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Grameen Creative Lab – passion for social business

Grameen Creative Lab – passion for social business

Blog | Social Business Tour 2010 “Overknit your Pension” – Winner of the Social Business Idea Contest 2010 Posted on 02. Nov, 2010 by Annunziata in Blog . Barbora Kuckova and Olga Guttenova from Slovak Republic are the Tour winners of The Social Business Idea 2010 Contest Barbora Kuckova and Olga Guttenova’s winning idea was to develop a social business aimed at fighting poverty and social exclusion of elderly women. more… Livestream of the Social Business Tour in Belgrade Posted on 29. for all those who cannot attend the Social Business Tour in Belgrade and would like to listen to Prof Muhammad Yunus: Livestreaming from Belgrade will be available tomorrow through this website on Saturday, October 30th from 8pm to 10pm Please note: Submission deadline for the Social Business Idea 2010 contest changed! Posted on 16. Please be aware that the application period for national preliminary decisions of The Social Business Idea 2010 contest for Hungary, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Romania ends September 13th . Posted on 07.

Founder of Threadless keepin it real [] Founder of Threadless keepin’ it real June 7, 2010 in An interview This interview with Jake Nickell is a joy to watch. And an inspiration. He’s the founder (and subsequent millionaire) of the ingenious Tune in to hear great marketing ideas and other inside scoop. Watch live video from Inc. Such a great idea, the best take away for me was when he described how it started...he found an immediate avenue to execute (on the dreamless forum) ... started threadless in a small forum website and as an idea...and went from there. Wow this such a great article and the tips are very comprehensive. Great interview. Indeed, a very enjoyable interview. GreenMonk: the blog — Green from the roots up, Sustainable from Eugenio La Mesa's Blog on Social Business

How to make money using the Internet Make money: not by building an internet company, but by using the net as a tool to create value and get paid. Use the internet as a tool, not as an end. Do it when you are part of a big organization or do it as a soloist. The dramatic leverage of the net more than overcomes the downs of the current economy. The essence is this: connect. Connect the disconnected to each other and you create value. Connect advertisers to people who want to be advertised to. Some examples? Connect advertisers to people who want to be advertised to.Dani Levy did this with Daily Candy, a company she recently sold for more than a hundred million dollars. Connect job hunters with jobs.My friend Tara has made hundreds of thousands of dollars (in good years) working as an executive recruiter. Connect information seekers with information.At a large scale, this is what Bloomberg did to make his fortune. On a micro level, there are now people making thousands of dollars a month running their pages on Squidoo. Social Business Net Weblog enorm - der Blog Was ist der Sinn der Arbeit? Was erwarten Studenten von ihrem Arbeitsleben nach der Uni? Und was von ihrem ersten Arbeitgeber? Genau das möchte die Non-Profit-Organisation Enactus nun mittels einer umfangreichen Studie herausfinden. In der Studie geht es darum, den „Sinn der Arbeit“ im Blick heutiger Studierender und Absolventen zu ergründen. Bei Enactus engagieren sich weltweit rund 62.000 Studenten. Alle Infos und die Umfrage findet ihr hier. Ashoka kürt die neuen Fellows Seit 34 Jahren unterstützt die Organisation Ashoka Sozialunternehmer – inzwischen ist sie in 80 Ländern vertreten und hat mehr als 3000 Menschen in ihr Netzwerk aufgenommen. In Deutschland gibt es derzeit 51 Fellows – heute Abend nun kommen 7 weitere hinzu. Robert Greve verfolgt die Idee der “multiprofessionellen Schule”, welche die Ressourcen aus ihrem Umfeld für eine qualitativ hochwertige und vielfältige Bildung einbeziehen kann. Neuer Wettbewerb für Sozialunternehmer Mitmachen Bewerbungen sind bis zum 10. Gewinnen

Social business Social business, as the term had once been commonly used, was first defined by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus and is described in his books Creating a world without poverty—Social Business and the future of capitalism and Building Social Business—The new kind of capitalism that serves humanity's most pressing needs. In these books, Yunus defined a Social Business a business: Created and designed to address a social problemA non-loss, non-dividend company, i.e.It is financially self-sustainable andProfits realized by the business are reinvested in the business itself (or used to start other social businesses), with the aim of increasing social impact, for example expanding the company’s reach, improving the products or services or in other ways subsidizing the social mission. Unlike a profit-maximizing business, the prime aim of a Social Business is not to maximize profits (although generating profits is desired). Seven Principles of Social Business[edit] See also[edit]

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