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12 Pictures of Space You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped

12 Pictures of Space You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
Look, we all know that space is the final frontier, that space is cold and unforgiving and that in it, nobody can hear you scream. But what you might not know is that, when it thinks nobody is looking, space puts on a frilly dress, covers its forearms in honey and spins around until it falls over ... because space is just flat-out crazy as hell. Oh, don't take our word for it or anything; we have photographic evidence. #12. You know what Jupiter looks like -- kind of like a dirty marble -- and you know, objectively, that those bands and swirls you're looking at are all big storms. GIF BinIT'S GETTING CLOSER! You might have seen this before in the movie Another Earth, but if not, well, now you have this time-lapse gif to haunt your existential nightmares for the rest of time. #11. Big Bear Solar Observatory via Discovery News #10. Remember that famous face on Mars that turned out to be a big, fat nothing? By God, that was one hell of an ARG. The Crowned FacesIs that ... Mars Findings #9. #8.

Projet Mars One : l'Homme posera le pied sur Mars en 2023 Dans le cadre du projet Mars One, une entreprise indépendante prévoit d'envoyer 4 personnes sur la planète Rouge dès 2023, puis 4 autres tous les deux ans jusqu'en 2033. Pour financer cette incroyable aventure, l'ensemble de la mission sera filmé et vendu aux chaines de télévision. Dans un peu plus de 11 ans, nous saurons enfin tout ce qu’il y a à savoir sur Mars. Dans le cadre du projet Mars One, initié par Gerard ‘t Hooft, prix Nobel de physique en 1999, l’Homme va enfin poser le pied sur la planète rouge. Pour ce faire, l’entreprise indépendante néerlandaise a décidé de faire appel à d’autres firmes privées, notamment Space X, qui a récemment lancé le premier vol privé à destination de la station spatiale internationale. Mais son idée la plus incroyable, est de financer le projet en transformant cette mission en un énorme évènement médiatique. Pour ce qui est de l’objectif de la mission, il s’agira d’envoyer en 2022, quatre personnes pour un aller simple vers la planète rouge.

5 Mind-Blowing Things Found in Our Own Solar System One of our running themes here at Cracked is "Man, space is just weird as hell." It's easy to forget that, after mankind went to the moon and found out it was just a boring, dusty ghost town. Space is full of mysteries, and you don't have to go far to find them. #5. Most storms are easily recognizable from space. What is that, what is that?! That there, friends, is a close-up image taken of a perfectly ordinary day on Saturn's north pole. It's not exactly small, either -- each wall of the hexagon is around 8,600 miles long, wider than the Earth's diameter. Above: Saturn rocking a nipple piercing. The walls of the hexagon are the most vigorous part of the giant storm called the eyewall, and the area in the middle is the eye of the storm. "You know of what I speak, Gandalf: a great eye, lidless, wreathed in flame." For one, the hexagon on Saturn never shifts from its longitude, unlike any storm ever seen. #4. Getty"No, no, you called the right guy, I just ... #3.

Big Ear Radio Observatory - Explanation of 6EQUJ5 Explanation of the Code "6EQUJ5"On the Wow! Computer Printout By Jerry Ehman The photo of the computer printout of the Wow! Each of the first 50 columns of the computer printout shows the successive values of intensity (or power) received from the Big Ear radio telescope in each channel (10 kHz wide) in successive 12-second intervals (10 seconds was used for actual sampling and another approximately 2 seconds was needed for computer processing). Thus, the "6EQUJ5" code in channel 2 means successive intensities as follows:6 --> the range 6.0 - 6.999...E --> the range 14.0 - 14.999...Q --> the range 26.0 - 26.999...U --> the range 30.0 - 30.999...J --> the range 19.0 - 19.999...5 --> the range 5.0 - 5.999... The value "U", meaning the range 30.0 - 30.999..., was the largest value ever seen. The six successive values in channel 2 fit the antenna pattern of Big Ear very well. Copyright © 1996-2008 Big Ear Radio Observatory and North American AstroPhysical Observatory.

Deux planètes effroyablement proches Kepler-36b est une exoplanète qui a tout récemment été découverte. Kepler-36c joue dans la même constellation, à tel point que les deux planètes pourraient presque se percuter ! Kepler-36b est dotée d’une composition rocheuse et est sensiblement de la même taille que notre planète, elle mesure 1,4 fois la taille de la Terre. En effet, tous les 97 jours les orbites des planètes se croisent à une proximité affolante. Le spectacle doit être hallucinant à voir. Le paradoxe ne s’arrête pas là. Or, Kepler-36b et Kepler-36c n’ont ni la même taille, ni la même composition et pourtant elles sont 30 fois plus proches que ce que l’on observe dans notre système solaire. [harvard]

6 Historical Events Happening More Recently Than You Think We define our historical eras, naturally, by things that we associate with them. We started making tools in the Bronze Age, the plague was in the Dark Ages, we strapped dogs and monkeys to rockets in the Space Age, and for a brief time in the '90s people wore shirts that changed color when they sweat. But not everything is so cut and dried; sometimes things that you only thought existed in the black and white world were still around until just a few years ago. For instance ... #6. Via First of all, we're not talking about the redesigned VW Beetle that Volkswagen introduced in 1998. Via Weheartit.comThe peace and love is so thick, it's sticky. You don't see the classic Beetle around much nowadays, with the exception of those ancient collector cars carefully maintained by people who literally have rebuilt them with a mixture of gum, tinfoil and marijuana residue. But Actually ... Or, they could have just bought one from the factory as recently as 2003. #5. Getty Getty"P.S.

a place to be next year Les premières images et surtout en couleur ! Amis exilés ou en retraite dans une montagne perdue, sachez que Curiosity, un énorme rover, a posé sa roue sur la planète rouge. Conquête de l'espace quand tu nous tiens ! Voici les premières images et surtout en couleur ! Outre le coté conquête, impressionnant et tout le tintouin, si Curiosity est sur Mars, c’est avant tout pour recueillir des données. Autant dire que les premières images de la planète étaient attendues ! L’image a été prise par la caméra Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) du rover et montre le bord du cratère Gale. Pour savourer plus de clichés, le site de la NASA en propose déjà un paquet ! 6 Pieces of Fan Art That Are Better Than the Original If 37 percent of the Internet is porn, then the other 63 percent must be people complaining about stuff. A movie that disappointed; a game that's taking too long to come out; George Lucas. Well, sometimes the companies or creators will actually address their fans and say, "You think you could do better than us?" And sometimes the fans will answer back, "Um, actually, yeah." #6. Star Wars Fan Remaster Looks Better Than the Real Thing Unless you still have a working VCR, the only way to watch the original, theatrical versions of Star Wars is buying the out-of-print 2006 DVD box set, which insultingly comes with the original movies as mere bonus features on a separate disk (meaning, you had to pay for the Special Editions to get them). But what else are fans supposed to do? How the Fans Made It Better: A fan from the U.K. named Adywan did that and much more. ESBR Preview ESBR PreviewHmm. ANHR Visual Comparison ... making the lasers hit the right places ... #5. How the Fans Made Them Better: #4.

Top 10 Most Important Discoveries in Astronomy Astronomy is the cool, sexy field of the scientific world. Sure, biologists and chemists are out there curing diseases or whatever, but they’re just so boring. Meanwhile, astronomers are busy showing us sweet pictures of distant planets and playing around with telescopes the size of buildings. How can you compete with that? 10. The Discovery It’s tough to wade through a couple thousand years of ancient Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Chinese, Mayan and Persian astronomical history to pick out the highlights, so I’ going to cheat and roll all of their achievements up into one entry. How Important Was It? Many of their accomplishments form the basis of modern astronomy, but it’s the fact that they tracked the movement of the stars and planets that really got the whole ball rolling. 9. It took a while for Copernicus’ model to become universally accepted. 8. 7. Remember when we said it took a while for heliocentrism to be accepted? 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

5 Insane Explanations for Stuff Your Body Does Every Day It's weird: Much of what is going on inside our own bodies is still a complete mystery to us. For instance, we pointed out a while back that science has no idea why we yawn. Then you have things like crying, or laughter, which are parts of our everyday lives, but upon closer examination make no sense at all -- why would we signal sadness with eyeball drool? And the theories as to why we do some of these things are downright bizarre ... #5. Hiccups are a series of stupid, diaphragm-driven breath convulsions that bother you for a while, then vanish just as inexplicably. But there is a scientific consensus on exactly how annoying hiccups are. If you think of your body as a temple for the pantheon of your bodily functions, hiccuping would be the trickster god running amok and mooning people for shits and giggles. The Surprising Truth: Hiccuping may be useless to you now, but some scientists think it played a huge part in what got you there in the first place. Think much further back. #4. #3.
