Art and the Evolution of Consciousness — Eros & Kosmos Allan Combs California Institute of Integral Studies The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. — Henri Bergson The idea that consciousness, or experience, has evolved and may continue to evolve through time and history has been explored in one way or another by many philosophers and pioneers of the inner life, but is seen nowhere more clearly than in the history of art. Gebser’s explorations of art and history beginning with a sudden recognition that art at the fin de siècle represented a new kind of consciousness, a new way of seeing and experiencing reality. The most ancient of these forms of experience was the archaic structure of consciousness, perhaps 200,000 years into our past. The earliest human art seems to come from this period. These images exhibit a vigor and simplicity that has not been seen since. Horizontal Evolution Ancient tales from around the world include exchanges between human beings and gods or goddesses. — G. Zones of Experience
Myths About Giftedness ~ by Mary Rocamora, M.A. ~ There are many myths about the gifted that are held in the mainstream culture. The gifted can make it by themselves — they don’t need any extra attention, either as children or as adults. Actually, gifted children and adults need more mirroring and mentoring than most people because there is more inside that is yearning to be lived. Even if you have extraordinary talents, keep your light under a bushel. One should never feel too good about one’s abilities or show them off except when invited or alone. You can be gifted on your own time. After you have done everything you “should” do, you will finally be free to do something meaningful or creative. In the awareness work we offer, the gifted are moved irrevocably away from the obligatory demands of family, friends, being a “good person,” and even our ideas about survival. You can’t earn a living being who you are. If you get too big, you’ll die. The path to realization for the gifted is littered with land mines.
Exquisite Minds: Gifted and Creative Children | Exquisite Minds: Gifted and Creative Children « Support for Educators and Parents of Gifted and Creative Children "The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that cr Creativity across the life-span: A systems view Csikszentmihalyi, M. Talent Development III, pp. 9-18 Gifted Psychology Press 1995 This article by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi looks at three major issues related to creativity over a lifespan. They are: what can be learned about creativity; a model of optimal aging; and how to work with creative children. The author based this work on six years of interviews with scores of older adults who are still actively creative. I am going to talk about a set of studies on creativity which focuses on adults and which will result in a book scheduled to appear next year (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996). Most of you are interested in creativity in children, and of course that makes sense, because that's where the long process of creative development begins. In this paper, I want to bring up three major issues, which are among the topics of our study. The third issue is to use what we have learned about creativity in later life as a model for how to deal with creative children.
Halo Effect The idea that global evaluations about a person bleed over into judgements about their specific traits. The ‘halo effect’ is a classic finding in social psychology. It is the idea that global evaluations about a person (e.g. she is likeable) bleed over into judgements about their specific traits (e.g. she is intelligent). In the same way politicians use the ‘halo effect’ to their advantage by trying to appear warm and friendly, while saying little of any substance. But you would think we could pick up these sorts of mistaken judgements by simply introspecting and, in a manner of speaking, retrace our thought processes back to the original mistake. Likeability of lecturers Nisbett and Wilson wanted to examine the way student participants made judgements about a lecturer (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977). In fact the students had been divided into two groups who were going to watch two different videos of the same lecturer, who happened to have a strong Belgian accent (this is relevant!).
Science Fiction Timeline Site . . . Marc Carlson's KNOWN SPACE Chronology . . . Science Fiction Timeline Site • Larry Niven's Known SpaceFramed Site Timeline • Links TIME LINE of Larry Niven's Known Space Universe Revision 111407 Compiled by I. Some additional material by Richard S. Since all of this information has come from other sources, I don't feel as though I can copyright it. Notes on sources: The sources used for this were Larry Niven's stories and novels. The codes in parentheses indicate the source. TKS = Timeline for Known Space, published in Tales of Known Space (1975). The above materials will be superseded should different information be published. Finally, all items marked with an * are conjecture, based on the information on hand, and may be further explained by a description in brackets. I would like to point out that noting the inconsistencies between dates should not be construed as criticism. It should be noted that the dates of the Gil Hamilton stories are absolutely internally inconsistent. But I digress... about 15 Billion Years Ago Galaxies form.
www.rowthree A decade into the 21st Century and we have arrived at the future. The promise of Tomorrow. But instead we have looming energy crises, endless middle east conflict and more disappointing, we have no flying cars, Heck, for all the bright and clean future promised in 2001: A Space Odyssey, none of the real companies used as brands in the film even exist anymore. Below are over two dozen science fiction pictures that are worth your time. In the interest of talking about the films, it should be noted that *SPOILERS* are sprinkled through out the list. Code 46 Welcome to a world with borders, very difficult to permeate borders. Children of Men How would social mores change in a world without hope? Primer Time Travel has never been more ‘real’ than in Shane Carruth’s debut film. Moon After 1979’s Alien, nothing gets hammered harder than corporate culture (usually the functioning body of government) in science fiction films. The Fountain 28 Weeks Later The Host Paprika Pontypool Mr. Symbol
Lettre à toi qui pense baisser les bras Inscrivez-vous maintenant et recevez un guide gratuit sur les besoins humains Vos informations sont enregistrées dans un fichier informatisé conformément à notre Politique de confidentialité. Si tu envisages de baisser les bras face aux difficultés que tu rencontres en ce moment dans ta vie ou dans la réalisation de tes projets, alors lis cette lettre. J’ai bien entendu derrière les mots que nous échangions récemment que ton chemin de vie semble devenir de plus en plus chaotique. Entendons-nous bien. Nous avions déjà parlé du changement lors de nos précédents entretiens. Pour les changements que tu mets en place dans ta vie, c’est un peu pareil. Ce que je veux te dire par là, c’est que la période difficile que tu vis aujourd’hui se terminera forcément à un moment donné. rien n’est permanent, sauf le changement Je trouve cette pensée très à propos actuellement. Tu soulèves aussi la question pertinente de la différence entre persévérance et obstination. Et donc Oui, tu es en chemin. Christophe
Quantum Physics Is Fine, Human Bias About Reality Is The Real Problem By creating two entangled photons from a pre-existing system and separating them by great distances, we can 'teleport' information about the state of one by measuring the state of the other, even from extraordinarily different locations. Interpretations of quantum physics that demand both locality and realism cannot account for a myriad of observations, but multiple interpretations all appear to be equally good. Melissa Meister, of laser photons through a beam splitter When it comes to understanding the Universe, scientists have traditionally taken two approaches in tandem with one another. On the one hand, we perform experiments and make measurements and observations of what the results are; we obtain a suite of data. On the other hand, we construct theories and models to describe reality, where the predictions of those theories are only as good as the measurements and observations they match up with. Wikimedia commons users MichaelMaggs and (edited by) Richard Bartz Chad Orzel Dr.
A Statement from the Editor – The Astounding Analog Companion The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer began in 1973 as a way to honor exemplary science fiction and fantasy authors whose first work was published in the prior two calendar years. Named for Campbell, whose writing and role as editor of Astounding Science Fiction (later renamed Analog Science Fiction and Fact) made him hugely influential in laying the groundwork for both the Golden Age of Science Fiction and beyond, the award has over the years recognized such nominees as George R.R. However, Campbell’s provocative editorials and opinions on race, slavery, and other matters often reflected positions that went beyond just the mores of his time and are today at odds with modern values, including those held by the award’s many nominees, winners, and supporters. It is also important to note that this change in no way reflects on past winners or their work, and they continue to stand deserving of recognition. Like this: Like Loading...
Calling Bullshit.