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The Bastards Book of Photography by Dan Nguyen

The Bastards Book of Photography by Dan Nguyen

Related:  Basic Photography Tips

Ron Herron's "Mamiya 35mm Cameras" Sunny 16 Rule The "Sunny 16" Rule and Other Camera Basics For some of the younger crowd it may seem hard to believe, but until the late 1960s very few photographers used electronic exposure meters. Most relied on experience (or secretly used printed exposure guides). Some photographers (us "Old-Timers") still prefer to work with the old mechanical cameras, and know that it pays to have some of the basics in your head, because the essential photographic facts, formulas and rules can help you get good shots, even when the fanciest of meters fail. The "Sunny 16" Rule The basic exposure rule for an average scene taken on a bright, sunny day is to use f/16 at a shutter speed equivalent to one over the ISO setting; that is, f/16 at 1/100 sec (or the nearest equivalent, 1/125) at ISO 100, etc.

Add the Andy Warhol Pop Art Effect to Photos the Easy Way Andy Warhol is considered by many to be the greatest artist in history. His pop art paintings were realistic, vivid, and detailed, while remaining simplistic at the same time. Luckily for us, we can recapture the pop art effect, made famous by Warhol, quickly and easily with digital photo editors. Pop art originated in London in the 1950’s. In England, they referred to it as propaganda art because it was heavily based off of media, advertising, and popular, marketable subjects. In the United States, we refer to it as pop art, pop being short for popular. How to Use Every Nikon Digital SLR: 18 steps (with pictures) There are a bunch of settings that you will want to set up once, and only once, with your Nikon digital SLR. As with everything else in this article, we'll make some enormous generalisations that will get you out there and shooting but don't hold true for everyone all the time. You can play with these things later, but for now, you want the basics out of the way. 1Set your camera to continuous shooting. By default, your camera might be set up for single-frame shooting, which meaning that you get one shot (and only one shot) for each press of the shutter button.

Full List Bromo volcano, Java, Indonesia Wayag Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia Antarctic expedition of AirPano, Part I Volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka, Kamchatka, Russia, 2015 Dubai, UAE Iceland, the best aerial panoramas New 7 Wonders of the World Petra, Jordan Great Wall of China Grand tour of Moscow, Russia Barcelona, Spain Everest, Himalayas, Nepal, Part II, December 2012 Santorini (Thira), Oia, Greece Plosky Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, 2012 Iguazu Falls, Argentina-Brazil.

Photography: How to Take Sharper Pictures Welcome If I had a nickel for every time someone with a new camera blamed the camera itself as the reason why their pictures aren’t coming out as crisp as those seen in photo books, magazines, or even this website, I’d be able to pay someone to write this guide for me. Unfortunately, I don’t. So here I am. Here are some easy, but essential tips on achieving the best (and by best, I mean the sharpest) results from your digital camera. Photoshop Photo Effects Photoshop makes it possible to edit your photos in countless ways. Photoshop provides photographers and designers with almost unlimited potential to edit photographs to achieve the desired results. With infinite possibilities the challenge is recognizing …Continue In this Photoshop tutorial, you will learn that how to turn a photo into an cut out painting, using a few filters with a very simple techniques.

100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! Konica Hexar The Hexar is an excellent camera aimed at "real" photography. It's one of the fastest operating cameras I've used, and thus can serve double duty as a point-and-shoot. But it's not a point-and-shoot; if you want something completely automatic that will fit in your pocket, you'll probably be happier with a Yashica T4, Nikon 35Ti, or Contax T2.

The 20 Best Websites for Learning Digital Photography I’m beginning to warm up to cheesy stock photos… have you noticed that I’ve used some super cheesy ones the last few days? I’ve spent several days searching all over the Internet to find the very best 21 up-and-coming photography websites. Each of the sites on this list are well deserving of a good read. While I have been following most of them for some time, a few of them were new to me. When you visit these sites, I would appreciate if you leave a comment letting the website owners know you found them through Improve Photography. Here, I will use “up-and-coming” to mean websites that are not yet household names (such as Digital Photography School, Strobist, or Scott Kelby’s Blog) even if the sites are already somewhat popular.
