Related: Multiple Intelligences
Phantom Finger Points To Secrets In The Human Brain : Krulwich Wonders... When she was born, her right hand wasn't right. Instead of looking like this ... Robert Krulwich/NPR hand 1 ... her thumb was stunted, she had no index finger. Her middle finger and her ring finger were rigid. hand 2 Her name doesn't matter. Its truncated shape is often associated with thalidomide, a drug used during pregnancies in the 1950s and 1960s; RN, now in her late 50s, may have been a thalidomide baby. Born unlucky, she got unluckier. It gets worse. But in her case, this phantom was different from the one she lost. She told her doctors, V.S. hand 3 Which is very strange. In RN's case, her phantom grew a finger that wasn't there. What doctors Ramachandran and McGeoch wanted to know was: How did this happen? But first, let's finish RN's story, because her bad luck stayed bad. hand 4 She asked the doctors for help. They had a plan. So now back to that mysterious finger. hand 5 Sorry, You Can't Do That ... And so, that phantom index finger emerged. It's a lovely idea. Was RN Lying?
Intelligences Accueil > Dossiers et articles > Intelligences Qu'il est difficile de définir de manière univoque ce qu'est l'intelligence ! La notion a en effet beaucoup évolué avec le temps. Retenons pourtant deux éléments essentiels : c'est grâce à notre intelligence que l'on comprend, puis que l'on produit quelque chose à partir de ce que l'on a compris. Mais comprendre quoi ? Mesurer l'intelligence conceptuelle abstraite s'est vite révélé insuffisant pour rendre compte de l'incroyable palette de talents et d'habiletés mises en oeuvre par l'individu au jour le jour. L'intelligence se cultive seul ou à plusieurs. Illustration : agsandrew, Shutterstock.com Sonder notre cerveau pour prédire nos achats 6 avril 2014 Le neuromarketing apparaît comme la nouvelle approche à la mode pour entrer au plus profond de l'esprit des consommateurs... et leur faire acheter toujours plus de produits et services. De l'intelligence émotionnelle à la manipulation 5 avril 2014 Ces neuromythes qui persistent dans les écoles
How do you really know what time it is? This seems backwards: "Let's start with caffeine, which makes your internal clock go faster. If your brain normally stores 60 pulses for 60 seconds, your brain on caffeine stores 100 pulses. Two things happen as a result. First, when you retrieve your time memory, that minute will seem shorter than the 60 seconds it actually took. So a speedy clock means that time gets faster." If normally I do 60 pulses, 1 per second, but caffeine makes it so I take 100 samples in a second, then that second will seem longer, not shorter, when I remember it. Slower internal clocks would speed up time, because relatively, I would have less reference points for any time interval that passed compared to before, and thus it would seem like more time had passed than actually had. This combined with uniqueness of experience is likely the main 2 causes for it seeming like time in general goes by faster as we get older.
Another Perspective on Massive Brain Simulations Henry Markram has become famous as the creator of the world's most expensive brain simulation, but neuroscientists know him best for his pioneering experiments on synapses. Markram was one of the first to investigate the sequential version of Hebb's rule in a systematic way, by varying the time delay between the spiking of the two neurons when inducing synaptic plasticity. (Changes in the synapses, the connection points between cells. One scientist reduced Hebb’s rule to: “Cells that fire together, wire together.”) When I first heard Markram speak at a conference, I also encountered the chain-smoking and charming Alex Thomson, another prominent neuroscientist, who lectured about synapses with bubbling enthusiasm. In a 2009 lecture Markram promised a computer simulation of a human brain within ten years, a sound bite that traveled around the world. Markram didn't keep his indignation secret. The letter marked a new low point in Markram's relationship with IBM.
Apprendre de façon visuelle/spatiale “Apprendre, pour ceux qui le font de façon visuelle-spatiale, est quelque chose de soudain et se fait à partir de regroupements de données saisis de manière intuitive plutôt que dans le regroupement progressif d’éléments isolés, de petites étapes ou d’habitudes acquises par la pratique. Par exemple, ils peuvent apprendre toutes les multiplications comme un ensemble sur une table de multiplications beaucoup plus facilement et rapidement que s’ils avaient mémorisé chaque donnée séparément. Organiser: La perspective visuelle/spatiale est le principe d’organisation.Le perfectionnisme pour ceux qui apprennent de façon visuelle/spatiale correspond à un espace bien ordonné et élaboré dans lequel chaque objet est à sa place et de façon harmonieuse.Ils ne sont pas à l’aise et peuvent même être agités lorsqu’ils sont face à des situations incomplètes ou instables. Observer/Expérimenter: Les stratégies pour apprendre Prendre des habitudes en étudiant Utilisez la technologie: Pendant les cours Voir aussi
For cellist, the music lingers after memory has faded A concert cellist whose memory was virtually wiped out by a brain infection may no longer remember the names of the composers whose work he once played before admiring audiences. But he can remember and recognize virtually every note of their compositions, and even more remarkably, can learn and commit to memory new pieces of music he did not know before a raging case of herpes encephalitis robbed him of his ability to recognize most of his family, recall details of his homeland or remember details of his own life before his illness. The findings from this remarkable case study, presented Sunday in Washington at the Society for Neuroscience's annual meeting, suggest that musical memory may be formed, stored and retrieved using an entirely different set of brain structures from those used for verbal or experiential memories. Copyright © 2014, Los Angeles Times
With nearly 1 in 12 teens diagnosed, is 'Anger Disorder' the next big thing? It seems to me "intermittent explosive disorder" is a cheap, easy diagnosis when the "doctor" is at her wits end about what's happening emotionally/cognitively/psychologically, and I do not think "Anger disorder" contributes much to the discussion regarding mood and developmental disorders. And like the article briefly says, what's the use in pathologizing a reaction that might very well be a symptom to a real underlying cause (e.g. bipolar, schizophrenia, brain tumor, brain damage) considering that reaction, i.e. anger, is itself a relatively common and basic human emotion. Further, there is much ambiguity: what does "explosive" mean and when does it happen? When is anger, explosive or otherwise, an "over-reaction" to a "trivial" cause? When is anger itself inappropriate?
Facteurs Biologiques / intelligences multiples 1.3.4. LES INTELLIGENCES MULTIPLES d'Howard Gardner Mais d'abord qu'est-ce que l'intelligence ? "Intelligence se dit de fonctions remarquables par la diversité de leur aspect et l'inégalité de leur développement." La définition de l'intelligence pose donc problème. Au sens strict et au sens large, c'est donc selon le Grand Robert l'ensemble des fonctions concernant la connaissance ou l'action, éclairée par la spéculation préalable. Howard Gardner, professeur de psychologie cognitive à Harvard, a contesté la vision réductrice qui assimile l'intelligence à ce que mesure le QI, qui ne prend en compte que les intelligences logique et verbale, par ailleurs valorisées par l'enseignement traditionnel. L’essence de cette théorie repose dans le respect des nombreuses différences individuelles et des multiples façons d’apprendre.
What cannabis actually does to your brain Like with all herbal remedies, they are just as serious as man-made meds but weed won't put a rational person in a psych ward. Yes, it can. I've seen it happen. [www.cbc.ca] [www.cbc.ca] Apparently there's a genetic marker that can cause an otherwise healthy, if sensitive person, to undergo a psychotic break with the overuse of marijuana. Ok, out of the millions upon millions of people who have used marijuana, how many do you know in a psych ward? If you are referring to folks who overuse, like alcoholics, drug addicts, quadruple espresso drinkers, pack of smokes a day smokers, or 10 hr internet surfers, then you are referring to individuals with problems....not a problematic substance. I agree genetically altering marijuana to be over stuffed with THC is bad, but a natural, untampered plant with it's original levels of THC is fine. I just ask, please stop blaming the marijuana. Holy crap man, quit with the hyperbole.
Scientists capture the first image of memories being made The ability to learn and to establish new memories is essential to our daily existence and identity; enabling us to navigate through the world. A new study by researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro), McGill University and University of California, Los Angeles has captured an image for the first time of a mechanism, specifically protein translation, which underlies long-term memory formation. The finding provides the first visual evidence that when a new memory is formed new proteins are made locally at the synapse - the connection between nerve cells - increasing the strength of the synaptic connection and reinforcing the memory. The study published in Science, is important for understanding how memory traces are created and the ability to monitor it in real time will allow a detailed understanding of how memories are formed. (Photo Credit: Science)
Intelligences multiples - Idées ASH Le contenu de ces pages est issu essentiellement de mes notes personnelles d'une intervention très enrichissante de Bruno HOURST, lors d'une conférence pédagogique. Professeur de mathématiques, Bruno Hourst a cherché une approche pédagogique qui permette aux élèves en difficulté scolaire - mais qui ont tous des richesses - de pouvoir apprendre en exploitant ces richesses. Cette approche pédagogique vient d’un mouvement anglo-saxon qui s’est posé la question de savoir pourquoi certains mémorisent très vite. « La suggestopédie » du bulgare Georgi Lozanov. Cela n’a pas pris en France. L’approche pédagogique du mieux-apprendre s’appuie sur quelques principes clés : L’importance de l’environnement d’apprentissage (environnement physique, mental, émotionnel, social). La notion de plaisir : L’effort imposé doit être évité. Les images mentales : Elles sont un outil très puissant que les enfants perdent de nos jours du fait qu’on leur apporte trop d’images. Les pauses : Attention ! Yoga d'école :