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Technologie(s) et société de la connaissance : Actualité La grande peur de 2009 semble oubliée Souvenons-nous de l’été 2008. Depuis plus d’une année les cours du pétrole avaient augmenté pour atteindre en juin 145 $/baril. Avec quelques trimestres de retard, cette crise s’étend à l’Europe et au Japon. A l’été 2013, les constructeurs se prennent à espérer à nouveau. Pour beaucoup de constructeurs et d’analystes, l’industrie automobile vit une nième crise dont elle se sortira comme d’habitude par plus de volumes, plus de nouveaux modèles. Est-ce que cet optimisme, certes relatif car aujourd’hui les constructeurs généralistes les plus faibles (PSA, Fiat, Opel…) sont loin de pouvoir considérer être sortis de la zone de danger, est-il réellement fondé ? Il peut y avoir en effet un autre scénario… L'Eldorado chinois est-il sans risque ? Plusieurs facteurs doivent être réévalués à travers le prisme de l’histoire récente en dissociant pays au marché mature et pays émergents. Le cas de la Chine est particulier. La voiture du XXIe siècle reste à inventer
Reasoning Well: - skills for philosophy Stakeholder Engagement: Opportunities, Types and Vehicles | Change Leader's NetworkChange Leader's Network Linda Ackerman Anderson Dean Anderson Creating an effective stakeholder engagement strategy is an extremely important aspect of your overall change strategy. The more engagement you have, the more commitment and positive contribution you will have, and, as engagement goes up, resistance goes down. However, stakeholder engagement is not easy. It takes time and resources to coordinate involvement, and takes people away from their normal operational jobs. This article will help you think through the key aspects of stakeholder engagement in preparation for designing your engagement strategy. Engage in What? The first question to answer is, “In what change tasks do you want your stakeholders to engage?” You should begin thinking about engagement the moment you conceive your need to change. Early stakeholder engagement will cause your initial phases of change to be more complex, but you will have to deal with far fewer people problems during implementation if you engage people early. Engage How?
Assembled Philosophers 7 Tools to Assess and Accelerate Organizational Culture Change | Change Management | Change Management Consultant | Plan | Training | Business Change Management | Implementing Change What is Organizational Culture? “Organizational culture is the sum of values and rituals which serve as ‘glue’ to integrate the members of the organization.”- Richard Perrin Organizational culture can be described as the shared norms; unspoken rules, underlying assumptions; behaviours and expectations that govern the way people approach their work and interact with each other. “Organizational culture is civilization in the workplace.” - Alan Adler In order to implement strategic initiatives that will change how the organization operates and/or competes, it is important that an organization understands the current status of its organizational culture. What are the benefits of assessing Organizational Culture? Tools to assess Organizational Culture Below is a selection of assessment tools to help conduct an organizational culture assessment: Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument – OCAI Online Organizational Culture Inventory – Human Synergistics International Further Reading Accelerate!
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Lewin's Change Management Model - Change Management Training from MindTools Understanding the Three Stages of Change Find out about Lewin's Change Management Model, in this short video. Change is a common thread that runs through all businesses regardless of size, industry and age. Our world is changing fast and, as such, organizations must change quickly too. Organizations that handle change well thrive, whilst those that do not may struggle to survive. The concept of "change management" is a familiar one in most businesses today. One of the cornerstone models for understanding organizational change was developed by Kurt Lewin back in the 1950s, and still holds true today. Understanding Lewin's Model If you have a large cube of ice, but realize that what you want is a cone of ice, what do you do? By looking at change as process with distinct stages, you can prepare yourself for what is coming and make a plan to manage the transition – looking before you leap, so to speak. Unfreeze This first part of the change process is usually the most difficult and stressful.
Digital art gallery - MandelBulb MandelBulb Forme de la nature ? Sculpture sur bois ?... ...non, c'est "MandelBulb", un fractal 3D ! En vidéo, voyages dans un fractal 3D... Pour plus d'infos (en anglais) et d'autres images sur Skytopia... Change Management infoKit - Overview and Introduction Change is endemic in the education sector. The pressures for change come from all sides: globalisation, changes to the funding and regulatory regime, doing more with less, improving the quality of student learning and the learning experience, and the pace of change is ever increasing. Living with change and managing change is an essential skill for all. Change is also difficult. The following diagram describes the general route through the materials in the Kit: This infoKit was originally developed in 2006 out of a HEFCE Good Management Practice Project led by the University of Luton (now the University of Bedfordshire) entitled ‘Effecting Change in Higher Education’. The ‘Effecting Change’ team summarise their findings by the following observations: There are no easy solutionsAdapt processes to suit the change intendedChange requires teamwork and leadership (and the two are related)Work with the culture (even when you want to change it)Communicate, communicate, communicate
Irena Sendlerowa Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Irena Sendlerowa Irena Sendlerowa à Varsovie en 2005. Irena Sendlerowa (Irena Sendler), née Krzyżanowska[1], le 15 février 1910 à Otwock et morte, le 12 mai 2008[2] à Varsovie, était une résistante et une militante polonaise qui sauva 2 500 enfants juifs et qui fut déclarée Juste parmi les nations en 1965. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Jeunesse[modifier | modifier le code] Elle est élevée à Otwock, dans une banlieue ouvrière de Varsovie. Seconde Guerre mondiale[modifier | modifier le code] Dès les premiers jours de l’occupation allemande, elle commence à travailler au Département de l’Aide Sociale à la mairie de Varsovie où elle organise l’aide aux pauvres[3]. Le gouvernement polonais en exil à Londres s’est chargé d’envoyer des fonds et créa Żegota, une Commission clandestine d’aide aux Juifs. En décembre 1942, la Commission d’aide aux Juifs la nomme chef du département de l’enfance. Bilan de son action[modifier | modifier le code]