Likify - Generate Facebook likes using QR codes Tech News | Innovation News | Money News TechCrunch 70 outils indispensables pour Twitter Cet article a été publié il y a 4 ans 11 mois 23 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Cet article n’est que la première partie d’une série consacrée aux “outils du web”, une suite d’articles destinée à rendre votre web plus “agréable” !
Content Marketing Today Western Progressive: Tea Baggers Hell is freezing over for the Republican Party. They could end up nominating a candidate that is completely and utterly unelectable. Democrats could not fathom a more perfect opponent than Newt Gingrich -- even more perfect than Bachmann or Cain. Most independent voters remember Gingrich as maybe the most partisan member of Congress in our lifetime. He was ultimately forced out of the US House by his party after alleged ethics violations . Since his return to politics as a presidential candidate, Gingrich has offended non-Republicans with race-bating comments about food stamps and child labor . But they had it coming. Establishment conservatives like Jennifer Rubin are worried after watching Newt Gingrich trouce Mitt Romney over the weekend. Many others would agree. 40 states for Obama?
Google Swiffy As part of our transition of display ads to HTML5. the Swiffy Flash conversion tool is no longer available. We will continue to serve the Swiffy runtimes, so any files you have already converted will continue to play. Today more consumers are using the web in HTML5 compatible environments than Flash-compatible environments. In order to reach as large an audience as possible, we encourage everyone to transition to HTML5 authoring. Developers who currently create Flash SWF files have several ways to switch to HTML5 including Adobe Animate and Google Web Designer. If you need to play an existing Flash SWF file in your browser alone, you might be able to use Mozilla’s Shumway.
SmashMouth Dental Practice Marketing Patent Searching and Inventing Resources B2B Lead Generation Blog Emerging Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011 Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies The Toolbox Share your Top 10 Tools to help build the 2011 list This is the 5th annual Top 100 Tools for Learning list I have built based on the contributions of learning professionals worldwide. I am now compiling the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2011 193 contributions so far Latest contribution: 26 June, 2011 List will be finalised 13 November, 2011 KEY Links to previous years' lists: 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007 F = Free, C= Commercial, D=Download, S=Server, O=Online Cells shaded blue are new tools on the list this year, green are returners Click HERE to share your Top 10 Tools to help build the 2011 list Glogster and Eduglogster Make an interactive poster Etherpad + clones e.g. SchoolTube Video hosting for teachers and students Scratch Create and share interactive stories, games, music and art
How to Change the World Amazon start selling the paperback edition of my latest book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. APE explains how to publish a book by breaking the process down into three stages: Author explains how to write a book. You can order APE here: There are 204 Amazon reviews for it: 181 five stars, 21 four stars, and 2 three stars which averages to five stars! Here are three of the blurbs: “Nuts, bolts, and inspiration too. Seth Godin, author and founder of The Icarus Project “Guy’s book is the perfect companion on the journey of independent publishing and great reading for the millions who aspire to become authors.” Atif Rafiq, General Manager, Kindle Direct Publishing at “APE is easily the most comprehensive, best organized, nuts-and-bolts-useful work on self-publishing I’ve seen to date. Barry Eisler, bestselling novelist of the John Rain series including The Detachment, Requiem for an Assassin, and The Last Assassin
Personal. Political. Provocative. Ad-free.