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And the Flipped Classroom

And the Flipped Classroom

I've Copyrighted "Flipped Classroom" First, let me say, I have copyrighted the terms Flipped Classroom, Flipped Learning, Flipped Teaching and #flipclass. No one in the media can write a story using any of the terms without consulting me. No company can use any of these terms to promote a product without my approval. No one can blog or tweet on the topic without my endorsement. What? Yes, the problem is the amount of information and misinformation out there regarding Flipped Classroom/Learning/Teaching. “This measurement of progress could be a breakthrough, says Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Google, who tells Gupta that innovation never comes from the institutions themselves, but rather from visionary figures outside those institutions. I’ll concede, as I believe most flipclass proponents would, that flipping is not the end-all-be-all, silver bullet, magic potion, or panacea to solve all our educational problems. So, most people would expect me to put the definition of Flipped Learning/Classroom/Teaching here.

Mme-Dill - home #michED Summer Chats Are Here! | #michED Eager for more of the same great positive collaboration and communication that the #michED chat gave educators and students across Michigan this last school year? Well we’re back! Starting Wednesday, June 25th we’re starting up the summer chat schedule. We’ve got a great list of moderators lined up from around the state, with more podcasts on the way as well. The #michED chat is an effort to share great ideas and create a positive environment for change, decoupled from the current politics surrounding the education reform movement in Michigan. All #michED chats are on Wednesdays @ 8 pm EST I hope everyone has been having a terrific summer, and is working hard to make next school year even better!

Flipping the Flipped Classroom « thornburgthoughts Many years ago, when buzzword bonanza was hitting the world of business books, I wrote a joke booklet with the name: In Search of the One-Minute Megatrends. I was happy to see that I could include pieces of titles from three popular books at the time. Had I actually published such a book, it would likely have risen to the top of the heap, just based on the title alone. I mention this because we are seeing a buzzword blast in education today that I think we should step back from a bit and think about quite carefully before jumping on the bandwagon. OK, let’s buy the idea that this riveting YouTube entry is better that the average cat video, what chance do students have to ask for help as the presentation is proceeding? The fact that Skinner, himself, recanted his basic premise has had little effect on those who persist in thinking of minds as vessels to be filled with disconnected facts. But even this is not the reason I’m so concerned about “flipped” classrooms. Like this:

Foreign Language Resources from the Flip Class Conference 2012 | Reflipping the flipped The fifth annual flip class conference started yesterday, June 19th, and will continue and finalize today, June 20th. As you already know, I am in Ukraine at the moment and found it a bit difficult to attend the conference physically in Chicago, bummer! Fortunately, it is streamed live and so I am attending it on the “flip side” (as I saw someone calling it on Twiter). So, before we go on with the “Flip Class Stages“, I want to share these awesome Flip Conference 2012 goodies Since it’s keynote introduction, I have been frantically sharing tweets with ideas, resources, tools, best practices, flippers, etc. Preliminary messages The flip class conference this year has 24 presenters, compared to 8 from last year. Opening keynote session: “Student-driven Learning in the Flipped Classroom” Brian Bennett (@bennettscience) did an amazing job opening the conference. “Start the change with the physical space. Managing the Flipped Classroom Using Google Apps Flipping French: A Middle School Experience

edcampnomi - home Engage All Levels of Education You want to use digital learning in your classroom, but how do you start? Today's educational climate puts an increasing emphasis on incorporating technology into student learning, including everyday projects, lessons, skill sets, and online assessments. Watch the recorded presentations, below, from your favorite flipping pioneers at ISTE 2013. Get Education Pricing Try TechSmith tools free for 30-days and save big with education pricing! Learn More >> Learn More about Flipping Use technology to flip your classroom and create the engaging learning environment you've always wanted. Learn More >> Dr. Graham Johnson, Okanagan Mission Secondary Steve Kelly, St. Lori Hochstetler, Northridge Middle School Rob Zdrojewski, Amherst Central Schools Kristin Daniels, Stillwater Area Public Schools Brian Bennett, TechSmith

4 Ways Flipping Forces Fundamental Change - Getting Smart by Susan Lucille Davis - edchat, edreform, flipped classroom Email Share June 14, 2012 - by Susan Lucille Davis 0 Email Share Photo Courtesy of Flickr: kkimpel I generally like the idea of turning things upside-down if only to see what happens as a result. Flip #1: When and where should learning happen? At its core, flipping the classroom forces us to question the who-what-where-when-and-why of what we do. Flip #2: Why are we lecturing anyway? Too many teachers have confessed to me that they lecture because that’s what they think teaching is, or they lecture because the students won’t read assigned textbook selections and they have to deliver the content somehow (ironically, transferring one boring method of delivery into another). So, why do we feel compelled to do something that we know we do – let’s admit it – rather badly? Flip #3: How can we partner with parents? Let’s face it. Flip #4: Why not be more transparent? Flipping the classroom forces us to reckon with this kind of completely naked exposure of our teaching selves.

Commit to 14 Hours of PD As the summer draws to a close, your calendar is likely packed with Back-to-School events and classroom preparation. However, I’m going to challenge you to prioritize something else during this crazy time of year: YOUR PERSONALIZED PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLAN. And while other things might seem more important right now, the research proves otherwise. Just last month, the Center for American Progress released a report on the status of professional learning in U.S. Schools. That’s because the types of professional development offered to teachers are often poorly designed. Research shows that effective professional development must: 1) Identify a topic. 2) Find resources. 3) Actively commit to 14 hours of learning and on-the-job experimentation. Professional learning makes our classrooms better places for students. Photo Credit: by Terry McCombs

Flipped Classroom Resistance Will Richardson has a nice piece about three popular terms in the education community now: Personalizing flipped engagement. While interesting commentary on all three, I was drawn into his commentary on the flipped classroom primarily because I find the pushback on this quite intriguing: As a high-school English teacher, I was flipping in the classroom in 1983, having my students read the literature at home and come into class ready to discuss it. That was flipping the curriculum, but it still wasn’t flipping the control of the learning. I get it. But I reminded of how many teachers haven’t even taken this step. There is little emphasis on the learner and learning. And I’m reminded of how many of these teachers have balked at talks that move them on the continuum towards a different notion of learning. So I started to speak from where the teachers were to slowly but surely move them on the continuum. Beyond the Starting Point (slightly modified from this older post)
