم ممارستى للرياضة او اى مجهود بدنى لمدة شهر او شهرين اتعرض لحساسية مؤلمة بشدة واحمرار فى الجلد عند محاولتى للقيام بأى نشاط ثم تختفى عند الراحة ، وتختفى دائما عند الرجوع لممارسة الرياضة اليومية او المشى يوميا تحت اشعة الشمس حوالى 20 دقيقة لمدة حوالى شهر او شهرين ايضا ، مع العلم انى قد ذهبت الى اكبر اطباء الجلدية وعملت جميع تحليلات الدم التى طلبت منى وتم اعطائى الكثير من الادوية ولا يوجد نتيجة او حتى معرفة نوع هذة الحساسية او سببها او علاجها حتى الان ( الا الرياضة اليومية ) .نادر صلاح- مصر الرياضة اليومية عامل أساسي لتحسين الحالة النفسية و أعتقد أن الحساسية التي تشكو منها هيا حساسية نتيجة ضغوط نفسية او بدون سبب — و تستمر لمدة 6 أشهر او سنة ثم تختفي.
Angie's Healthy Living Blog د.احسان عز الدين - Jaramanah, Dimashq, Syria - Clinique médicale, Médecin de famille renewed you Dyslexia, Autism, APD, Aspergers & SEN - Get Help from Neuron Learning Reading is the Gateway to Learning A poor reader will have difficulties reading to learn. He or she does not have the foundation skills to be fluent with words. There can be a problem with a lack of vocabulary and comprehension abilities that are required as he moves onto more complex learning. Often times he can have problems with processing oral language also. Thus he may display poor concentration in class, have trouble provessing what is being said to him and miss out on vital areas of learning. The causes of language and reading problems are varied. The implications for the student are that he can underachieve compared to his true potential. Unfortunately as children get older the situation usually gets worse. t becomes a vicious circle. It is a frustrating situation when the potential that had been there in the child fades away and further progress does not seem possible. Yet is does not have to be this way. First we develop these essential learning skills. 1) Cognitive Skills
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