How to Get Rid of Acne: 16 steps (with pictures)
Treating at HomeTreating at a Dermatologist’s or SpaTreating Acne with Lifestyle Changes Edited by Troy, Tom Viren, Ben Rubenstein, Alison King and 258 others Most people find themselves suffering from an acne outbreak at some point, whether it's due to hormones or stress. Contrary to popular belief, pimples don't necessarily mean your skin is dirty or unclean — in fact, over-cleansing can irritate your skin even more. However, hormones aren't uncontrollable, and there are simple changes you can make to eliminate your breakouts. Ad Steps Method 1 of 3: Treating at Home 1Wash your face twice daily. 13Always apply a moisturizer. Method 2 of 3: Treating at a Dermatologist’s or Spa 1Get a facial. 6Use prescription drugs. Method 3 of 3: Treating Acne with Lifestyle Changes 1Exercise regularly. 9Use oil-free makeup. Tips Don't use too many acne treatments at once; as, if one of them is successful, you won't know which one it was. Warnings Article Info Featured Article In other languages:
No-Nonsense Daily Scrub for Any Skin Type
Ground oats and almonds - all you really need. Let’s talk about soap, and how you shouldn’t use it on your face. Don’t use soap on your face. Okay. Now that that’s out of the way, here’s something you SHOULD use on your face, and you can use it daily – or morning AND night, even. I use my scrub typically in the morning (nighttime is reserved for oil cleansing, heavy toner usage, or nothing at all when I’m lazy). The best thing about this is that it keeps for a reeeeeeeeaaaaaaally long time. This is an easy, no-frills and no-spoilage approach to food on your face. Guess what else? If you haven’t sent me pictures of food on your face yet, GET TO IT QUICK! First the basic recipe, which any skin type can use, or you can tailor it even more specifically to your needs, which we’ll touch on at the end. Grind up your oats and almonds (separately is probably best, or the oats might stick to the almonds in processing) and mix together well. Finish with a toner and moisturizer, if desired. Okay.
Solid Shea Butter Sugar Scrub Cube Recipe
Solid Sugar Scrub Cubes have become the new trend and are now taking the place of traditional sugar scrubs. One of the main reasons is that these scrubs are in a solid form so there’s no separation and less mess. It also means it’s less likely that you will transfer water into your sugar scrub during usage since you are simply removing one or two cubes at a time for use and then resealing the container before use. While there are a handful of recipes for solid sugar scrubs floating around, I came up with my own recipe that I’d like to share with you. Here’s what some of my customers have had to say about my Solid Shea Butter Sugar Scrub Cubes: Cucumber Solid Shea Butter Sugar Scrub CubesMy mother LOVES this!!! Natural Lavender Solid Shea Butter Sugar Scrub CubesThese are the most amazing bath item I have ever used. Love these sugar scrub cubes! Great lavender scent, I love how these are softer and squish easily in the shower. Solid Shea Butter Sugar Scrub Cube Recipe Ingredients: 4oz.
DIY Sugar Lip Scrub
This week we’re turning to our friend and beauty expert Sarah Howard, of Beauty Banter, who is indulging us with her delectable brown sugar lip scrub tutorial. Inspired by one of her favorite lip polishes, Sarah recently discovered how simple it was to make her own organic version at home. The timing couldn’t be more ideal as winter’s typically unforgiving weather has us yearning for soft and smooth lips! (PS Be sure to head over to Beauty Banter for our favorite beauty products & tips!) You’ll need:pure coconut oilhoneybrown sugara teaspoona tablespoona mixing bowlan empty jar or 2.5 oz baby food jarlabels (optional) Make sure that the coconut oil is solid enough to scoop up but soft enough for a spoon to dig in. Mix the coconut oil and honey until they bind together. Add two hand packed teaspoons of brown sugar and fold it into the base. Add one teaspoon of just the oil from coconut oil jar into the bowl. The edible scrub will last up to 2 weeks if refrigerated.
Homemade Hair Treatments - At Home DIY Hair Treatments
Eggs, yogurt and honey are, at first glance, all components of a tasty breakfast—but they also happen to be hair treatment ingredients, and affordable, all-natural ones at that. And they're not the only ones. Did you know, for instance, that the oils in avocados more closely resemble our own skin's oils than any product in the beauty aisle does? Or that the mild acidity in lemon is an effective—and gentler—alternative to chemical-laden products? For All Hair Types "The [raw] egg is really the best of all worlds," says Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home. To Use: For normal hair, use the entire egg to condition hair; use egg whites only to treat oily hair; use egg yolks only to moisturize dry, brittle hair, Cox says. Photo by Shutterstock. For Dull Hair Styling products (as well as air pollution) can leave a film that both saps moisture and dulls shine—but dairy products like sour cream and plain yogurt can help reverse this damage. For Itchy Scalp For Limp or Fine Hair
3-Step Spring Cleaning ... For Your Face!
Why only focus on your house? Give your face a spring cleaning, too. While we’re so focused on cleaning under the beds, and cleaning the floor behind the toilet (because who does that more than once a year?), we forget the most important thing. Our faces. And, yes, it’s good to give your face a nice spring cleaning. This EASY, and very nonmessy, 3-Step Spring Cleaning Facial is great for all skin types (though there are some modifications you can make if you have very dry skin). When you’re done, your face will be smooth, soft, and extremely clean, from your lips to your pores. This is also a great thing to do with your daughter or a friend, as you’ll have more than enough mask for one person – and when you clean with a loved one, it hardly seems like cleaning at all. This is a very back-to-the-basics type facial cleaning, using easy (but very effective) ingredients. So, in this 3-Step Spring Cleaning Facial, you’ll be doing three whole things (see how that 3-step thing works?) But.
Vanilla Sugar Body Scrub - freutcake
For years I worked as the manager of a day spa here in California, and while it was quite the stressful job, there were many obvious benefits that came with it! Now a days I dream of the luxuries of body scrubs, facials and waxing. Oh, how the grass is always greener! That being said, all the benefits (and silky smooth skin) in the world won’t compare to working at a job I love. {photos by Freutcake} Vanilla Olive Oil Sugar Scrub 1/2 cup granulated (white) sugar 2 cups Turbinado sugar (sugar in the raw) 1 Tablespoon honey 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 Tablespoon Vanilla extract (or your favorite essential oil) Directions: Combine the two sugars in a bowl and mix to incorporate.
Make Your Own Moisturizing Body ButterOne Good Thing by Jillee
We are experiencing one of the mildest winters I think we’ve ever had since I moved to Utah from California almost 18 years ago! So WHY, I ask you, am I experiencing the WORST dry skin I’ve ever had in my life this winter?? Answer me that riddler! While you ponder that oddity of Mother Nature…let me share with you something I made to help combat the problem! I admit, I have never used Body Butter before. So in light of my seriously itchy, dry skin this winter I decided I must give this stuff a try! The recipe I used comes from Susan Powers website 1 cup shea butter 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup almond oil (you can substitute olive oil, jojoba oil, any organic, liquid oil that is healthy.) 1. 2. I added probably 20 to 25 drops of Lavender oil, but when it was finished it was still hard to even smell. 3. I put mine on the back porch to cool. ……then whip until a butter-like consistency is achieved. 4. So for the last two days I have been using this stuff every chance I get!