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Kidsmart: Welcome

Kidsmart: Welcome
Related:  Online Safety Resources Where you are NOT alone! Created by Bill Belsey Osservatorio Cyberbullismo - Blog - Oggi vogliamo dare spazio a un interessante intervento scritto per il nostro blog da Christian Stocchi, giornalista, studioso dei meccanismi e dei linguaggi della comunicazione digitale, disciplina che insegna all’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Stocchi sta conducendo innovativi progetti di prevenzione al cyerbullismo e ai rischi del web con migliaia di studenti, a partire dal suo libro “Favole in wi-fi” (Einaudi ragazzi). Il metodo è stato anche presentato alla Notte Europea dei Ricercatori 2017 (info: Esce ora il suo nuovo libro, “Favole dell’ABC”, sempre con Einaudi, che cerca di spiegare, attraverso la tecnica favolistica, l’italiano 2.0. di Christan Stocchi Cyerbullismo, odiatori del web, violenza verbale: spesso ne indaghiamo le cause profonde. LEGGERE SENZA CAPIRE In rete leggiamo per lo più con la tecnica “a salto”. SCRIVERE SENZA PENSARE Sosteneva Umberto Eco: “I social media danno diritto di parola a legioni di imbecilli”. P.S.

Safer Internet Keeping Kids Safe Online If your child is surfing the web, you need to be paddling right alongside him — or at least observing carefully from the shore. While the internet offers goodies galore (educational materials, fun games, and connections with people all over the world), it can also pose risks to your child's physical safety and emotional well-being. Here's what is appealing — and what's dangerous — about several popular ways kids use the internet, along with suggested rules for keeping kids safe online. The bottom line: communicate with your child. Discuss what she's doing online and why. Set rules, and talk about them. Safety Standards These basic rules apply to keeping kids safe online; visit for age-by-age tips. Limit usage. Kids' Favorites Use this overview to understand what kids love to do online — and what risks go along with the rewards. What to know: One out of every five kids gets sexual solicitations online. What to do: Know who your child talks to online.

B4USurf - Home Fake news, 4 mosse per capire se la notizia è veraCyberbullismo Non tutto ciò che vediamo online è vero. Ma a volte può essere difficile distinguere tra un fatto realmente avvenuto e la fantasia. Per aiutare a distinguere le fake news dalle notizie vere, il Safer Internet Center (SIC), del Regno Unito, ha messo insieme alcuni suggerimenti rapidi. I suggerimenti sono rivolti ai giovani, ma anche gli adulti che devono farsi promotori di un utilizzo del web sicuro, ed imparare a distinguere tra le due notizie: la vera e la fake news. Ad essere finte potrebbero essere anche le immagini. ⇒ Alla fine dell’articolo un link Google permetterà di verificare se le immagini sono vere oppure trasformate Ecco una serie di domande che bisogna porsi, secondo il sito britannico, quando si legge una notizia, in modo da evitare di cadere nella trappola della fake news. Chi ha postato l’articolo? Chi ha postato l’articolo? Chi è l’autore? Bisogna però controllare se altri siti di notizie o siti web mainstream stanno riferendo la stessa storia. Quando è stato inviato?

Web Wise Kids Welcome, Parents — You can help your child become a responsible, ethical digital citizen with healthy online relationships. To do that, you’ll use the same successful parenting skills that you’re already using at home. Resilient digital citizens recognize and seek out the 3Cs—appropriate contact, content, and conduct—in all digital settings (e.g., iPods,instant messaging, chat, computer games, game consoles, cell phones, text messaging, webcams) To help you teach your children to safely and ethically use their digital devices,iKeepSafe has created the following programs: Wise Tech Choices Be informed and guide young people to use technology in a way that enhances our relationships and improves our health, wellbeing, and productivity. Cyberbalance in a Digital Culture iKeepSafe’s most recent research,”Cyberbalance in a Digital Culture,” explores how cyberbalance impacts day-to-day life. Copyright and Creativity for Ethical Digital Citizens iKeepSafe BEaPRO™ Parent App: Faux Paw the Techno Cat Project PRO

Cybersmart - Internet and mobile safety advice and activities: Cybersmart Cyber Safety - InformED It's always good to be cautious while on the internet. There are people in the cyber world who want to do harm to you or your computer. These are some good tips to keep in mind while you are surfing: Be careful about what you put on the web. It's on there forever and can be used to trace back to you at any time. Keep track of who you interact with on the internet. Some people may not be who they seem to be. Know that privacy is just an illusion. Even personal information on social networks can be easily recovered by anyone. Don't open any links in emails or chat rooms that look suspicious or unfamiliar. Also, never open any strange files that your computer may have downloaded from an email or a website. The best way on the internet to keep in touch with friends, sharing pictures and memories, and meet new people is by using a social network. Some of the most popular social networks as of today are: It may be unnerving to hear this but you virtually have no privacy on a social network. You should:

Teach Online Safety Key concepts for students to understand and apply to their online experience. C-SAVE is our volunteer program to teach young people cybersecurity, cybersafety, and cyberethics. It's easy to participate and use! When you start college, you're taking on new responsibilities, making your own decisions, and becoming part of the campus community. There is an important role that you can play in your college's cybersecurity efforts that combines these elements of responsibility, decision-making, and community. Every person in the school community has a role in keeping the Internet safe and secure. Interested in starting your own community-based cybersecurity awareness program?

Online Safety for Kids | Grades K - 5 Cyberbullying - - Sometimes referred to as online social cruelty or electronic bullying, can involve: Sending mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images or pretending to be someone else.Cyberbullying Prevention - Online bullying, called cyberbullying, happens when kids use the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.FBI Cyber Surf Islands - Travel to an island and learn how to stay safe online, including protecting your information, cell phone safety and more. (Flash required)FCC Kids Zone - Have fun with quizzes and games as you learn about the agency.

Cyberbullying - what it is, how it works and how to understand and deal with cyberbullies what is it? :: how it works :: why cyberbully? :: prevention :: take action :: what's the law? Join us for the 2014 StopCyberBullying Youth Summit in New Brunswick on March 22nd, 2014 starting at 8:00am at NBCC Woodstock! Home of "Don't Stand By, Stand Up," StopCyberbullying was the first cyberbullying prevention program in North America. Click here to See Pictures and Videos from the 2013 International Stopcyberbullying Youth Summit Contributions from Montague Consolidated Students for the International Stop Cyberbullying Youth Summit in Charlottetown on November 9th, 2013.

Faux Paw the Techno Cat As a caring educator, you can equip your students to be ahead of the curve and understand early on the intricacies of new media and cybersafety. Students spend half of their waking hours connected to digital devices—impacting their reputations, learning opportunities, and futures. Faux Paw the Websurfing Techno Cat series has been created by a team of leading child psychologists, educators, and law enforcement. Faux Paw’s Dangerous Download Music piracy causes severe economic losses every year around the world. Downloads Faux Paw Goes to the Games: Balancing Real Life with Screen Time Spending excessive time with media robs students of real world experiences and may result in lower grades. Faux Paw Meets the First Lady: How to Handle Cyberbullying Recent research reports that at least 15-35% of students have been victims of cyberbullying, while 10-20% admit to engaging in it. Faux Paw Adventures in the Internet
