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DayZ Mod

DayZ Mod

DAYZ Another week for the team pushing towards a stable release. We considered releasing a version to stable branch mid week during maintenance, however there were still two serious issues to fix. The first was related to the testing architecture not being suitable for the large number of servers we were supporting on experimental, and the second related to the invisible zombies and players. Invisible players and zombies Fixing the invisible players and zombies was a product of moving to the client/server architecture but retaining some legacy aspects of the architecture. What occurred was that sometimes the straight path to a location was blocked due to desync on the server, i.e. the path on the server was different from the path on the client. Fireplaces and Emissive Improvements One key area for our survival focus has been cooking and the ability to make fireplaces. New towns in Chernarus New Weapon Content Mouse acceleration and player control Physics and Arrows Persistent Loot and objects

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