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How artificial intelligences will see us

How artificial intelligences will see us

Why It Takes So Long to Fix a Power Outage Top 10 métodos modernos de control mental de las masas ¿Somos parte de un lavado de cerebro masivo que nos lleva a ser una civilización de autómatas consumistas, algo muy conveniente para las grandes empresas y conglomerados que crean productos innecesarios y controlan y explotan los recursos del planeta? ¿O esto es solamente la naturaleza de ser, por definición, seres culturales, inmersos en un contexto tecnocapitalista, influidos por nuestro alrededor, seres tanto miméticos como meméticos en un mar de información sin que nadie manipule las olas? Es difícil responder tajantemente, como sucede en estos casos lo más probable es que sí existan algunos grupos que buscan controlar la mente de las masas para enriquecerse o algún otro fin más oscuro (¿estilo Matrix donde los humanos son cultivados como alimento informático?) 1.Educación Aunque esta es la forma más obvia de control mental, es también probablemente la más insidiosa. 2. Unas palabras cálidas de Bill Hicks para los publicistas: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

3D NAND Chips Are Going to Make High-Capacity SSDs a Reality SaveMyDay > deals > México DF It's Hard to Believe that this Insane Real Time 3D Demo Is Not a Real Life Video The World’s Largest Body Transformation Program: An interview with Dr. John Berardi What do you say to the man who has a goal of helping one million people lose fat and live better? That's what I tried to determine when I recently spoke with Dr. John Berardi. The natural place to start was, "Are you crazy?" But I've seen enough of Dr. That's why I asked Dr. LS: Dr. JB: That's a great question. You see, I began as a personal trainer. Yet, over time, I was growing frustrated. I thought I should be doing better. LS: What was the problem? JB: Well, back then, I blamed my clients. I thought they had no commitment, no discipline. I started to think most of my clients were just lazy. LS: Was that true? JB: No, that was nonsense. What I discovered - and it took some deep soul searching for me to realize it - was that I wasn't doing a great job as a coach. I was just acting as a basic exercise instructor, making up workouts and counting reps. So I made a commitment. There was only one problem; the more I talked about these things, the more resistance I'd get from clients. JB: Yes.

Remembering Alan Turing Yep. Hence the name "bombe", which is not an English word. Joe Desch also led a simultaneous indedpendent effort in Dayton, Ohio, to build a bombe machine after the Germans added a fourth wheel to their enigma machine. Turing, however, was dismissive of the bombe effort at National Cash Register in Dayton, and thought it would never work. It eventually did, though Desch suffered a nervous breakdown in the process. [] A lot of the guys who worked at the Dayton bombe project at National Cash Register eventually went to be founding members of the first real computer companies in the U.S., at places like Engineering Research Associates (now defunct) and IBM. I found out a year ago that my grandfather, who died in the 1970s, worked on the Dayton bombe.

The Biology Of Perception - Where Mind and Matter Meet A radically new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science: Dr. Lipton's profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics is being hailed as a major breakthrough showing that our bodies can be changed as we retrain our thinking. “You can live a life of fear or live a life of love. You have the choice! “We have to come to a new way of understanding biology. Rob Williams, M.A. and Originator of PSYCH-K, discusses how beliefs determine your biological and behavioral realities and shows how to establish communication with the subconscious to "rewrite the software of the mind" and facilitate change. Rob Williams — The Psychology of Change What's the take away from Dr. “We can control our lives by controlling our perceptions.” — Dr. Related Posts

3-D Copying Makes Michelangelos of the Masses When Cosmo Wenman went to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles in late May, he did what many people do. He took photos of some of his favorite sculptures. But instead of a few snapshots, Wenman took hundreds of pictures, documenting busts and reliefs from every accessible angle. Then he did something currently unusual -- but likely to become common. Wenman turned the photos into three-dimensional digital maps, using a free program called Autodesk 123D Catch. On Thingiverse, you can also find data maps for around three dozen sculptures from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Digital Scans The technology is still primitive and frustrating, and the scans it produces are far from perfect, but the future is clear. The question is how the elite palaces will react. The initial response, by the Met and the Getty, is encouraging. Pettis says he always assumed that digitizing sculptures would require a virtual “heist” involving an expensive scanner and a lot of subterfuge. Plaster Casts

David Icke David Vaughan Icke (pronunciado /aɪk/) (nacido el 29 de abril de 1952 en Leicester, Inglaterra) es un escritor y conferenciante británico. Desde 1990 se ha dedicado a buscar "quién/quienes controlan el mundo."[1] Icke es un ex jugador de fútbol, reportero, presentador deportivo, y portavoz del Partido Verde del Reino Unido. También es autor de más de veinte libros, en los cuales explica sus puntos de vista junto a los resultados de sus indagaciones sobre diferentes temas, principalmente referidos al supuesto control mundial por unos pocos seres humanos y con especial hincapié en los Illuminati (en su mayoría, según él, magnates y miembros de diferentes realezas) actuando conjuntamente con seres extraterrestres (reptiloides), los cuales llevarían ejerciendo su dominación sobre la humanidad desde los albores de ésta. Cultura Popular[editar] Televisión[editar] El 26 de diciembre de 2006, el canal de televisión Británica Channel Five televisó el programa "David Icke: Was He Right?" Libros

Supercomputer simulates nuclear explosion down to the molecular level No it isn't. The nuclear test ban treaty went into effect in 1963. In 1964 supercomputers worked in the megaflops range. The LLNL supercomputer is likely in the teraflops to petaflops range, a million to billion times faster. This is precisely why the major nuclear powers don't do weapons testing anymore. Sorry, but that's not the reason. There's no rational reason for declared nuclear powers not to test their weapons, it was always an emotional decision made for publicity reasons (because everyone knows that nuclear weapons are, ummm, bad). Pretty much. I refer only to recent work. The test ban in the 60s only covered above ground testing and testing in space. Perhaps back in 1987 the matter was still in dispute, but, according to the Obama Administration, thanks to the huge advances in supercomputers in recent decades, the United States need not ever test nuclear weapons again. But I feel pretty safe in believing the current administration if they say that. [] []

Saga de la Fundación La Saga de la Fundación es una serie de por lo menos 16 libros de ciencia ficción escritos por Isaac Asimov en los años 1942-1957 y 1982-1992 (año de su muerte), textos que esbozan (según sus propias palabras) una especie de historia del futuro. Se trata, en verdad, de una ficción tecno-sociológica donde los artefactos tecnológicos, fundamentalmente los robots, condicionan la organización social de modos que sorprenden e incitan a la reflexión. En Preludio a la Fundación (1988) Asimov asigna a la saga un total de 14 libros y 1.450.000 palabras. Posteriormente aparecieron al menos dos más, Visiones de robot en 1990 y Hacia la Fundación en 1993. Los libros de la saga[editar] El orden dado a continuación coincide mayoritariamente con el de lectura recomendado por Asimov, con algunas correcciones que surgen de la lectura de los propios textos y las inclusiones de textos posteriores antes señaladas. La Serie de los Robots (o Ciclo de la Tierra)[editar] Trilogía del Imperio Galáctico[editar]

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