Data Visualization: Modern Approaches Cartoon Story Maker A quick look at the Cartoon Story Maker back to top... Features Features list character and background librariesimport your own imagestext bubbles and information boxesaccent key panelimport voice recordingsbuilt in recorder to add your own voice recordingsunlimited number of framescopy and paste framespreviewprint functionsaved stories can be opened and editedcopy and paste text from other documentshelp files (available online and included in the program) See the for more details. back to top... Cartoon Story Maker in the classroom Teachers can make cartoon stories to model language and cultural conventions.Students can make them as a stimulating and engaging way to practice their language skills. The Cartoon Story Maker has been designed with a focus on applying language learning. Students can: Teachers can: Cartoon Stories can be used: Installation and operation Installation To install and run the Cartoon Story Maker the computer must have the following: Operation Further Information and help
Passion dataviz 11 Infographics About Infographics Drew Skau published on February 18, 2013 in Design People who create infographics do their work partly because they believe infographics are a great way to communicate information. Since the people in this field also need to communicate information about their work, it was inevitable that infographics about infographics would eventually be created. Here are 11 of these meta infographics. Infographics are still new to many people, and what better way to explain what they are to someone than with a Euler diagram? QI Test: IQ-test: Introduzione come misurare il fattore G. Su cosa si basa il test? Il test è basato su puzzle logici Matrici di Raven (Approfondimento) atti a misurare il "fattore G" (Intelligenza e abilità logiche). Regole e consigli utili per ottenere punteggi piu elevati: 1. Ogni matrice composta da 9 caselle, ha una casella vuota e sotto di essa sono rappresentate le 6 possibili risposte, delle quali solo 1 è corretta. 2. Scegli la risposta quale credi che completi logicamente lo schema, se ritieni valide due o piu risposte scegli quella che ha una spiegazione piu semplice. 3.
50 Great Examples of Data Visualization Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter. Music, Movies and Other Media Narratives 2.0 visualizes music. Liveplasma is a music and movie visualization app that aims to help you discover other musicians or movies you might enjoy. Tuneglue is another music visualization service. MusicMap is similar to TuneGlue in its interface, but seems slightly more intuitive. Digg, Twitter, Delicious, and Flickr Internet Visualizations
Pixiclip. Un tableau blanc en ligne pour la classe inversée Pixiclip est un outil qui offre un tableau blanc interactif en ligne idéal pour présenter des concepts ou encore des tutoriels, les enregistrer puis les partager facilement. Pixiclip vous propose un véritable tableau blanc sur lequel vous allez pouvoir écrire du texte, dessiner, insérer des photos… le tout accompagné des sons ou encore des vidéos de manière simple et intuitive. L’utilisation est assez classique et ne devrait poser aucun problème de prise en main. Tout se fait à la souris par glisser-déposer. Une barre d’outils à la gauche du tableau blanc vous permet de choisir celui que vous voulez utiliser. Crayon, marqueur, texte… vous pouvez jouer avec les couleurs, revenir en arrière déplacer ou effacer tel ou tel élément. La véritable valeur ajoutée de Pixiclip réside dans la possibilité d’enregistrer ce qui se passe sur votre tableau blanc. L’enregistrement des clips vidéos est très simple à réaliser et ne nuira pas à votre concentration. Pixiclip est gratuit. Lien : Pixiclip 50 Informative and Well-Designed Infographics - Hongkiat It’s impossible to comprehend complex data or analyze large amounts of information, if we only use words or texts. Information graphics or better known as infographics are visual explanation of data, information or knowledge. These graphics are excellent visual tools for explaining huge amounts of information where complex data needs to be explained immediately and clearly. Let me show you how Rick Mans explain how infographics ease the process of communicating conceptual information Image credit. Infographic is one of the most challenging types of graphic design because the creation process alone is pretty intensive. We are truly delighted to show you these brilliant and informative infographics created by various talented individuals. Recommended Reading: More Infographic related posts. 50 Years of Space Exploration. Disney vs Marvel. Grand Mosque. High Rise. Relief Wells & Subsea Containment. Prism Social Media 2010. Genes and Society: Cloning. Flickr User Model. Crude Awakening.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal December 30, 2005 Discuss this comic in the forum December 29, 2005 December 28, 2005 December 27, 2005 December 26, 2005 SMBC en Français BAHfest Weinersmith Weekly Weinersmith The Weinerworks Email Facebook Fan Club BAHFest London 2016 (Evolution Theme) January 22, London BAHFest London 2016 (Big Science Theme) January 23, London Blog About Infographics and Data Visualization - Cool Infographics