Folklore and Legend - Gods and Goddesses
Celtic Gods & Goddesses Branwyn - Goddess of love, sexuality and the sea Bridget - Goddess of fertility, feminine creativity, martial arts and healing Cernunnos - The 'Horned God', God of Nature, Animals, Fertility and the Underworld Cerridwen - Moon Goddess, Goddess of Dark Prophecy and the Underworld Coventina - Goddess of Rivers, Abundance, Inspiration and Prophecy The Crone - One of the Triple Goddess Aspects, Goddess of Old Age, Winter and the Waning Moon Eostre - Goddess of Spring, Rebirth, Fertility and New Beginnings Epona - Horse Goddess, Goddess of Prosperity, Healing, Nurturance and Sustainence Latis - Goddess of Water and Beer Lugh - Sun God, God of War, Mastery, Magic and Good Harvest Morrigan - Goddess of War, Revenge, Night, Magic and Prophecy. Queen of Fairies and Witches The Triple Goddess - The Maiden, Mother and Crone all at once. Moon, Creator, Destroyer Copyright © 2003 * References Page
Welcome to ARTstor
Far Left Robert Henri La Reina Mora, 1906 Colby College Museum of Art Top Center Winslow Homer Girl Reading, 1879 Colby College Museum of Art Bottom Center Winslow Homer Girl in a Hammock, 1873 Colby College Museum of Art
Why Can't I Own a Canadian?
October 2002 Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr.
List of love and lust deities
A love deity is a deity in mythology associated with sexual love, lust or sexuality. Love deities are common in mythology and may be found in many polytheistic religions. List of love deities[edit] Albanian folklore[edit] Prende, goddess of love
Semiotics Encyclopedia Online - Welcome
This reference website is freely usable for educational and personal use. It will provide in-depth articles written by experts in a great variety of disciplines bearing upon the ways in which organisms in general, and humans in particular, process information, discover or construct meaning, represent and share their knowledge, interact through the mediation of signs and symbols that change over time, and elaborate diverse cultures and systems of thought. It will offer articles documenting the historical development of semiotics while emphasizing that this variegated epistemological movement is still in the making.
Paganism 101
{*style:<u><b> Paganism 101 Some Qs and As
Buddhist Quotes
Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent. Through violence, you may 'solve' one problem, but you sow the seeds for another. One has to try to develop one's inner feelings, which can be done simply by training one's mind. This is a priceless human asset and one you don't have to pay income tax on! First one must change. I first watch myself, check myself, then expect changes from others.
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge Anthony Judge, (Port Said, 21 January 1940) is mainly known for his career at the Union of International Associations (UIA), where he has been Director of Communications and Research, as well as Assistant Secretary-General.[1] He was responsible at the UIA for the development of interlinked databases and for publications based on those databases, mainly the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, the Yearbook of International Organizations, and the International Congress Calendar. Judge has also personally authored a collection of over 1,600 documents of relevance to governance and strategy-making.
10 More Enigmas That Defy Explanation
Mysteries What is it about the bizarre and mysterious that piques our curiosity? It entertains our sense of wonder and excites our imagination, for sure. Luckily for us, history is marked with strange, logic-defying occurrences to amuse us. Here is a list comprised of 10 more unexplainable and interesting phenomenon and incidents that we crave so much. This list is made up of a mixture of two submissions to the Christmas competition which shared some items, so it seemed a good idea to combine the two to give us ten things never before shown on the site.