Clean Your Keurig Coffee Maker with Vinegar and a Toothbrush It's honestly not a bad machine. And it isn't subpar coffee for the most part. 1)If you want a higher coffee quality, perhaps your own custom blend, or maybe you don't want to spend the premium on the K-Cups: you still can use the Keurig! You can buy $10 reusable K-Cup size adapters that let you fill up with your own coffee, some even make the Keurig spread the water more evenly so ALL the coffee gets used. If you don't want to spend the $10 extra on top of the machine, you can also make a DIY one on the cheap but it's going to need replacement every couple of uses (google). You still get the quick and easy "press-of-a-button" coffee with your own blends without the premium K-Cups. The only other time that the Keurig machine is useless is if you're really critical of coffee that the method of brew itself is critical, such as a traditional coffee press. 2)If your into tea, that is also an option. I mean, I don't use my $100 Keurig machine JUST for this purpose.
Intelligences Accueil > Dossiers et articles > Intelligences Qu'il est difficile de définir de manière univoque ce qu'est l'intelligence ! La notion a en effet beaucoup évolué avec le temps. Retenons pourtant deux éléments essentiels : c'est grâce à notre intelligence que l'on comprend, puis que l'on produit quelque chose à partir de ce que l'on a compris. Mais comprendre quoi ? Mesurer l'intelligence conceptuelle abstraite s'est vite révélé insuffisant pour rendre compte de l'incroyable palette de talents et d'habiletés mises en oeuvre par l'individu au jour le jour. L'intelligence se cultive seul ou à plusieurs. Illustration : agsandrew, Sonder notre cerveau pour prédire nos achats 6 avril 2014 Le neuromarketing apparaît comme la nouvelle approche à la mode pour entrer au plus profond de l'esprit des consommateurs... et leur faire acheter toujours plus de produits et services. De l'intelligence émotionnelle à la manipulation 5 avril 2014 Ces neuromythes qui persistent dans les écoles
A 3-Step Alternative to a Machine-Like Workday Thank You in Advance In email, letters, and memos that include a request, writers often end with one of these statements: "Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter." "Thank you in advance for any help you can provide." In comments on another blog post this week, one writer said she hated "Thank you in advance" and another wanted to know why the phrase deserves hatred. People hate the phrase for a couple of reasons. "Thank you in advance" also suggests that the reader will not be thanked later on, after fulfilling the request. Of course, people who write "Thank you in advance" do not intend to be presumptuous or thoughtless. "Thank you for considering my request." You can also sound polite by simply omitting the "in advance": "Thank you for any help you can provide." I began with the example "Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter." Thank you in advance for avoiding the above phrases. Just kidding. LynnSyntax Training
Apprendre de façon visuelle/spatiale “Apprendre, pour ceux qui le font de façon visuelle-spatiale, est quelque chose de soudain et se fait à partir de regroupements de données saisis de manière intuitive plutôt que dans le regroupement progressif d’éléments isolés, de petites étapes ou d’habitudes acquises par la pratique. Par exemple, ils peuvent apprendre toutes les multiplications comme un ensemble sur une table de multiplications beaucoup plus facilement et rapidement que s’ils avaient mémorisé chaque donnée séparément. Organiser: La perspective visuelle/spatiale est le principe d’organisation.Le perfectionnisme pour ceux qui apprennent de façon visuelle/spatiale correspond à un espace bien ordonné et élaboré dans lequel chaque objet est à sa place et de façon harmonieuse.Ils ne sont pas à l’aise et peuvent même être agités lorsqu’ils sont face à des situations incomplètes ou instables. Observer/Expérimenter: Les stratégies pour apprendre Prendre des habitudes en étudiant Utilisez la technologie: Pendant les cours Voir aussi
Are You Heading Towards Career Burnout? Courtesy of Career burnout is a real thing. And when it comes to the topic of career burnout, some concur while others feel it doesn’t even exist. For those of us that plan events for a living finding that perfect balance between life and career is important. These days’ companies seemed to demand so much more from their people. Burnout is caused by stress. Career Burnout and Doing it All! In an era when we are expected to do it all. The impact and effects of career burnout can be hard hitting and unyielding. Three Ways to Help Avoid Career Burnout Career burnout not only effects our work life it overflows in to our private time as well. Learn to Delegate – If your job and responsibilities allow…delegate. Take time for yourself – So often we ignore our own needs and put everyone else first. Put Technology on Hold – Set boundaries when it comes to technology. With so many employees expected to do more for less.
50 Things to do before you leave university - 19 May 2007 Read full article Continue reading page |1|2|3|4 1 Spend at least one week researching your career Do you want to use your biology degree in a laboratory? 2 Send off a job application Practice makes perfect, they say, so why not try your hand at a few before the real crunch time arrives. 3 Work on your CV Boring, but it has to be done, and aeons before you graduate. 4 Hand in an assignment a week early You'll be amazed at the feeling. 5 Visit every library on campus And learn, once and for all, how to locate books and journal articles from the library database. 6 Star in a play Apart from the glory and attention, think of the benefits to your interviewing skills: speaking under pressure, the ability to improvise and to appear calm in any situation. 7 Attend a careers fair Sure, there is so much information and so many companies that you are liable to leave the fair with nothing more than a head spin, but they do often give away some decent swag - from stationery to breath-mint dispensers.
Facteurs Biologiques / intelligences multiples 1.3.4. LES INTELLIGENCES MULTIPLES d'Howard Gardner Mais d'abord qu'est-ce que l'intelligence ? "Intelligence se dit de fonctions remarquables par la diversité de leur aspect et l'inégalité de leur développement." La définition de l'intelligence pose donc problème. Au sens strict et au sens large, c'est donc selon le Grand Robert l'ensemble des fonctions concernant la connaissance ou l'action, éclairée par la spéculation préalable. Howard Gardner, professeur de psychologie cognitive à Harvard, a contesté la vision réductrice qui assimile l'intelligence à ce que mesure le QI, qui ne prend en compte que les intelligences logique et verbale, par ailleurs valorisées par l'enseignement traditionnel. L’essence de cette théorie repose dans le respect des nombreuses différences individuelles et des multiples façons d’apprendre.
8 Ideas to Jumpstart Your Content Creation Content marketing is a powerful marketing tool that companies are using to attract prospects and generate leads online. But in spite of its growing popularity, producing enough quality content remains an ongoing challenge for marketers and business owners alike. Marketers are well aware that their websites need a steady influx of fresh, quality content to keep the visitors coming and the search engines happy. Content is after all the heart and soul of any successful lead generation, inbound marketing, SEO or social media strategy. 1. Planning plays such a critical role in the success of your content marketing program and your content creation efforts. 2. It’s incredibly helpful to keep a running list of topics that you might want to cover in the future. 3. Don’t create content in a silo! And don’t stay confined to the walls of your business; speak with your best customers and listen closely to comments and feedback from prospects to discover ideas for future content. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Is Everything I Do Actually Killing Me? It is true, everything you do IS going to kill you somehow. Everyone dies. Simple fact. Everyone dies. Nobody lives forever. That hasn't changed in the recorded history of life on this planet. Back when we started out, humans didn't last very long. As we started to bunch up and live in large groups very close to one another, infectious disease became a problem. After infectious disease was no longer an issue, people began to actually live long enough for their bodies to get old and start breaking down. Which brings us to cancer. So, now that we can live long enough that cancer is an issue, we've turned our considerable energies on fixing it. Do you really need desperately to live until you are 180 years old? If so, relax. If not... better go make yourself a foil hat to protect your brain from power lines.
Intelligences multiples - Idées ASH Le contenu de ces pages est issu essentiellement de mes notes personnelles d'une intervention très enrichissante de Bruno HOURST, lors d'une conférence pédagogique. Professeur de mathématiques, Bruno Hourst a cherché une approche pédagogique qui permette aux élèves en difficulté scolaire - mais qui ont tous des richesses - de pouvoir apprendre en exploitant ces richesses. Cette approche pédagogique vient d’un mouvement anglo-saxon qui s’est posé la question de savoir pourquoi certains mémorisent très vite. « La suggestopédie » du bulgare Georgi Lozanov. Cela n’a pas pris en France. L’approche pédagogique du mieux-apprendre s’appuie sur quelques principes clés : L’importance de l’environnement d’apprentissage (environnement physique, mental, émotionnel, social). La notion de plaisir : L’effort imposé doit être évité. Les images mentales : Elles sont un outil très puissant que les enfants perdent de nos jours du fait qu’on leur apporte trop d’images. Les pauses : Attention ! Yoga d'école :