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Are You Bored? Try These Things: Act like a spy / secret agent for the day Act like you just met your friend for the first time Act profound Ad lib Add some strawberries to your ice cream Adopt strange mannerisms Alphabetize the food in your fridge Announce your candidacy for President. Annoy total strangers Apply for a unicorn hunting license Appreciate everything Archive the Internet to 3.5" floppy disks (low density of course) Arrest yourself Ask a question nobody can answer Ask embarrassing questions Ask for seconds Ask people how to pronounce their name Ask people if they want to see your “belly button treasure” Ask people if they’ve seen your head Ask stupid questions. Ask the person in front of you to marry you. Ask why At the bottom of escalators yell “MY SHOELACE!” Burp the Happy Birthday song Bury your father’s car Buy something from an infomercial Call a wrong number and talk to whoever answers. Give yourself a new identity Glue pages of your roommates textbooks together.
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Online Doodle Tools
Click on the links below to go straight to the site and start drawing. Click on the links in the sidebar at the left to see samples and tutorials for each site. Any of these web pages would be especially spectacular on an Interactive White Board. GraffitiDo Fluid Painter Bomomo Jackson Pollock Flame Painter Flurrious Scribbler
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