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Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts
From Mac Guides Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of simultaneous key presses that perform certain actions as an alternative to using the mouse. Keyboard shortcuts usually require a combination of modifier keys (command, option, control and shift) and other keys. The command key (cmd), also known as 'Apple' Mac OS X Shortcuts Many of these shortcuts can be customized (eg the Exposé shortcuts), as explained in Customizing shortcuts below. Symbols seen on Mac menus and non-US Apple keyboards, with their common names Shortcuts With Global Scope More shortcuts with global scope can be found on the Universal Access page. Command-Tab Box Press command-tab and hold the command key to keep the box open. Dock Keyboard Navigation in Mac OS X Core Apps Column View Note: A hollow arrow indicates that the pane with the selected folder is active. Taking Screenshots The Taking Screenshots in Mac OS X article includes keyboard shortcuts related to taking screenshots. Dialog Boxes Other Application Shortcuts iPhoto Related:  (Mac) Os X / Mac OS / MacOs

The Other Half Of Search: Greplin Is A Personal Search Engine For Your Online Life There’s always something cool coming out of Y Combinator, but even so Greplin stands out from the crowd. It’s a personal search engine for all that data you keep locked away in the cloud. If you’ve used desktop search like spotlight, you’ll get Greplin right away. It’s like spotlight for your cloud data. It’s dead simple to use. After you use it for the first time you’ll understand that you’ll never not use it again. Greplin will be free for most of what they do, and charge a fee for more features like searching inside of attachments. And the story behind the company is just as compelling. Joining Gross as cofounder is Robby Walker, founder of Y Combinator and Google-acquired company Zenter. Investors are salivating. Keep an eye on this one.

Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts To use a keyboard shortcut you press a modifier key with a character key. For example, pressing the Command key (it has a symbol) and then the "c" key copies whatever is currently selected (text, graphics, and so forth) into the Clipboard. This is also known as the Command-C keyboard shortcut. A modifier key is a part of many keyboard shortcuts. Here are the modifier key symbols you may see in OS X menus: Startup shortcuts Press the key or key combination until the expected function occurs/appears (for example, hold Option during startup until Startup Manager appears). Sleep and shut down shortcuts Finder keyboard shortcuts Application and other OS X shortcuts Note: Some applications may not support all of the following application key combinations. *Note: If no text is selected, the extension begins at the insertion point. Universal Access - VoiceOver keyboard commands For information about VoiceOver key combination differences in Mac OS X v10.6, see this article. Full keyboard access

Keyboard mappings using a PC keyboard on a Macintosh When you use a Windows (PC) keyboard on a Macintosh computer, the keyboard shortcuts that you use map to different keys. In particular, the primary key that is used in keyboard shortcuts in combination with other keys is frequently different. The following are the primary key substitutions on the Windows keyboard, and their Macintosh equivalents. Collapse this tableExpand this table The following are typical Windows keyboard shortcuts and their Macintosh equivalents that apply to the operating system. System Shortcuts Microsoft Office / iWork The following are typical Windows keyboard shortcuts and their Macintosh equivalents that are specific to the Microsoft Office and Apple iWork office suites. Windows Internet Explorer / Safari Shortcuts The following are typical Windows keyboard shortcuts and their Macintosh equivalents that are specific to the Microsoft Internet Explorer and Apple Safari Web browsers. Article ID: 970299 - Last Review: October 6, 2011 - Revision: 3.0

A secret shortcut to use Emoji in Mavericks | General 27 October 2013 - Filed in: General Emoji are the cute little smileys and emoticons that originated in Japan and have grown popular around the world since they became available on the iPhone. Here’s a neat trick for using Emoji on the Mac in OS X Mavericks. Whenever you are in a text field in Mavericks, just press Command-Control-Space and an emoji panel will appear. Then click any of the Emoji icons to insert it at the current position in the text. For those who find it quicker to use the keyboard than the mouse, you can navigate between the Emoji icons with the arrow keys, and shift left and right between the different sections using Tab and Shift-Tab respectively. By default, the Emoji panel will disappear once you choose an icon.

Cloud connected eHealth Centre launched in Kaithal PTI Dec 11, 2012, 04.37PM IST NEW DELHI: Aiming to provide health care in remote areas and generate data for research and policy-making, Union Minister for Science and Technology Jaipal Reddy on Tuesday launched a cloud-connected eHealth Centre in Kaithal district of Haryana from here. Customised in unused shipping containers with high-end cloud-connectivity for video and audio links, the eHealth Centres can be rapidly deployed at any place. Inaugurating the first centre during a press conference, Reddy said, "I am pleasantly surprised. The facility has been developed through a joint initiative of Hewlett Packard and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). The first centre in Haryana's Chausala village has been implemented and tested in partnership with the O P Jindal Gramin Kalyan Sansthan- founded by Congress MP Naveen Jindal, who was also present on the occasion. "For creating a vibrant nation, we need healthy people. "The prototype of every project is very expensive.

The 5 Coolest ‘Google Search Hacks’ You Probably Never Realized Existed Now the thing is search results are only as good as the query you enter! While there are many operands or search operators that the general crowd is aware of, such as quotes or some calculations, there are several cool Google search hacks and tricks that most people have never realized existed, let alone used consciously. Visually Translate Foreign Words You can use Google Translate to translate the meaning of a foreign word. For example do you know what a falcon tube is? This strategy works well for anything that is a noun, such as the foreign language words sol, Apfel, or bouche. Take Search Shortcuts Google is a smart search engine and provides shortcuts to a lot of information. This trick also works for weather, sports scores, calculations, unit or currency conversions, movie showtimes, flight or parcel tracking, and a lot more. Search For The Unknown Sometimes you may not be quite sure about the best query for your search. Search For Faces Only Did you learn a new trick today?

Dépanner un MacBook ou MacBook Pro qui refuse de démarrer Langues Symptômes Consultez cet article pour savoir comment procéder si votre Mac refuse de s’allumer. Pour vous assurer qu’il ne s’agisse pas d’un problème d’écran, vérifiez que les points suivants s’appliquent lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton d’alimentation : Vous n’entendez pas le bip de démarrage. Vous n’entendez pas les ventilateurs ni le disque dur tourner. Si votre ordinateur est alimenté mais n’affiche aucune image, il est possible que l’un ou plusieurs des éléments suivants se produisent lorsque vous appuyez sur le bouton d’alimentation : Un bip de démarrage peut se faire entendre. Si l’un de ces cas de figure se produit, consultez l’article Dépannage : mon ordinateur n’affiche pas d’image. Résolution Si votre ordinateur ne s’allume pas, essayez d’effectuer chacune des opérations suivantes : Dernière modification : 12 juil. 2013 Avez-vous trouvé cet article utile ? Oui Non Un instant s'il-vous-plaît Merci pour votre commentaire.

AppleInsider | News and rumors since 1997 [Tutorial] A couple of tutorials on how to use/understand Nintype. : nintype &&Float - Aashka Shah &&Float &&float was an interactive wall installation at IIJS Signature Goa which was a Jewellery exhibition as well as B2B event organized by Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), Govt. of India. Exhibition location was the very famous Kala academy of Goa on the banks of river Mandovi.Clients from GJEPC wanted to enhance the experience of the visitors and jewellers at the exhibition, keeping in mind "dematerialization" and "dynamism". &&float team proposed an interactive wall where motion of people walking beside the wall could be tracked and converted into dynamic graphics on the wall.This concept was divided into two: One was interactive wall where geomerty based patterns were generated on the wall when people walked beside the wall.Second was interactive branding where particles of iijs logo were scattered according to the movement of people in front of the wall. Prototyping Prototyping of both the concepts were done at NID Gandhinagar campus. Mentors: Dr.
