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Walk Free - The Movement to End Modern Slavery

Walk Free - The Movement to End Modern Slavery
Related:  Stuff that matters

EARTHWORKS Earthworks' Mission Earthworks is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting communities and the environment from the adverse impacts of mineral and energy development while promoting sustainable solutions. Earthworks stands for clean air, water and land, healthy communities, and corporate accountability. How We Work We fulfill our mission by working with communities and grassroots groups to reform government policies, improve corporate practices, influence investment decisions and encourage responsible materials sourcing and consumption. We expose the health, environmental, economic, social and cultural impacts of mining and energy extraction through work informed by sound science. The Genesis of Earthworks Earthworks evolved from the work of two organizations: Mineral Policy Center and the Oil & Gas Accountability Project. Mineral Policy Center was founded in 1988 by Phil Hocker, Mike McCloskey and former Secretary of the Interior Stewart L. Collaboration, Efficiency and Effectiveness

Soi Dog Foundation - Sponsor A Dog or Cat Today See this turtle's miraculous recovery after getting caught in a piece of litter. When it comes to prioritizing environmental concerns, curbing litter isn't exactly at the top of the list. After all, when there are much bigger dangers like harmful emissions, overfishing, and climate change to worry about, how much harm are a few pieces of plastic on the ground really going to do? Just splitting a sixer of Strawberry Crush with my bros. What's the worst that could happen? But there's one turtle that would staunchly disagree with that mindset (or, at least he would if he could talk). Meet Peanut. The red-eared slider was found wandering the St. Peanut re-creating the fateful incident. Even after his rescuers snipped the plastic rings off, Peanut's shell was forever deformed into a figure-8, peanut-y shape (hence his name). These impairments made Peanut an easy target for predators, which meant he was unable to be released back into the wild. Today, Peanut has a home and a job with the State of Missouri. Peanut is ready for his close-up. Peanut rockin' out.

(111) Red Wolf Coalition Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (111) Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary Navdanya Wolf and Wildlife Studies - wolf research on Montana's Fishtrap pack emphasizing wolf behavior, wolf howling, wolf territory, wolf management, and the production of a wolf howling CD. Australia Yellowstone Country Photography ANTaR American Academy of Pediatrics Cuts Ties with Monsanto Months ago Mamavation learned that the American Academy of Pediatrics was in a sponsorship relationship with Monsanto, a chemical company and makers of DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, glyphosate & GMOs. In fact, Monsanto has been deemed the 3rd most hated company in the United States by the Harris Poll this year measuring “reputation quotient” which basically means how people feel about them. Baffled by this relationship, Mamavation founder Leah Segedie contacted the AAP through a close friend and colleague and was put in touch with their Public Affairs team. “I was completely shocked that the American Academy of Pediatrics, an organization that moms put their trust in at some of the most vulnerable times in their lives was associating with a company that didn’t elicit trust at all. Monsanto has seemed to have a bad year. But Monsanto has not been the only company that has seen controversy this year.

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