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Twitonomy: Twitter #analytics and much more...

Twitonomy: Twitter #analytics and much more...
Related:  Literacy Toolkit

Tweepsmap - Deep Twitter Analytics and Publishing ManageFlitter, un bon outil pour qualifier ses followers et les gérer A force d’utiliser Twitter, on peut se retrouver avec une liste énorme de followers. Le fil de lecture devient alors ingérable. C’est d’autant plus dommage que certaines personnes ne twittent pas des choses en rapport avec vos centres d’intérêts. Il est temps de nettoyer ! ManageFlitter est un webware qui permet de gérer ses followers. La fonctionnalité la plus intéressante selon moi est celle qui permet de trouver les Twittos que vous suivez et qui ne vous suivent pas. Vous pouvez également choisir de supprimer certains followers qui twittent trop peu à votre goût. Ce que j’aime particulièrement avec ce webware, c’est qu’il est capable de revenir en arrière à tout moment dans l’entreprise de nettoyage. ManageFlitter n’est pas unique en son genre mais il fait bien ce qu’il annonce. Testez ManageFlitter

Creer une timeline personnalisee dans Twitter - Les outils de la veille - Pale Moon Twitter vient de lancer une nouvelle option pour faciliter la curation de contenus depuis la twittosphère. On pouvait jusqu’à présent se créer des listes pour suivre plusieurs comptes Twitter, on pouvait embarquer facilement un tweet sur site ou un blog, on peut désormais se créer une timeline personnalisée que l’on pourra ensuite partager facilement. Une petite révolution qui va simplifier la curation, mais aussi le storytelling à partir de Twitter. Cette nouvelle fonction est en ligne depuis 48heures sur le client de Twitter, TweetDeck. TweetDeck permet de créer une colonne supplémentaire, à custom timeline, et y glisser à la volée des tweets. Cette timeline peut ainsi servir à partager une curation spécifique chaque fi de semaine, ou encore sélectionner une série de tweets sur un sujet d’actualité. La mise en place dans TweetDeck est très simple. Une nouvelle colonne va apparaitre dans TweetDeck. Il ne vous reste plus qu’à la remplir.

Twitter's new 'embedded on these websites' feature helps users discover the story behind a tweet Twitter has begun trialling new features that give users a way to learn more about the tweets that they read. As noted by security expert Mikko Hypponen, Twitter has enabled a new "Embedded on these websites" notice below popular tweets on the web which lists articles that feature it. Users are invited to click through and discover the story behind the original post. It's one step towards the "DVR mode" that Costolo envisioned Last week, Twitter CEO Dick Costolo outlined plans to help users cut through the noise of Twitter during events without losing the real-time feel of the conversation. By listing website links alongside Twitter content, the company is making good on its promise to help users track moments.

21 Free Social Media Analytics and Comparison Tools for Marketers - NetBase Quid Unless you find ways to connect to your audience, on their terms, across every touchpoint, your brand is at risk. And that’s why getting to know your potential consumers is important, and it’s a process that must be fast, precise, and ongoing. And it can only be accomplished with the help of social media data aggregated and monitored by robust web and social analytics tools. Social media analysis is not intuitive though. Competitors aren’t always obvious, as innovative disruptors continue to emerge, and getting to the top of your industry doesn’t guarantee you’ll stay there. And it’s essential to stay on top of the latest and greatest offerings with the stats, facts and insight that follow to inform your digital marketing efforts. But which social marketing analytics tools are “right?” At NetBase Quid, we define social media analytics as gathering not only social media data from social channels, but other web-wide data as well – from both structured and unstructured sources. 6.

11 Effective Twitter Strategies for Brands Brands are missing out on big opportunities to engage with consumers on Twitter by tweeting at the wrong time or in the wrong way, according to an interesting study from Buddy Media. The report, Strategies for Effective Tweeting: A Statistical Review, found that many brands aren’t using Twitter effectively and outlines the top strategies for engaging with consumers. Buddy Media looked at user engagement for the top 320 brands on Twitter between December 11, 2011 and February 23, 2012 to see how successful they were at getting @replies and retweets. Their engagement rates were also assessed to quantify the relationship between @replies and retweets based on their number of followers. Use these best practices and proven tactics to communicate effectively on Twitter: 1. Twitter engagement rates for brands are 17% higher on Saturday and Sunday vs. weekdays, but brands don’t leverage this trend. 2. Clothing and Fashion: Tweet on weekends Sports: Tweet on weekends when big games are on 3. 4. 5.

Create Twitter Backgrounds - Custom Twitter Backgrounds - Pale Moon Mapping Travel, Languages & Mobile OS Usage with Twitter Data Some of the most compelling use cases we’ve seen for analyzing Twitter data involve geolocation. From NGO’s looking at geotagged Tweets to help deploy resources after disasters, to brands paying attention to where their fans are (or their disgruntled customers) to help drive engagement and marketing strategies, location adds key value to Tweet content. We’ve been fascinated by these use cases and have wondered what else could be done with this data. A couple months ago our Data Science team set out to explore these questions, and to create some resources at the same time that would help others study and make use of geotagged Tweets. We brought in the team at MapBox – including data artist Eric Fischer – to help us dig into the data and visualize what we found in fast, fully navigable geotagged Twitter maps that would let us and our readers really explore this data in depth. Locals and Tourists (Round 2) Where do people tweet relative to where they live? Device Usage Patterns English only

Jennifer's #20DayTwitterChallenge #20DayTwitterChallenge! Twitter offers opportunities to learn from and connect with other educators in ways thatare simply not possible throughtraditional professional development.That said, while it's easy toget startedwith Twitter, it'snotalways easy to stick withit. Creating an account and leveraging that account in ways that benefit your students are two completely different things. This challenge is designed to help make Twitter work for you in ways that are both meaningful and fun! In the next 20 days, you’llnot only create an educational Twitter account but, more importantly, you’ll practice ways to use that accountfor ongoing professionalgrowth that ultimately results in excellent outcomes for kids. This resource was created by @jenniferlagarde with help and inspiration from @jeannietimken ClickMe! Let's get started! It's finally time to send your first Tweet! Let's spend today applying a new lens to your PLN. Congrats! The #20DayTwitterChallenge is almost over. Congrats! Go live!

#Twitter améliore ses recherches Depuis quelques jours, Twitter a modifié son moteur de recherche. Apparemment, tous les comptes n’ont pas encore la chance de disposer de toutes ces nouvelles fonctionnalités de recherche, en attendant voici ce que le site de micro-blogging a fait évoluer: la recherche instantanée: au fur et à mesure de la frappe de votre recherche, des suggestions apparaissent, un peu (beaucoup) comme lorsque l’on fait une recherche en utilisant Google. Les applications mobiles sur IOS et Androïd ont aussi été mises à jour. L’information officielle de Twitter: Plusieurs billets traitant de ce sujet: - sur le blog de pcinpact: - sur le blog de presse-citron: Twitter indique également que ces améliorations sont non seulement disponibles sur le site mais aussi sur les applications officielles des plateformes iOS et Android. A propos de : Julie Fiard
