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Ministère de la culture - Direction des musées de France - Base Joconde BOUDIN Eugène, Venise, La douane et Notre-Dame-de-la-Salute, huile sur bois, 1895, Reims, musée des beaux-arts © Christian Devleeschauwer1/28 Costume de China Poblana, Mexique, coton, laine, sequin, perle de verre, 4e quart 19e siècle, 1er quart 20e siècle, Barcelonnette, musée de la Vallée, © BERNARD Jean2/28 MAISON J ROTHSCHILD & Fils et RHEIMS & AUSCHER, Modèle de landau à huit ressorts, crayon graphite sur papier bristol, 4e quart 19e siècle - 20e siècle, Compiègne, musée national de la voiture et du tourisme © Arkhênum ; Compiègne, musée national de la voiture et du tourisme - utilisation soumise à autorisation3/28 Portrait de Tiberius Gemellus ? DE DIETRICH, Saint Georges terrassant le dragon, bas-relief, fonte moulée, entre 1950 et 1960, Reichshoffen, musée historique et industriel, musée du fer © Pommois Etienne28/28

Instalada la primera Espresso, impresora de libros bajo demanda Ya son varios los productos que se presentaron hace un tiempo y que ahora se anuncian como disponibles: el Chumby, el Alienware m7950 y ahora el Espresso, una máquina de impresión de libros bajo demanda. La instalación de la Espresso se ha realizado en la biblioteca pública de Nueva York y se puede escoger entre una catálogo de hasta 200000 libros actualmente, todos ellos en dominio público, por lo que no esperemos las últimas novedades, por ahora. Lo que no queda claro es el precio, ya que en la nota que han enviado para anunciarlo indican que se podrán imprimir copias gratuitas, aunque no se si se refieren a que al estar los libros en el dominio público solo es necesario pagar el papel. Me gustaría saber cual será el coste una vez empiecen a instalarlo en más sitios y, por supuesto, que nos llegara por aquí, aunque lo veo harto improbable. Vía | Pocket Lint.

altered books Cut the bindings off of books found at a used book store. Find poems in the pages by the process of obliteration. Put pages in the mail and send them all around the world. This site is a chronicle of a very specific set of collaborations between the artists listed below working on the titles listed below. *loves = referred 200+ people our way loved us on August 21st, 2005 MilkandCookies loved us on August 21st, 2005 The J-Walk Blog loved us on August 22nd, 2005 In4mador! robot wisdomloved us on August 22nd, 2005 MetaFilter loved us on August, 23rd, 2005 G4 Attack of the Show loved us on August 24th, 2005 Oink! mishechkaloved us on November 19th, 2005 granolagirlloved us on November 23rd, 2005 Bifurcated Rivetsloved us on November 28th, 2005 Zaborloved us on November 28th, 2005 zloblogloved us on December 1st, 2005 Glubibulgaloved us on December 1st, 2005 jessickaloved us on December 3rd, 2005 juliepatchouliloved us on December 3rd, 2005 la letteratura russaloved us on December 5th, 2005

Origins of American Animation, 1900-1921 The Library of Congress Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, Library of Congress The Origins of American Animation collection has been migrated to an improved presentation and will no longer be updated in American Memory. Please visit the new presentation. Search By Keyword | Browse Index of Subjects | Alphabetical Title List | Chronological Title List The development of early American animation is represented by this collection of 21 animated films and 2 fragments, which spans the years 1900 to 1921. The mission of the Library of Congress is to make its resources available and useful to Congress and the American people and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations. The Library of Congress presents these documents as part of the record of the past. Special Presentation:Notes on the Origins of American Animation American Memory | Search All Collections | Collection Finder | Teachers

The Reading Space “The nothing-to-hide argument (…) is not of recent vintage. One of the characters in Henry James’s 1888 novel, The Reverberator, muses: “If these people had done bad things they ought to be ashamed of themselves and he couldn’t pity them, and if they hadn’t done them there was no need of making such a rumpus about other people knowing.” (…) Likewise, in Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s novella “Traps,” which involves a seemingly innocent man put on trial by a group of retired lawyers in a mock-trial game, the man inquires what his crime shall be. “If you have nothing to hide, then that quite literally means you are willing to let me photograph you naked? To evaluate the nothing-to-hide argument, we should begin by looking at how its adherents understand privacy. Privacy can be invaded by the disclosure of your deepest secrets. Privacy, in other words, involves so many things that it is impossible to reduce them all to one simple idea. The problems are not just Orwellian but Kafkaesque.

Authorama - Public Domain Books biblioklept | Entertainment | Head to head: Music copyright With the first wave of rock 'n' roll recordings - starting with Elvis Presley - about to go out of copyright in Europe, the UK music industry wants the current 50-year time limit extended. But would this also be good news for fans? Both sides of the argument are put forward below. BBC News Online sent in their comments on the arguments. Perhaps the reason for the complaints from the record industry appearing now is due in no small part to the change in nature of the public domain. With the advent of peer to peer networks, IP in the public domain actually is available to the public in a way never before seen.Richard, Manchester The bit about intellectual property was a gag, albeit one based in truth. Most people have a working life of 40-50 years. Why are record companies always complaining? Fifty years of protection has been enough to allow the UK record distribution industry to continue to invest so far. Why don't the record companies move with the times? Copyright is a two sided deal.

An Invitation to World Literature Greek, by Euripides, first performed in 405 BCE The passionate loves and longings, hopes and fears of every culture live on forever in their stories. Here is your invitation to literature from around the world and across time. Sumerian, 2600 BCE and older Turkish, by Orhan Pamuk, 2000 Greek, by Homer, ca. eighth century BCE Greek, by Euripides, first performed in 405 BCE Sanskrit, first century CE Japanese, by Murasaki Shikibu, ca. 1014 Chinese, by Wu Ch'êng-ên, ca. 1580 Quiché-Mayan, written in the Roman alphabet ca. 1550s French, by Voltaire, 1759 English, by Chinua Achebe, 1959 Spanish, by Gabriel García Márquez, 1967 English, by Arundhati Roy, 1998 Arabic, first collected ca. fourteenth century

Center for the Study of the Public Domain The Center for the Study of the Public Domain is proud to announce the publication of Theft! A History of Music. The book is a graphic novel (aka "comic book") laying out a 2000 year history of musical borrowing from Plato to rap. Listen to co-author James Boyle discuss the comic on NPR’s The State of Things. Read what people are saying about the book: boing boing, DukeToday, Indy Weekly, Chronicle. Public Domain Day: January 1, 2017 The Center marks Public Domain Day—when thousands of works enter the public domain around the world—with a celebration of what won’t be entering the public domain in the US. Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society - Cases and Materials (3d Edition 2016) The Center announces the publication of the third edition of an Open Coursebook, Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society - Cases and Materials. Is We Shall Overcome in the public domain? Polish translation of Bound By Law? Ariosa Diagnostics v. Are trade secrets delaying biosimilars?

Piden compositores a legisladores reformar ley de derecho de autor - El Universal - México Ciudad de México | Miércoles 27 de junio de 2007Arturo Zárate Vite | El Universal17:08 Armando Manzanero, Martín Urieta y Felipe Gil pidieron a senadores y diputados reformar la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor, para que no se lucre con la obra que es del dominio público. En todo caso, aquellos, que lo hagan, que paguen impuestos, dijeron. Los tres compositores acudieron este miércoles a la sesión de la Comisión Permanente del Congreso de la Unión para ser testigos de la presentación de una iniciativa de reformas en esta materia. La iniciativa fue elaborada por los diputados Humberto Zazueta y Emilio Ulloa. De acuerdo con su propuesta, "las obras del dominio público pueden ser libremente utilizadas por cualquier persona siempre y cuando no se persigan fines de lucro directo o indirecto". El maestro Armando Manzanero destacó que también acudirán con los demás grupos parlamentarios para buscar su apoyo. mvc/grg

Main Page devolucion al dominio publico > apt-get install anarchism

Images libres de droits. Obligation d'inscrire, lors de toute utilisation, la mention : "Conseil Régional de Basse-Normandie / National Archives USA" pour les images dont l'origine indiquée sur le descriptif est "NA-USA" et "Conseil Régional de Basse-Normandie / National Archives Canada" pour les images dont l'origine indiquée sur le descriptif est "NA-CA". by doctic33 Jul 29
