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Cartolis - Cartes postales de Bretagne et de bord de mer

Cartolis - Cartes postales de Bretagne et de bord de mer

Valentin Sécher Blog: page bd "KHAAL, Chroniques d'un Empereur Galactique, livre second" sort aujourd'hui partout en France ! Né dans le pire endroit que l’univers ait connu, un enfant a grandi parmi les monstres, avant de devenir le pire d’entre eux.Leader, combattant, bourreau, tyran... Devenu homme, l’enfant est devenu conquérant, le plus terrible qui soit. Depuis, il écume les cieux insondables répondant à un appel que lui seul connaît.Khaal est a présent aux commandes du vaisseau alien qui a tenté d’envahir la prison dans laquelle il avait toujours vécu et écume les planètes qui croisent sa route.Un seul choix est laissé aux créatures intelligentes : se soumettre ou être intégrées à son vaisseau monde. Avec toujours l'incroyable Louis au scénario ! Voici d'ailleurs la couv et les quatres premières pages. Vous trouverez une preview plus complète ainsi qu'une interview croisée de Louis et moi sur : Bonne lecture à toutes et à tous.

Thank you for downloading Skype Beta from PAN! Le cri du menhir - Page 5 - Le cri du menhir J’ai connu Brocéliande, il y a bel âge, dans toute sa sauvagerie sans balise. Elle m’envoûta, affola ma boussole, m’apprit que même mortes les amours mordent. J’ai aussi longuement fréquenté les romans du cycle breton, du cycle d’Arthur. Les fées bretonnes ne sont jamais des dames-comme-il-faut (sinon, qui s’en soucierait !) et Morgane est sans doute la plus sulfureuse. Sur mon arbre généalogique aux trois-quarts ébranché, est venue se greffer une Morgane, une grande liseuse aux yeux étranges, anglaise de naissance et d’imagination. La mise en mots fut simple. Guénane. Au XII ème siècle, dans les cours royales, se mit à fleurir un nouveau plaisir : le roman. Une petite fille lisait… Lisait… À toute heure, en tout lieu ; un livre est un nuage, un tapis volant. Entre deux chevauchées, deux sortilèges, Morgane, la sœur d’Arthur aussi lisait… Lisait… Morgane, c’est tout un roman cette fée ! La Bretagne est terre de songes. Morgane, la nuit, épie. Morgane ricane, retourne l’anneau. Guénane

campsite | packaging Designer Kashiwa Sato is a well renowned Japenese graphic design who has worked for brand such as 7 Eleven, Honda, Olympus and tons more. Sato is best known for his work for the clothing brand and stores Uniqlo, which originated in Japan. I recently found the Source Series, which is a project by Korean designer Wang Zhi Hong documenting the work of great designers. Whenever I go out for Soba, Udon, or Sushi, Kirin is definitely one of my favorite accompaniments to the meal. (via Collate »)

How to calculate halftone dot sizes in microns - Workflow: PrePress When working with screen rulings, particularly those above 200 LPI or FM screening, you may need to know the size of dots in microns. This is to make sure that the plates, plate imaging system, press, and ink pigments are all capable of delivering the minimum printing dots through the process. For example, if the dot size is 10 microns but the ink pigment size is 25 microns there may not be enough dot surface area for the pigment to stick to and hence that tone will be dropped out on press. Or, if the screen calls for a 10 micron dot Daily Email Newsletters Weekly Email Newsletters Subscribe to receive the latest design and creative business news, tutorials, and resources delivered to you via email—either daily (below) or weekly, to your computer, tablet, or mobile phone. IMPORTANT NOTE: The newsletters and subscription confirmation email will be sent from the address Privacy and CAN-SPAM Compliance All Pariah Burke newsletters comply with the U.S.

Éditions Palantine Creating Funny Big Head Characters in Photoshop This tutorial is inspired by the Red Queen character in the new “Alice in the Wonderland” movie, where she has a big head and small body. We will be looking at using Liquify tool to achieve that sort of caricature effect. Preview of Final Image Download “Two brides fight and shout at each other” from ShutterStock, or you may use other images of similar model poses. Extract the bride on the right using the Layer Mask tool. Cut out the bride’s head and paste into a separate layer. Unhide the bride’s head and position it roughly around the neck area like the example shown below. Create a layer below the bride and give it a pink background. Selecting the head’s layer, go to Filter > Liquify. Repeat the same set of processes for the bride on left of the original stock image. Download the “Castle and Park” from ShutterStock. Select the Castle layer and enter Quick Mask Mode. Exit Quick Mask Mode and you will get a circular selection. Download “Just Married” from ShutterStock.

Breiz Atao | Kazeten ar vreizhourion Watch M6 HD stream online | Free live M6 HD HDTV channel Currently M6 is offline on tvsector > buy access to M6 here M6, also known as Metropole television, is the most profitable private national French TV channel and the third most watched television network in the French-speaking world. M6 is the head channel of the M6 group media empire[4] that owns several TV channels, magazines, publications, movie production and media-related firms etc. List of programs broadcast by M6 News Le 12:45 (national edition) and 19:45 (national edition), afternoon and evening news.Zone Interdite, France’s most influential Newsmagazine66 Minutes weekly news magazine.Capital, Economy-oriented newsmagazine.Enqu? Show and Reality Show X FactorNouvelle star, (French adaptation of Pop Idol) reality televisionL’amour est dans le pr? Series Desperate HousewivesGleeLie to MeBonesMy Name Is EarlNCISNCIS Los AngelesNumb3rsSupernaturalScrubsSons of AnarchyWhite CollarBurn Notice Past programmes No related channels.

Topaz Adjust - Create Stunning, Single-Image HDR Photos That POP With Dynamic Color, Detail and Exposure. Intelligent color enhancement gives you a dazzling variety of color effects Go far beyond simple hue, saturation, and luminance with Topaz Adjust's adaptive color technology. Intelligently enhance color to make your photos more exciting and vibrant without oversaturating or turning them into cartoons. Learn more about adaptive color → Adaptive color: a newer and smarter saturation Saturation is one of those settings that you can't increase too much, or your image starts to look ridiculous. Although the image above has bold and striking colors, it doesn't look "unnatural" in the way that it would if you just cranked saturation to 100. Finally, Topaz Adjust gives you a way to create great color effects without overdoing it.

25 Professional and Incredibly Powerful Photoshop Plugins Freebies are awesome, and design blogs are full of them, but sometimes you need a professional tool to handle professional tasks. There are a wealth of extremely powerful and high quality photoshop tools that can dramatically improve your workflow and are worth every penny you have to spend to get them. Today we’ll look at a number of the best tools available for making color adjustments, adjusting focus, enlarging images, transforming layers in 3D, reducing noise, creating textures, applying complex masks, and even taking that PSD into full-blown HTML. Color and Exposure Exposure 3 “Over 500 analog techniques and organic looks are back like cross processing, Polaroid and vintage Daguerreotype. Price: $249.00 PhotoTune 3 “Great color, it’s not as hard as you think. Price: $159.95 Kubota Artistic Tools Viva La Vintage “Add some new fun to your images with these Kubota Actions inspired by vintage looks your clients will love! Price: $109.00 Topaz Adjust Price: $49.99 Focus Enhancement Bokeh 2 DOF Pro

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