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Cool Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom

Cool Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom
Imagine taking your class on an "around the world" field trip or having your favorite children's author lead today's read-aloud. You can do both of these and more without leaving your classroom thanks to Skype. It's a great use of technology in the classroom! Skype is free communication software that allows you to make calls, instant message and video conference online. One amazing experience you can have with Skype in the classroom is a virtual author visit or other amazing guest speaker. Skype Author Visits & Guest Lectures Author and illustrator Mike Artnell is one of many authors using Skype to visit classrooms. Our technology in the classroom look at Apple TV, and how to use it. Use these teacher-tested classroom management ideas to organize the all-... A heavier emphasis on financial literacy in schools can help students when it... Google Forms is an intuitive, flexible, and professional for a wide variety of... 5 things you should NOT do in an inclusive classroom. Skype Pen Pal Projects

The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Skype effectively in the classroom - The Edublogger Increasingly, educators globally are transforming their classroom using Skype to create powerful, authentic, motivating learning experiences for their students. From connecting with classrooms in other locations to learning about each others’ culture to connecting with content experts – educators are extending learning beyond classroom walls. So how do you use Skype effectively with your class? Hopefully this will help! Here’s our educator’s guide on every thing you need to know about Skype from…… 1. Setting up your account A. 2. A. 3. A. Alternatively, here’s The Complete Educator’s Guide to Using Skype effectively in the classroom PDF version — for you to download and print off. About Skype Skype is a free application that allows you to call people from all over the world using the Internet. When you contact another person that uses Skype you talk or chat for free. Best of all you can tell when another user is online and what their status is so you know if they are available. A. 1. 4. B. 1.

WOW Resources This page provides helpful links for fellow Schlechty districts to Schlechty resources used in the Fort Sam Houston School District. Some we created, others we found. We're more than happy to share the work we've done with you as you continue your journey into WOW and The Schlechty Framework. Introduction video to "The Beliefs Institute" - We used this video as an introduction to a two-day inservice on beliefs. Sir Ken Robinson - Do schools kill creativity? RSA Video on Daniel Pinks' Drive: This lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at the RSA, illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace. The Piano Stairs - Great video that shows that one way to change people's behavior is by making things a little more fun. The Things We Steal From Children - A powerful video about the things we "steal" from children when we don't know or value our "Who".

50 Powerful Ways To Use Skype In The Classroom Home / How To / 50 Powerful Ways To Use Skype In The Classroom Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. Communicate! Connect! Art crits: Schedule time with professional artists and receive thorough crits about how to improve a piece. And here’s the tools to help you do it! Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete Ett systematiskt kvalitetsarbete är en förutsättning för att alla som arbetar i förskolan, skolan, fritidshemmet och vuxenutbildningen ska kunna ge barn och elever en likvärdig utbildning. Ett systematiskt kvalitetsarbete innebär att alla som arbetar i förskolan, skolan och vuxenutbildningen systematiskt och kontinuerligt följer upp verksamheten, analyserar resultaten i förhållande till de nationella målen och utifrån det planerar och utvecklar utbildningen. Skolverket utvecklar kontinuerligt stöd för huvudmäns, förskole- och skolenheters kvalitetsarbete. Några av dessa stöd är Allmänna råd om systematiskt kvalitetsarbete, Kvalitetsarbete i praktiken och självskattningsverktyget BRUK. Nu finns också ett särskilt material framtaget som stöd för huvudmannens kvalitetsarbete. För huvudmannen BRUK - nu även med gymnasieskolan! BRUK är ett verktyg för självskattning av kvaliteten i samtliga skolformer och är ett stöd i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. BRUK-presentation (371 kB) Allmänna råd

Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs (for free!) Welcome to the Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs List! I’m Kate Messner, the children’s author and educator who maintains this site. I started it because I’ve found that virtual author visits are a great way to connect authors and readers, and I realize that many schools facing budget troubles don’t have the option of paid author visits. With that in mind, this is a list of authors who offer free 15-20-minute Q and A sessions with classes and book clubs that have finished reading one of their books. As an author, I offer Skype chats for all of my titles – check out the “Books” tab above for a list! If you’re interested in booking a “virtual visit” with me, please visit my author-Skype page for current availability and directions for requesting a visit! How does a Skype virtual visit work? Authors Who Skype With Classes & Book Clubs (for free!) The following authors offer free 15-20-minute Skype chats with book clubs and classes that have read one of their books!

Hld-pedagog | Helenelundsskolans lärare delar med sig av sin undervisning IT och annat Använd filmkameran som verktyg vid formativ bedömning Katarina Lycken spelade in sina elevers redovisningar med hjälp av sin iPad. Hon lade sedan upp filmerna på YouTube och gav kommentarer direkt i filmerna (med hjälp av annoteringsfunktionen). På så vis kunde Katarina se om valda delar av elevernas redovisningar och hon tyckte att hon kunde ge bättre kommentarer. Eleverna tyckte att det var läskigt att se sig själva, men när de ändå gjorde det och samtidigt läste sin lärares kommentarer i filmen, så kunde de lättare förstå vad det var som de gjorde bra och vad de kunde göra bättre. De elever som inte ville vara med, filmades inte. Har du prövat att filma dina elevers föredrag? Jag har prövat att filma alla föredrag i en del undervisningsgrupper, men jag har inte vågat lägga upp dem på YouTube (även om filmklippen är olistade så kan ju alla som har länken sprida den vidare). Hur gör du?

Ny med iPad | Kamelfröken Jag fick för några dagar sedan en fråga från en kollega som arbetar på en annan utlandsskola om vilka appar man ska köpa om man är ny med iPad. Jag har gjort en lista med de appar som jag gillar bäst just nu. Listan kan göras mycket längre, men det här är en start i alla fall. Basappar Skype Blue fire reader – en app för att ladda ner e-böcker. iMovie – filmapp Garageband – din egen inspelningsstudio. Pages – motsvarande word skrivprogram. Svenska Skolstil 2 – en skrivapp med talsyntes. Book Creator – en app där du tillverkar din egen e-bok. Puppet pals 2 – en app där du enkelt kan skapa filmer med eleverna med hjälp av tecknade figurer eller egna bilder. Comic life – gör egna serier. Matematik Klockan Bråk Ekvationer

The Complete Guide to The Use of Skype in Education Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has been diligently engaged over the last couple of weeks in writing a series of simple and easy to use guides to help teachers and educators better leverage the use of technology in education and empower them with the necessary tools to better carry out this task. What started as a simple guide on the use of social networking, expanded to be a series of similar guides covering blogging, personal learning networks, Evenote, Facebook and iPad in education. Our purpose is to give hand to both novice and experienced teachers in integrating technology within their classrooms. We are still working on several other guides which will be posted here intermittently and there will be a comprehesive ebook that will contain all these guides, so stay tuned. Today's guide is about Skype and here is the outline : What is Skype ? What is Skype ? What do I need to use Skype To use Skype you need to : Skype's Importance in Education Skype Tips for Teachers Webliography
