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5 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads

5 Natural Ways to Remove Blackheads
You know how, if your pants fall down just a little tiny bit when you’re leaning over and a millimeter of your crack shows? A MILLIMETER? Everyone can see that. Everyone sees it. Even the men in the space station. Blackheads are not like that. Still, they’re annoying. Let’s make that happen. Blackheads are just pimples that don’t have skin over them. All you have to do is clean out your pores, and the blackheads are gone. If you’re prone to blackheads, I have some good and bad news for you. The good news is, people with oily skin and large pores don’t wrinkle as quickly (because our skin is VERY good at replenishing the oils). 1. There are so many things you can use to exfoliate and remove blackheads with. Right now. My favorite is: Especially for oily skin and getting rid of blackheads. You could also use: Baking soda and water, lemon juice and sugar, or salt and sour cream. How you do it: Simply combine your “scrubby” ingredient with your liquid/wet ingredient until you have a thin paste.

Dorm Room Spa: 3 Easy DIY Beauty Recipes to Try Photo Credit It’s that taxing in-between time of the semester again – spring break is over, papers and projects are coming due, and finals are looming ahead. It’s clear that college students are stressed right now, and with that stress comes the need for relaxation. And what better way to unwind than by pampering yourself and indulging in some me-time? Of course, as college students, we can’t all afford to shell out for a trip to a high-end spa. 1. Photo Credit Olive oil isn’t just for cooking — it’s great for your hair, too! To give your hair a conditioning treatment, massage about 2 tablespoons of olive oil into your hair and scalp. Next, take a warm, damp towel and wrap it around your head and treated hair (“turban” it). Finally, rinse out the olive oil with shampoo. 2. This DIY mask, made of nutmeg, honey, and cinnamon, is calming and soothing for stressed-out skin – in addition, it smells absolutely amazing! The secret? 3. Photo Credit Your Thoughts?

Gommage pour peaux sensibles sur Gommage à la papaye : une préparation éclair ! Ce masque ou gommage, appelez-le comme vous le souhaitez, ne nécessite que très peu d'ingrédients. Pour réaliser votre gommage maison pour le visage, il vous faut : • 1/2 papaye fraîche ;• 4 cuillère à soupe de sucre ;• 3 cuillère à café de lait (si vous le voulez plus doux). Préparation : • Épluchez, enlevez les pépins et coupez en petits morceaux la papaye.• Mixez la papaye avec le lait.• Mélangez la pulpe obtenue avec le sucre jusqu'à obtenir une préparation homogène.• Mettez au réfrigérateur 2 à 3 heures avant utilisation. Une peau douce et non agressée Lorsque votre gommage maison est bien reposé et (surtout) bien frais, il est prêt à l'utilisation. Humidifiez votre peau à l'eau claire et appliquez le gommage à la papaye sur votre visage. Pour une peau encore plus douce, vous pouvez appliquer une crème hydratante après votre gommage. Conseils d'utilisation du gommage

No-Nonsense Daily Scrub for Any Skin Type Ground oats and almonds - all you really need. Let’s talk about soap, and how you shouldn’t use it on your face. Don’t use soap on your face. Okay. Now that that’s out of the way, here’s something you SHOULD use on your face, and you can use it daily – or morning AND night, even. I use my scrub typically in the morning (nighttime is reserved for oil cleansing, heavy toner usage, or nothing at all when I’m lazy). The best thing about this is that it keeps for a reeeeeeeeaaaaaaally long time. This is an easy, no-frills and no-spoilage approach to food on your face. Guess what else? If you haven’t sent me pictures of food on your face yet, GET TO IT QUICK! First the basic recipe, which any skin type can use, or you can tailor it even more specifically to your needs, which we’ll touch on at the end. Grind up your oats and almonds (separately is probably best, or the oats might stick to the almonds in processing) and mix together well. Finish with a toner and moisturizer, if desired. Okay.

Smoky Eye Guide | The Untrendy Girl | A Beauty Guide with Heart The smoky eye is sultry. It’s alluring. It’s enigmatic. Okay – I’m being a bit dramatic. *Use the red highlights to show you where to apply makeup. Step 1 – Prep Apply eye cream. Step 2 – Conceal Use your finger or a synthetic concealer brush to apply concealer around the eye. Blend in a gentle patting motion. Step 3 – Create barrier Pat a generous amount of loose translucent powder under the eyes. Step 4 – Neutral Lid Color Using an all-over lid brush, apply a neutral color (think vanillas, butterscotch, bisque and champagnes) from lash line to brow bone. Step 5 – Liner Line eyes with a dark pencil (I absolutely adore Avon’s Glimmersticks waterproof eyeliner), gel, or cream liner – something you can smudge. The liner should be thinner towards the inner corner of the eye and gradually increase in thickness towards the outer edge. Line the lower inner rim. Step 6 – Smudge Use a Q-tip or a tight bristled brush to smudge the edges of your liner. Step 7 -Highlight Step 8 – The Crease

DIY “Miracle” Night Cream Since starting a new job, studying for my RD exam, and preparing to do that whole moving thing has made this lady super stressed out and tired all the time. Boy does my face start to show it! You know that whole puffy eyes, dark circle thing. Not cool! The recipe I am sharing with you today includes amazing ingredients. Raw shea butter and extra virgin coconut oil both are amazing moisturizers, skin protectors, and can help heal the skin.Almond oil has been shown to reduces puffy eyes and dark circles, and also has anti-aging properties.Lemon essential oil is an astringent, detoxifier, brightener, and can help lighten skin spots.Aloe vera gel is a skin brightener, neutralizes free radicals, repairs damaged skin, can help aid skin issues like eczema, and slow down the appearance of wrinkles.Bentonite clay helps absorb and remove toxins and impurities.Vitamin E oil can help block free radicals, slow down the skins aging process, and help heal scar tissues and skin issues. Ingredients:

3-Step Spring Cleaning ... For Your Face! Why only focus on your house? Give your face a spring cleaning, too. While we’re so focused on cleaning under the beds, and cleaning the floor behind the toilet (because who does that more than once a year?), we forget the most important thing. Our faces. And, yes, it’s good to give your face a nice spring cleaning. This EASY, and very nonmessy, 3-Step Spring Cleaning Facial is great for all skin types (though there are some modifications you can make if you have very dry skin). When you’re done, your face will be smooth, soft, and extremely clean, from your lips to your pores. This is also a great thing to do with your daughter or a friend, as you’ll have more than enough mask for one person – and when you clean with a loved one, it hardly seems like cleaning at all. This is a very back-to-the-basics type facial cleaning, using easy (but very effective) ingredients. So, in this 3-Step Spring Cleaning Facial, you’ll be doing three whole things (see how that 3-step thing works?) But.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Black Circles Under Your Eyes Steps Addressing the Cause <img alt="Image titled Care for Your Skin As a Guy Step 19" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Get your beauty sleep.Get plenty of sleep nightly. <img alt="Image titled Communicate Effectively Step 25" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">7Accept what you can't change. Using Natural Remedies Trying Cosmetic Solutions <img alt="Image titled Detox Your Colon Step 3" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Do a skin patch test. Community Q&A Video

CRÈME HYDRATANTE VISAGE MAISON – BONNE MINE ! Aujourd’hui est un jour spécial… … c’est le premier jour du printemps, la Journée Internationale du Bonheur et… la Journée sans Viande ! Je ne sais pas vous, mais moi, je trouve que c’est plutôt une chouette coïncidence, pas vrai ? Malheureusement, je crois que je manque décidément de bon sens comme de logique… Plutôt que de vous présenter une petite recette sans viande pour célébrer cela, je vous propose un DIY cosmétique ! Car oui, aujourd’hui, je vous propose une recette un peu spéciale… une recette qui sent bon le printemps et même déjà l’été… une recette toute ensoleillée ! Plusieurs lectrices (oui, je dis lectrices car, toute parité mise de côté, aucun lecteur ne m’a fait cette requête – sûrement par timidité…), plusieurs lectrices, donc, m’ont demandé si je pouvais proposer une recette de crème hydratante pour le visage. J’avoue, j’ai pensé très fort : ‘Mais pourquoi faire ?’ Parce que, pour moi : une noisette d’aloe vera + trois gouttes d’huile, et hop… call it a crème hydratante !
