Poynter. | Standing for journalism, strengthening democracy | Journalism training, media news & how to's AoC MLE Clearinghouse - Home Las Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicacion en el aprendizaje Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en el Aprendizaje El gran desarrollo tecnológico que se ha producido recientemente ha propiciado lo que algunos autores denominan la nueva 'revolución' social, con el desarrollo de "la sociedad de la información". Con ello, se desea hacer referencia a que la materia prima "la información" será el motor de esta nueva sociedad, y en torno a ella, surgirán profesiones y trabajos nuevos, o se readaptarán las profesiones existentes. La dimensión social de las TIC se vislumbra atendiendo a la fuerza e influencia que tiene en los diferentes ámbitos y a las nuevas estructuras sociales que están emergiendo, produciéndose una interacción constante y bidireccional entre la tecnología y la sociedad. Para Cabero las TIC: Podríamos definir las TIC como: Existen múltiples instrumentos electrónicos que se encuendran dentro del concepto de TIC, la televisión, el teléfono, el video, el ordenador. Información multimedia. Web 1.0. Web 2.0. Básica Complementaria
Homepage | Data Driven Journalism Home - NAMLE - National Association for Media Literacy Education El uso de tecnologías en las escuelas no garantiza el aprendizaje: UNESCO Foto: Cuartoscuro Si bien se invierten recursos millonarios en equipar escuelas con computadoras, tabletas y conexiones a internet, esto no se traduce automáticamente en un mayor rendimiento de los estudiantes, ni en elevar la calidad de la educación si no está acompañado de mejores prácticas pedagógicas, capacitación a los docentes y currícula orientada al fortalecimiento de las habilidades. Así lo concluye el estudio Tecnología para la mejora de la educación, elaborado por Francesc Pedró, jefe de la División de Políticas Sectoriales, TIC y Educación de la UNESCO, que fue presentado el 9 de octubre pasado. El documento recoge la base de datos de la prueba PISA 2012 aplicada por la Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), donde se revela que los estudiantes de 15 años ocupan la tecnología en la escuela al menos una vez por semana sobre todo para entretenimiento. 1) Alfabetización digital o de nociones básicas de las tecnologías; 2) profundización del conocimiento 1.
Stop attacking ‘web-first’ as if the world is going to stand still The Hangover – a film from 2009 as well as a term which, coincidentally, can be used as a metaphor for the fact that we’re still talking about the same things now This week feels very much like 2009. That year I published a post titled ‘How the web changed the economics of news‘, a brief overview of some of the economic factors impacting on publishing which has recently experienced a resurgence of interest thanks to a Kingston University tutor whose students have been asked to review it. Their posts have been illuminating: not much, it seems, has changed since 2009. Many still think journalism is a high priesthood which will continue to thrive. Meanwhile, Editor and Publisher’s Kristina Ackermann argues in an editorial that “digital first wasn’t enough to keep [Journal Register Co] from sinking back into bankruptcy” because digital didn’t make as much profit as print and, therefore, it should be abandoned. *Sigh I am tired of comparisons between print revenue and web revenue. Like this:
Just Think International Symposium on Online Journalism Below are slide presentations that were made during the symposium event. Presentations (given in PDF, PPT or PPTX Format Below) are listed in order of panel session. Some presentations are not included based on panelist's request. Friday Morning Keynote: Building a Media Company for the Digital Age: Lessons from the FieldJim Bankoff, chairman and CEO at Vox Media (The Verge, SBNation, Polygon, Eater, etc) >> Download PDF Bots, drones, sensors, wearables, etc.: The new tools for journalists Larry Birnbaum, professor of computer science and journalism at Northwestern University; and chief scientific advisor at Narrative Science >> Download PPT John Keefe, senior editor for Data News & Journalism Technology at WNYC >> Download PDF New Research Pathways in Digital News Content: From Preservation to Curation (Research session) Emerging Journalistic Practices in the Digital Age (Research session)
New Guardian, Scoopshot efforts bring elements of automation to photo verification User-generated content is rife with risk and opportunity. The opportunity for it to deliver remarkable images is made clear on an almost-daily basis, be it in the midst of a crisis like the Boston Marathon bombings, Hurricane Sandy, or simply someone snapping a notable shot at a local event. The risk is that images are easily faked, scraped and manipulated. News organizations and others seeking to source images and information from the crowd therefore have no choice but to push forward with new methods of verification — and to make existing methods quicker and more accurate. The Guardian and Scoopshot both recently unveiled new initiatives to bring an element of automation to verification. Authenticity scoring Scoopshot is a crowdsourced photography service that enables news organizations to source (and assign) photographs from their community and from users around the world. But Stewart also noted some of this approach’s limitations. Economic incentives for automation