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How to Create Student Digital Portfolios Using Evernote

How to Create Student Digital Portfolios Using Evernote
Related:  margittay

The 100 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You The Wordle of this list! (Click image to enlarge) One of the most popular posts on Edudemic in 2010 was The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You and I felt it might be time for an update to that list for 2011. In order to put together a list of the best Web 2.0 classroom tools, I polled my Twitter followers, Facebook fans (are they still called fans? Likes?) and ran a contest to try and get as many submissions as possible. There were more than 900 submissions but many were duplicates. Flipteaching 15 Popular EdTech Tools Being Used Around The World During the past month, Katie and I have been working our tails off to make the upcoming September issue of the Edudemic Magazine for iPad (comes out tomorrow!) as helpful as possible to all teachers around the world. To do so, we spoke with teachers from, well, around the world. During those conversations, we discussed an array of topics, trends, tools, and whatever else popped up. One of the many things that struck me was that most of these admittedly ‘connected teachers’ use the same web tools and apps. So without further ado, these following 15 tools (in no particular order) are apparently some of the most popular tools being used by the teachers I spoke with from around the world. Schoology : Through this social site, teachers can manage lessons, engage students, share content, and connect with other educators.

Web 2 Tools by Task Avators: Build your Wild Self - create a self portrait and learn about the animal parts incorporated into your avatar. Mikons - where people communicate through visual symbols, logos, icons, or avatars to tell a story is a web application that produces animated characters to which you can add your voice (or anybody else’s). Blogging / Bookmarking Tools: 43Things - share your list of 43 life goals/priorities Corkboard - create an online corkboard to collect images, text, video or even music Delicious is a social book-marking site which allows you to access your book-marks from any computer. Diigo allows you to access and share your bookmarks from anywhere. Digg - social bookmarking Ecto - blog management tool which allows for features driven offline blog prep Edmodo is a micro-blogging service (like Twitter) for teachers and students. Edutopia - Empowering and connecting teachers, administrators, and parents with innovative solutions and resources to better education. Comic and Animation:

Digital Portfolios Note to all visitors to this page: This wiki is a collaborative learning space. If you want to contribute to this e-portfolio or digital portfolio page, please join the wiki and then add your thoughts, your notes or describe how you created digital portfolios for your students. Please say which programs the students used, or whether they utilized Web2 tools like blogs or Wikis. Thanks! General information about Electronic or Digital Portfolios Check out this great slide presentation about . What is a digital portfolio? Lots of resources to create electronic portfolios Great "How to" tutorial to start blogging with Wordpress Diplomas Don't Prepare Students for the World. ePortfolios Do. 35 Professionally Designed Personal Portfolio Websites The !

8 Educational Apps To Create Digital Portfolios by Jennifer Rita Nichols, TeachThought Intern Digital portfolios are becoming increasingly popular in classrooms across North America. School administration, teachers, parents, and students are all recognizing the benefits of this amazing tool. Digital portfolios have the ability to impact education and student learning in ways that we simply have not been able to do before technology evolved to the level it is at today. Many educators are eager and willing to incorporate digital portfolios into their curriculum. 1. Platform: iOS Price: $1.99 This app is very easy to use for both teachers and students. Easy Portfolios allows the user to share items in the portfolio via email or upload to a Dropbox account. 2. Platform: Android and iOS Price: Free Evernote has become a very popular app to use for digital portfolios in classrooms. 3. Platform: iOs Price:Free VoiceThread is yet another app that has become very popular for use in classrooms as a digital portfolio tool. 4. Platform: iOS 5. 6. 7. 8.

How To Make Your Own Books From Wikipedia The Wikimedia Foundation home page says – Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. With nearly 3 million articles in the English version alone Wikipedia along with its sister wikis is an Alibaba’s treasure trove of information. Now, Wikipedia gives us a chance to take this information and use it as one of the oldest forms we have known ““ the humble book. It is just the Wikimedia Foundation’s attempt to make “˜human knowledge’ accessible to everyone”¦online and now also offline. To capsulize the process, users can collate the article pages of their choice and create a book from this existing material through a simple link available in Wikipedia. One essential caveat is that a user has to create an account and log-on to access the book features. The Wikipedia Help page goes through a step by step process of the nitty gritty”¦but I will give it a spin here too. Logging In / Create Account The Create A Book Menu Add The Title Of Your Book

Student e-Portfolios | The Big English Blog Avec certaines classes ou certains groupes, nous allons expérimenter cette année avec la création d’un STUDENT e-PORTFOLIO à l’aide de WIKISPACES. Chaque élève devra gérer son propre espace de travail en ligne, en incluant travaux écrits et oraux. On peut télécharger les travaux sous forme de documents en traitement de texte, des images, des fichiers sons enregistrés et des vidéos filmées. L’élève devra donner un accès à Mme Léger afin de lui permettre de suivre l’évolution du travail personnel de l’élève tout au long de l’année. Il est tout à fait possible pour l’élève de faire du travail au delà de ce qui est demandé en classe – c’est un peu l’avantage de ce type de travail. Pour les L LVA, le premier travail à mettre dans le portfolio sera la présentation filmée. Un exemple d’un portfolio est visible en cliquant sur ce lien

thanks. it's really useful video! by dinhhuong Oct 5
