saqoosha/FLARToolKit/en Spark project Wiki ナビゲーション (Japanese page) What is FLARToolKit ¶ AS3 ported version of ARToolKit. Actually, FLARToolKit is based on NyARToolkit, Java ported version of ARToolKit. 25 great free resources for making charts - Here you have a new roundup about a bunch of great tools for making charts and graphs. You can choose between web generators, flash, javascript libraries, Silverlight or PHP classes. At the end of the post you find also 3 tutorials to make pure css bar graphs and another one for Adobe Illustrator. Social Graphs of On-line Communities and Social Networking Sites by Valdis Krebs We all live in multiple on-line communities. What do these communities look like? Where are we located in each of our communities, and what role do we play?
Depth and Discovery: Powering Visualizations with the Google Analytics API: Juice Analytics Referrer Flow Curious about what sites are linking to you and what content is benefitting the most? Referrer Flow answers those question and shows how results change over time. Here is a brief video introduction: Referrer Flow is a stream of daily treemaps showing pageviews and bounce rates for various groupings of your website’s pages. You can group by combinations of page title, referrer and url. morris.js Getting started Add morris.js and its dependencies (jQuery & Raphaël) to your page. 1 <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">2 <script src="//"></script>3 <script src="//"></script>4 <script src="//"></script> If you don’t want to use the CDN-hosted assets, then you can extract them from the zip bundle and upload them to your own site. Your first chart Start by adding a <div> to your page that will contain your chart.
processingas - Google Code is a port of the Processing programming language to ActionScript. It includes a fully functional parser and evaluator, as well as an API layer, to run many existing and new Processing scripts. To check out in action, take a look at the following examples: The processing.swf file can be placed in any webpage and loaded with a Processing script dynamically via JavaScript. Protovis Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots. Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. It uses JavaScript and SVG for web-native visualizations; no plugin required (though you will need a modern web browser)! Although programming experience is helpful, Protovis is mostly declarative and designed to be learned by example.
Eric Blue's Blog: Dataesthetics: The Power and Beauty of Da One of my areas of interest that has grown over the last couple years has been data visualization. I’m a visually-oriented learner, and I look forward to seeing any techniques, illustrations, or technologies that: 1) Allow people to assimilate information as fast as possible. 2) Deepen understanding of knowledge by visually illustrating data in new and interesting ways. There is nothing like having an intellectual epiphony after looking at a picture for a few seconds (pictures can definitely be worth a thousand words). 3) Present information in an aesthetically pleasing way.
The real-time collaborative application platform Fast online code editing Cloud9 IDE provides a super fast, home grown code editor that beats the speed and scalability of most editors out there (yes even native ones). Go and give it a try! Test and Debug your Code Cloud9 IDE lets you build, debug, and run your Node.js applications within the browser.