IGN Intime /page/2 IGN Intime soutient Kikipedia 2 years ago 1 note "J’habite a Peupré - A peu pres ou ? Radio Soulwax Download the RADIO SOULWAX app for iphone / ipad / android or watch online at Our homage to the man whose ability to change whilst remaining himself has been a massive influence on us. There are many legends in the music industry but for us, there is no greater than the mighty Dave. We've included all things Bowie, whether that is original songs, covers, backing vocals, production work or reworks we made, to attempt to give you the full scope of the man's genius. For the visual side to this mix our friend Wim Reygaert (who also made the amazing film for Into The Vortex) came up with the most ambitious film for RSWX, taking us on a fever dream time travel through the man's career starring the amazing Hannelore Knuts as Dave.
Parov Stelar - The Princess, Pt. 1 - Albums On his new album "The Princess" Parov Stelar consequently advances his unmistakable style. He also prolongs one ot the most amazing success stories of the past years. A certified border-crosser of musical styles, Parov Stelar has examined well-tried and partly classic patterns, deconstructed them and re-defined his very own style along the way. At the same time he evolved from a DJ and producer to a first class band leader. Since then he and his band travel from one big festival stage and club to another. His fans do appreciate this kind of tireless commitment: the past decade had him gather a loyal, international fan-base, almost all of his upcoming dates are sold-out months in advance.
Yuck - Yuck Full Album Adopte Une Conne Lady, You Shot Me - Har Mar Superstar Nicolas Jaar w pełnym wymiarze : Aktualności - Nowe Brzmienie Sieci - Biorący szturmem elektroniczną scenę muzyczną Nicolas Jaar ogłosił właśnie wydanie debiutanckiego albumu - "Space Is Only Noise" w lutym przyszłego roku dla Circus Company. Sam Seth Troxler mówi o nim "jednen z najbardziej utalentowanych umysłów w muzyce elektronicznej". Nicolas Jaar, bo o nim tu mowa, zaczął produkować muzykę zaledwie jako 14-latek, a już 3 lata później zadebiutował na wytwórni Wolf + Lamb Music singlem "The Student". Kolejne EP'ki artysty ukazywały się na Double Standard Records oraz Circus Company. Po numery Jaara w swoich kompilacjach sięgały takie gwiazdy jak Timo Mass ("Balance 017"), Damian Lazarus ("Fabric 54") czy też Seth Troxler ("Boogy Bytes Vol.05").
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