Louis Sachar — Children's Author — Home Page
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'Holes' Lesson Plans
7 Creative Classroom ActivitiesThese activities include studying historical background, work with palindromes, making a timeline, working with cause and effect, more. Teacher Guide to Holes by Louis SacharHow might students use storyboards to demonstrate and to extend their learning? Check the resources here. Includes plot diagram and summary, essential questions, character maps, symbols, motifs and images, conflict analysis, vocabulary, more. Note: Storyboard That helps sponsor this site. The Backwards Poem AssignmentAfter listening to excerpts from Holes, students will discuss ways that author Louis Sachar uses irony, antonyms and vivid vocabulary to develop his story. Explore Writing with Louis SacharStudents make connections between the author's life and his work. HolesA variety of reading strategies and postreading activities, including an anticipation guide, a guided imagery activity, and a timeline. HolesA variety of post-reading activities.
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