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Home | Leafsnap: An Electronic Field Guide Clé de reconnaissance des graminées - CoursenLigne - AgroParisTech Clé de reconnaissance des graminées Formateur : Tice AgroParisTech Sur le portail : 10 AgroParisTech 16 rue Claude Bernard F-75231 Paris Cedex 05 Tel: 33 (0) 1 44 08 18 43 - Fax: 33 (0) 1 44 08 16 00 Localiser sur une carte Liens divers Les Podcasts AgroParisTech Eduroam Retrouvez nos vidéos sur 2016 © AgroParisTech - Mentions légales Plantifier on the App Store Massive Database of 182,000 Leaves Is Helping Predict Plant Family Trees The story of a plant is etched in its leaves. A tree growing in a cold environment with plenty of water is more likely to have large leaves with many serrated teeth around the edges. But if the same species lives in a warm, dry region, its leaves are likely to be smaller and smoother. Now, an atlas that traces the shapes of 182,000 leaves from 141 plant families and 75 locations around the world shows promise for refining scientists’ ability to read that story. Using that atlas, researchers found that leaf shape alone accurately predicted where a leaf was collected 14.5% of the time, and plant family correctly 27.3% of the time. Researchers hope that the approach will help them to learn more about the forces that shape plant leaves, and even to get a glimpse of ancient climates by analysing the shapes of fossilized plants. The results were posted on June 20 to bioRxiv, a server that hosts biology preprints. Shaping up the data Leaf by leaf “Morphology is being reborn,” Städler says.

Clé des arbres et arbustes de Normandie Toutes les pages sur les arbres :Ginkgo biloba | Bocage à hêtre - 50 | Bocage vendéen - 79 | Dendrochronologie et coupe transversale d'un thuya | Aubier - duramen et coupe transversale d'un chêne | Identification des arbres - Idem en animation Flash | Clé statique imprimable | Arbres et arbustes de Damigny - 61 | Le Sapin de Laigle - 61 | If | Baies d'if | les vieux arbres | Quiz Énigmes et quizz | Éducation | Botanique | Écologie | Environnement | Étymologie | Paysages | Géologie | Histoire des Sciences | Humour | Illusion et relief | Nature | Orne (département) | Zoologie et Biologie | Informatique | Autres disciplines Accueil |

Google is the best plant ID app and it will only get better | Jack Wallington Garden Design, Clapham in London There’s been lots of hype about plant ID apps and having tried most of them I’ve never been impressed. However, my school friend David who now lives in LA and works for Google pointed out earlier in the year how accurate its reverse image search, or Google Lens as it is now called, has become. Download the Google app now to give it a whirl, the world’s collective knowledge of plants and other wildlife is about to get much, much better. Everyone I’ve subsequently told about it has been blown away. Here’s how Google Lens works 1) load it up and press the image icon 2) take a photo or select one from your phone 3) Search for matches Google will then use patterns and colours in the photo to conduct a search online for matching images. 4) scroll down if it’s not there Sometimes it’s close but the correct species isn’t there, but it’s usually almost there and the correct species may be further down. Give it a try and see what you think. The following two tabs change content below.

The best apps to identify unknown plants and flowers | The Telegraph Clé d'identification des arbres en région IDF - CoursenLigne - AgroParisTech Clé d'identification des arbres en région IDF Formateur : Tice AgroParisTech Sur le portail : 2 AgroParisTech 16 rue Claude Bernard F-75231 Paris Cedex 05 Tel: 33 (0) 1 44 08 18 43 - Fax: 33 (0) 1 44 08 16 00 Localiser sur une carte Liens divers Les Podcasts AgroParisTech Eduroam Retrouvez nos vidéos sur 2014 © AgroParisTech - Mentions légales

PlantNet Plant Identification Virginia Tech Tree Identification brings the award winning Virginia Tech digital dendrology material to your Android smart phone. It contains fact sheets for 969 woody plants from all over North America with an in depth description, range map and thousands of color images of leaves, flowers, fruit, twigs, bark and form. Users can narrow the species list for any location in North America using the phone's GPS, network signal or any entered address or zip code. NOTESThe 650 MB database of tree photographs and text is downloaded from our server. Text and photography by John R.

Plant Architecture and Its Evolutionary Implications — In Defense of Plants Another interesting finding borne from these models is that there doesn't seem to be strong correlations between architecture and phylogeny. Although species within a specific genus often share similar architecture, there are plenty of exceptions. What's more, the same form can occur in unrelated species. So, at this point the question of what is governing these models becomes apparent. Although many scientists have attempted to tackle these sorts of questions, I want to highlight the work of one individual in particular - Dr. 1) Plants have to capture sunlight and avoid shading their own leaves. 2) Plants have to support themselves structurally. 3) Plants have to conduct water to their various tissues. 4) Plants must be able to reproduce effectively. Using these basic constraints, Dr.

Deux clés de détermination pour les feuillus et les résineux Reconnaître les arbres : deux clés de détermination papier Savez-vous reconnaître les arbres ? Une silhouette, un fruit ou une écorce caractéristiques suffisent parfois, mais pour être certain de l'espèce, il faut savoir observer les feuilles et les aiguilles. Voici deux documents qui vous permettront de trouver à coup sûr le nom des principaux arbres de nos forêts, les feuillus et les résineux. Deux grands ensembles Prêts pour un jeu grandeur nature en forêt ? Vous verrez, c'est simple. Les feuillus © ONF Illustration On les appelle feuillus, pourtant ce sont les arbres qui perdent leurs feuilles en automne ! Vous êtes face à un feuillu ? les feuilles simples en une seule partie, comme celles de l'Erable ou du Chênedes feuilles composées formées de plusieurs petites feuilles, les folioles (comme celles du Frêne ou du Robinier). Le critère suivant est la disposition des feuilles sur un rameau. Vous suivez ? Vous trouverez vite le petit nom de votre arbre mystérieux ! Les résineux
