So You've Graduated from College, Now What? An update to this post is here. With graduation season wrapping up, I’m remembering my post-college days in 2000, just after the “dot com” bubble burst and suddenly all those folks who flocked to Seattle and Silicon Valley were unemployed, fresh out of school and totally screwed. Ten years later, are things much different? This spring, I’ve gotten a number of emails essentially asking the same question: “I want to wait out the bad economy, do some traveling, but I’m a broke-ass college student… what should I do?” If you want to spend your year after college traveling – but you have no money saved — here’s what I would do” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Don’t think this works? How to Travel the World for Free, Save Money and Make Friends How to Travel the World for Free (Matador Network) How to Travel the World for Free (E-how) Road Junky: Traveling Free What is Couch Surfing? Where should I go? Okay, so a lot of people say it’s easiest to travel from East to West. What if I run out of money?
8 natural remedies to overcome erectile dysfunction and impotence (NaturalNews) The pharmaceutical industry thought they were on to something really big when they developed drugs like Viagra to overcome erectile dysfunction. However,the truth is that holistic healthcare practitioners like homeopaths, herbalists and acupuncturists have been successfully treating impotence in men with natural remedies for thousands of years. Conventional drugs carry a long list of unpleasant side effects whereas alternative approaches are often less likely to cause any -- such as painful erections lasting for many hours or heart attacks and strokes. Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is common to men worldwide and at all stages of life. Homeopathic remedies provide excellent results for a wide range of problems related to erectile dysfunction, which may be caused by either physical or psychological problems or both. Caladium: This remedy may offer relief to a man who is completely unable to get an erection even when he has strong sexual libido. Sources used:
Turn your flash drive into a portable PC survival kit If you're using your flash drive as a vehicle for simple file transfers, you’re missing out on one of the single-best roles one of these wee data buckets can fulfill. Indeed, hardcore enthusiasts know that simple flash drives are perfect portable repositories for all the software that can breathe life into an otherwise ailing PC. All the web apps in the world won’t help you when your PC breaks down or falls prey to a particularly nasty piece of malware and refuses connect to the Internet. A properly loaded USB drive, on the other hand, can be a machine saver. And when your grandma calls with a dire PC emergency, you'll be glad to have an always-ready "ninja drive" to slip into your pocket as you run out the door. In this article we’ll show you how to load out a USB drive with everything you need in case of a PC emergency. PortableApps PortableApps maintains a list of hundreds “portable” versions of popular free programs, designed to work without installation. Chrome Portable Malwarebytes
Hijacking Emotion Is The Key To Engaging Your Audience The default to emotion is part of the human condition. To better appreciate the role of emotion and what it allows an audience to do, we need to take a brief detour into evolutionary biology. The human brain can be understood as three separate brains working in tandem, if not completely integrated with each other. The primitive brain and the limbic brain collectively make up the limbic system, which governs emotion. When faced with a stimulus, the amygdala turns our emotions on. The amygdala is the key to understanding an audience’s emotional response, and to connecting with an audience. I have become somewhat notorious in the programs I teach at NYU for the way I start each class. Five Strategies for Audience Engagement When leaders are speaking to audiences that are under stress--even if the audience is merely tired or distracted--the leader can take the amygdala into account in determining how the content is structured and how the audience is engaged. [Image: Flickr user Howie Le]
DIY shit Pyro SHit Random Shit That might be useful SHit I want Shyit