Audit College Courses Danny Gallagher is a freelance writer, reporter and humorist who also contributes to TruTV's, Playboy's and He can be found on the web at or on Twitter @thisisdannyg. Getting accepted to a prestigious Ivy League school has its perks — and its price tag. But thanks to the Internet, you don’t have to take on mountains of debt to snag a piece of that educational pie. SEE ALSO: How Online Education Is Changing the Way We Learn [INFOGRAPHIC] Image courtesy of Flickr, Paul Lowry
Academic Bait-and-Switch - Advice By Henry Adams When I was a graduate student, I participated in academic fraud. I didn't plagiarize to get an article published or inflate my CV to get a job. I did something worse. I accepted a teaching assistantship as a doctoral student at Elite National University. By becoming a TA there, I took on a responsibility for which I had no qualifications: teaching first-year composition courses. Students attend ENU to be taught by experts, not amateurs. I thought it might be appropriate for Elite National U. to warn graduate students, especially those from small colleges, that their TA duties would include complete responsibility for teaching a course. "Absurd!" I never brought up the topic with a professor again. In those days, graduate programs at many universities sent teaching assistants into the classroom with no training, but ENU took pride in its support program. I hadn't prepared a response for obscenity, but the other students ignored Nate, so I went on. He looked down. Dr. Dr.
University of South Australia - quality university study and education in Australia Discussions about Energy and Our Future Higher Colleges of Technology About | For Students While NAFSA is not focused on providing resources or assistance directly to students, we do provide some resources and links to more student-oriented websites. Resources Financial Aid for Study Abroad Financial aid regulations and sources for study abroad differ for undergraduate and graduate students. This resource focuses specifically on undergraduate students. NAFSA International Education Marketplace NAFSA does not provide resources or assistance directly to students, but most of our members do. Absentee Ballot Procedures for Students/Educators Living Abroad Students or educators who will be abroad during federal elections need to fill out the Federal Postcard Application (FPCA) to request an Absentee Ballot and/or register to vote. Students Connecting Our World If you are a student starting to think about study abroad, preparing to go, or recently got back, Students Connecting Our World is the place for you. Notable U.S. U.S. International Students Seeking to Study in the U.S.