This prefab eco-home in the forest spins around at the push of a button to let in optimal sunlight Eighty miles from New York City’s bustling core is a rotating wooden structure, resembling an alien spacecraft and designed to withstand nearly any disaster. It is an ecological mansion of epic proportions that resides atop a 28-acre slot of land in New Paltz, with a number of unusually futuristic features, especially for a home carved out of organic wood and designed to fit snugly with the surrounding forested environment. Designed by Patrick Marsilli, the home known as Domespace, is one of two major concepts from Solaleya, an ecologically inspired architecture company with a mission to provide stunning, functional homes that preserve environmental integrity. The most interesting thing about the home, though, is that it can be rotated towards or away from the sun on demand. The Domespace is also a prefabricated model, meaning it was designed to pop up and take down quickly. The only downside, as you might expect, is that the home costs just shy of a million dollars, at $950,000.
BUILDING WITH HYPER-WATTLE - PDF Free Download 1 BUILDING WITH HYPER-WATTLE PATTI STOUTER NOVEMBER 24, 2012 Build Simple Inc.; 12 Juniper Road, Placitas, NM e: p: Above: Adding clay slip to a straw wattle wall CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 3 PROCESS 6 SUITABILITY 7 ECONOMICS SMALL HOUSE COSTS SMALL SHELTER COSTS 10 MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HYPER-WATTLE 11 ABOUT BUILD SIMPLE INC. 2 Low-cost Self-built or self-improvable Low-tech Local materials Greener than would otherwise be built Replicable where high-tech meets low-tech, low-cost-building efforts i The vision of the $300 house quoted above requires a strong but easy to learn and fool-proof building material. Geo-synthetics and fiber-clay can be combined into a simple building medium. They can make inexpensive housing comfortable and strong enough for seismic zones. My top-placing entry to the $300 House Contest was inspired by Owen Geiger of s innovations with mesh and with light clay. 6 inches/ cm. 11 These estimates are for handy amateurs. 12 ABOUT BUILD SIMPLE INC.
Geodesic Dome Hub Connector Index If you’ve ever thought much about building a geodesic dome, for whatever reason, it soon becomes obvious that most of the mojo is in the hubs, where the struts come together in radial groups. The long and storied history of the geodesic dome includes a large number of ingenious solutions—commercial, homemade, and readymade—to the “hub problem,” and the good folks at Domerama have compiled a bunch of them together on one page. Fun browsing, even if you’re not dreaming of domes so much anymore. [via Boing Boing] Geodesic Hub Connectors More:Math Monday: Geodesic Dome Chicken Coop
Green eco-friendly custom homes and interiors by Solaleya Designer Patrick Marsilli proposes a revolutionary solar structure Passive solar energy: Rotate your house away from the sun in summer to cool down and towards the sun in winter to warm up (on demand or automated rotation system). Optional Integrated solar panels to store energy as well as several possible ecological options for better energy efficiency. Structural strength: Anti-cyclonic Its aerodynamic form has proven resists without any damage to a wind up to 240km/hour (Taiwan Domespace resisted Cyclone Tim in 1994 and some others without deterioration). Anti-seismic The seismic ray that would make a 10 story building collapse turns around the ring gear of fixation without finding any perpendicularity. Every Domespace is erected over an elastomeric belt that works as a "silencer block"... like a piece of rubber that cushion vibrations. Arches are solidly anchored to a steel ring gear itself fixed to a pedestal made of reinforced concrete. Unparalleled structural integrity Pleasant habitat:
Maison à sec - en kit - Autoconstruction Construire à sec - Maison en bois 130m2 pour 170.000 Euros - 3 ch., séjour, cuisine à ossature bois - Architectes: Tectoniques est un collectif d'architectes français (Pierre-Yves Lebouc, Max Rolland, Alain Vargas et Raphaël Verboud) spécialisé dans les constructions écologiques et la filière sèche. L'agence joue une architecture « unplugged », simple, parfois rugueuse, un peu en marge des grosses productions « officielles ». Ses réalisations sont majoritairement construites en ossature bois, avec un niveau de préfabrication important et une utilisation limitée des mises en œuvre in situ. La construction idéale devrait s'apparenter à une opération de montage à sec, comme un mécano géant, rapide, propre et précis. Chaque nouveau projet ne fait pas l'objet d'une réinvention radicale. Je construis ma maison en kit - Les maisons en kit ont le vent en poupe ! La maisonnette à base de matériaux naturels, super-économique, et autonome en eau douce et en énergie (eau chaude et électricité)
domes – Seite 7 – Raum und Freude Seit heute ist klar, wie ich den Dome bauen werde. Klärung hat eine ausführliche Internetrecherche gebracht, in deren Verlauf ich einige Irrwege entlang surfen musste, bis ich schließlich auf die Webpräsenz von MERO stieß. Die bauen Kuppeln professionell und „in schön“. Also mindestens so schön wie groß, was durchaus etwas heißt, denn die haben das größte Gewächshaus der Welt mitgebaut. Für mich waren die Konstruktionselemente wichtig, die sie auf ihrer Website zeigen. MDF-Platten waren mir zu teuer und ich dachte, dass ich auf Frühstücksbrettchen oder deren große Brüder, Schneidbretter, ausweichen könnte. Spät am Abend hatte ich viel gelernt und wenig erreicht. Hier nur mal eine Idee, wie man auf diesem Konstruktionsprinzip aufbauend eine kleinere Lösungen verwirklichen könnte: Geschlitztes Wasserrohr, Schraubenköpfe in die Schlitze eingehängt und mit Schelle gesichert (alternativ größeres Rohrstück über das geschlitzte Ende schieben und sichern). Update (12.4.2011): Update (22.4.2011):
Energy study reveals savings for Monolithic Dome home owners | Monolithic Dome Institute At last! Five years of utility data has been collected and summarized for our Monolithic Dome nestled along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. As a quick review, we constructed Serenity Dome in ‘09 -’10. Serenity is a Callisto-based, 2/3 oblate ellipsoid, 50-foot Monolithic Dome on a three foot stem wall, with window and door augments. We are all electric except for an outdoor wood stove. For benchmarks we used data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) who track and publish residential billing and usage. With the caveat, “Your results will vary,” here’s our five year summary of electric consumption at Serenity Dome, along with the 2014 data for Virginia and the USA. Our average monthly utility cost per square foot was 3 cents.
Calculette de valeur U Guide rapide Le calculateur de la valeur U examine le composant (par exemple, un mur, un toit, le plafond, ...) sur l'effet d'isolation, protection contre l'humidité et la protection de chaleur estivale: Choisissez des matériaux de construction à gauche et placez le matériaux sur toile. Ajoutez toutes les autres couches.À la fin, insérer des poutres en bois dans la couche d'isolation.Entrez toutes les couches de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur.Les poutres en bois sont insérées via le bouton dans une couche de matériau isolant. Les résultats plus importants sont affichés en bas de l'écran. Les calculs pour l'utilisation commerciale sont conformes à la norme DIN EN ISO 6946 (valeur U), DIN 4108-3 (humidité) et DIN 68800-2 (réserve séchage). Remarques Les murs humides et moisis sont le cauchemar de nombreux constructeurs. En hiver, l'air ambiant chaud contient plus d'humidité que l'air froid à l'extérieur. La protection de l'humidité est particulièrement important pour des structures en bois. Describe your products in 3 words. Practical. Fun. Educational. How did you come up with the idea for this product? Chris has always liked geodesic domes, and about 5 years ago he made a geodesic dome on his allotment out of some old chestnut fence pales. What makes your product special? It makes the hard bit (the angles and joints) of a geodesic dome, simple. What has been the best part of your experience? There have been lots of little highlights – from meeting the God Daughter of Buckminster Fuller the first time we put up our prototype dome at a wood fair, to getting a 92 year old backer on Kickstarter who had worked on domes in the 70s. Dome Homes - Lexa Dome Homes Ltd.