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Marco Tempest: Nikola Teslas elektriske storhed og fald

Marco Tempest: Nikola Teslas elektriske storhed og fald

Nick Hanauer on the TED talk, income inequality controversy Kai Ryssdal: There was a story this week about income inequality and politics and the economy that got a decent amount of buzz. A guy named Nick Hanauer -- I should say a rich venture capitalist named Nick Hanauer -- gave a TED talk, those three- or four-minute big ideas talks that started as part of a conference called Technology, Entertainment and Design, TED. They're taped and a lot of them are posted online. But Hanauer's talk from a couple of months ago, about how the wealthy really aren't the engine of economic growth, went viral this week because it wasn't posted on the TED site. But we called Nick Hanauer anyway to ask why income inequality raises so many partisan hackles. Nick Hanauer: It's great to be with you. Ryssdal: So let's stipulate that wealth and poverty in this country, income and equality, has become partisan -- which it obviously has. Hanauer: I think that's a great and very important question and I wish that I had a good answer to it.

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