Social Network Analysis After learning the basics of R, I decided to learn something harder last week. I picked Social Network Analysis (SNA) to learn the concepts of SNA and R. My primary interest in SNA is visual exploration of networks, so I needed to find a tool first. Which tool to use for visual SNA? Features needed: 1) graphical representation of network 2) visually navigate the graph (zoom in/out, drag) to explore large graphs 3) manipulate the graph (filter nodes, edit/delete/group nodes and same for edges) 4) free, preferably open source. I found out that R has good libraries like SNA (checkout Drew Conway's tutorial) and iGraph (see this tutorial) for social network analysis. So I continued my hunt for a good tool for visual SNA and discovered Gephis, an open source app for visual exploration. WARNING: SNA with Gephis is addictive. After you download Gephi, checkout Gephi quick start guide to get your bearings. Gephi Features Tour from gephi on Vimeo. Web rendition of these graphs is also possible.
DMesh Pro Repper pattern, le générateur de motif Voilà une chouette trouvaille qui, j’en suis sûre, ravira tous les bidouilleurs et bidouilleuses amoureux de motifs ! Repper pattern est, à la base, un logiciel permettant de créer des motifs en haute définition pour l’impression sur tout support. Mais il est possible de tester gratuitement l’outil via une version en ligne qui autorise l’exportation très basse définition, exploitable pour vos travaux numériques. Le principe est très simple et permet vraiment une infinité de résultat, sans aucune connaissance technique: il suffit d’uploader l’image de son choix, et de jouer avec une zone de sélection pour voir se créer en temps réel le motif répété, puis, de jouer avec les réglages de couleur et de contraste pour fairer varier à l’envi le résultat. L’image proposée par défaut permet déjà de créer une foultitude de chose, mais j’ai eu envie de tester avec mon motif pastèque Alors oui, certes, c’est déjà un motif mais vous allez voir, on va vite l’oublier. Repper pattern Tool
Waters Waters è un lavoro in corso. La selezione contiene immagini provenienti da Thailandia, Germania, Italia, Ungheria, Stati Uniti, Tunisia e Turchia. Attratto dall’acqua, nei suoi primi lavori fotografici Ákos Maggiore cerca gli orizzonti infiniti e la calma di mari e laghi. Successivamente il suo interesse si è rivolto verso l’osservazione di come la presenza umana cambia queste acque. In apertura: Ákos Major, Blue Legacy, Istanbul, Turchia 2013. Ákos Major, Walking the dog, San Francisco, CA, USA 2013 Ákos Major (b. 1974, Ungheria) si è diplomato nel 2001 alla Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design (MOME) di Budapest, Ungheria, in Comunicazione Visiva.
Share your images The Abyss by @andreasgysin [Tutorial] - Graphics, animation and interaction with #Processing Sorry, this is Members Only content. Please Log-in. To find out how to become a member see here. 5 Comments Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Revoke Consent Color Scheme Designer mode d'emploi Le différentes harmonies Vous avez des peintures ou dessins à encadrer... et inévitablement se pose le problème du choix des couleurs du biseau, du passe-partout et du cadre ! Vous refaites la déco de votre salon... et vous hésitez sur la tonalité générale des rideaux... Vous ne savez pas quels papiers choisir pour votre page de scrapbooking. Créer des harmonies de couleurs... voilà bien le problème ! Si vous faites partie de la seconde catégorie... n'hésitez pas : le COLOR SCHEME DESIGNER est un outil magique qui va vous simplifier grandement la vie !!! La théorie des couleurs... Tout le monde connaît le cercle chromatique : il est formé par les 3 couleurs primaires (jaune, bleu, rouge), 3 secondaires (obtenue par mélange en parts égales des 3 primaires : vert, orange et violet) puis les 6 couleurs tertiaires... Sur ce cercle chromatique, on dit que deux couleurs opposées sont complémentaires : par exemple, le jaune et le violet sont complémentaires... Harmonie des couleurs complémentaires
10 of The Best Photoshop Tutorials on YouTube for Landscape Architects Youtube has a lot to offer when it comes to Photoshop tutorials, check out these … Youtube has a lot to offer when it comes to Photoshop tutorials, check out these top 10 and see for yourself. So much is expected of you as a landscape architect. It is necessary to acquire the skills and knowledge that is needed to be successful in this field. Luckily enough, there is a plethora of online resources for us to dig our fingers into. So here is a list of 10 YouTube Photoshop tutorials that I have used and have gained from. Photoshop Tutorials 1. Alex Hogrefe’s tutorials have been a vast resource for me – especially his YouTube videos. WATCH: Architectural Illustrations: Photoshop Landscape Tutorial1 2. Pixel Flakes is another vast resource or advanced render techniques, especially using Photoshop. WATCH: Shipyard Photoshop Breakdown by PixelFlakes 3. This was one of the first videos that got me into Photoshop rendering. WATCH: AutoCAD to Photoshop II1 4. 5. Photoshop Related Articles: 6. 7. 8. 9.
Top wireframing tools - Digital Nation by Claudia Sagripanti on Jun 28, 2012 with 4 Comments I’m involved with Metro Screen’s MetroAppsLab – a mini hackathon/lab for mobile apps development. Oliver Weidlich of Mobile Experience came in and gave a great presentation on wireframing – a how-to and why. 7 reasons to use wireframes in mobile app design To create the skeleton of the applicationTo progress sketches to higher fidelityTo formally plan out the interaction between the screens in more detail and all the functionalityInvestigate different pathsTo use more accurate relative sizingTo use OS elementsCreate assets for usability testing While the benefits of wireframing are clear, the decision on what tool to use is a bit more complicated, depending on the systems and preferences of you and your client. In an informal poll over a strong cup of coffee with several digital agencies, Balsamiq is commonly used, but there are a number of others. Popular cross platform wireframing tools: For usability testing on device
Apps - All content Copyright © 2011 Innoiz Inc. Interaction Media Lab The Best Tools for Keyword Research, Competitive Analysis and Trending Topics Editorial teams and content creators are always on the lookout for useful tools for keyword research and content planning. To help with that, I’ve put together a list of the best options for keyword research, competitive analysis and monitoring search and social trends. There is a wide universe of tools out there and my intention is not to cover them all. Instead I’ve highlighted the ones I like best and regularly recommend to editorial teams. If I haven’t included something that you frequently use, let me know and I may add it to the list. Keyword Research 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A good approach is to use Keyword Tool to explore keyword ideas and then plug your main candidates into Google Keyword Planner to get the search volume figures. 6. 7. This will help you to understand what’s working and what isn’t, and what topical areas you can potentially expand on. Competitive Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. Search Trends 1. 2. 3. 4. Social Trends 1. 2. 3. 4.
Symmetry, colour and cloud games and the perfect picture – A talk with Nick Cooper Nick Cooper´s images are able to capture the beauty the way your eyes see them. Nature, that is breathtaking, endless and perfect. Skies full of colour and cloud games blending into a magnificient piece of art, people resting on lonely beaches; making you feel the dimension of the place and yet the safe sanctuary that they provide. Your photography has this magnificent and breathtaking vibe. Yes absolutely. You are from Australia. Australia has such rugged, vast and remote landscapes. Usually I don´t like to ask those sometimes a bit tedious questions about the professional education background, but in your case I would like to know if you are self-taught or if you have studied photography at school/ uni? I’ve never really studied photography formally, it was mostly continual practice. I also love your fashion photography. I usually have a clear image of what I want, and like to keep things natural. Are you a perfectionist? Yes, definitely! all images Nick Cooper
Gallery · mbostock/d3 Wiki Wiki ▸ Gallery Welcome to the D3 gallery! More examples are available for forking on Observable; see D3’s profile and the visualization collection. Please share your work on Observable, or tweet us a link! Visual Index Basic Charts Techniques, Interaction & Animation Maps Statistics Examples Collections The New York Times visualizations Jerome Cukier Jason Davies Jim Vallandingham Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Peter Cook Charts and Chart Components Bar Chart Histogram Pareto Chart Line and Area Chart Pie Chart Scatterplot and Bubble chart Parallel Coordinates, Parallel sets and Sankey Sunburst and Partition layout Force Layout Tree Misc Trees and Graphs Chord Layout (Circular Network) Maps Misc Charts Miscellaneous visualizations Charts using the reusable API Useful snippets Tools Interoperability Online Editors Products Store Apps