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{this is glamorous} : adventures in love, design, fashion, home decor, food and travel

{this is glamorous} : adventures in love, design, fashion, home decor, food and travel

Indulgy - Everyone deserves a perfect world! Home Shopping Spy ♥ Pretty Things ♥ Es Miercoles, y hace un día precioso, y para celebrarlo, post con cositas preciosas e inspiradoras...It's Wednesday, and makes a lovely day, so let's go with him with little things beautiful and inspiring... vía vía vía vía ¿Que os parecen?

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coco+kelley | 21 Settings, Techniques and Rules All New Camera Owners Should Know In this article, we’re going to share 21 photography settings, techniques, and rules you should know as a beginner photographer. Some are very basic while others go a little deeper, but all have been selected from our archives specifically for beginners and new camera owners. Enjoy! Introduction to useful modes and settings on your digital camera 1. Digital Camera Modes Explained – I spoke with a family friend recently who had just bought a new point and shoot camera. 2. 3. 4. 5. Other basic camera techniques 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Camera care and maintenance 13. 14. 15. 7 Digital Camera Predators and How to Keep them at Bay – This tutorial takes you through 7 of the most common ways that digital cameras get damaged, what to look out for, and what preventative actions you can take. Composition tips 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Of course, these 21 photography settings, techniques, and rules for beginner camera owners just scratch the surface of all there is to learn about the art of photography.

