Celebrities read children's books Ressources audio en anglais Cette sélection de sites vous propose des ressources audio, en ligne et/ou téléchargeables, à exploiter en classe pour travailler la compréhension orale et la prononciation en langue anglaise : sites institutionnels, portails médias, livres à écouter, exercices d'entraînement... Sites institutionnels Audio-LinguaCette banque sonore collaborative propose des enregistrements mp3 en plusieurs langues. L'Internaute peut les sélectionner en fonction de critères très différents (langue, niveau du cadre, thème, âge du locuteur, durée...).www.audio-lingua.eu/ Portail EducnetLe site Educnet propose à partir d’entrées thématiques (actualités, société, vie quotidienne) des ressources sonores pour les élèves classées en fonction des niveaux de compétence du cadre. 1000 images sur le bout de la langue Le site canadien "1000 images sur le bout de la langue" invite à découvrir et à apprendre des expressions imagées en anglais et en espagnol sur un mode interactif et ludique. Livres audio en ligne LoudLit
CCSD Wiki-Teacher HippoCampus Free English Worksheets Teacher Lesson Plans, Printables & Worksheets by Grade or Subject - TeacherVision.com Designing Shifts-Aligned Interventions in the Math Classroom As teachers, we want to help all kids learn and when we’re faced with the realization that some students just aren’t “getting it,” we work to figure out how to catch kids up. It’s a prevalent struggle many educators grapple with and a frequent conversation in schools: How do we address unfinished learning in math and fill gaps in student understanding? Over the course of my career I have seen, all too often, students behind grade level denied access to grade-level mathematics, in an effort to catch them up or “fill the holes.” All students deserve access to content-rich instruction at their grade level, and when students have unfinished learning from previous grades, teachers need to take appropriate action—and that doesn’t mean reverting solely to materials and content from previous grades. So, how do we address unfinished learning and support students in developing understanding and mastery of content? Recommendations for Targeted Math and Intervention Save
HowStuffWorks Biography in a Box Book report / projects are a part of quarterly assignments in our grade level and for the genre biography; I like to do something different. I let the students choose their books with a page minimum as criteria and I must see the book to approve it. Specifics for the Assignment The pizza boxes I provide to the students to ensure that they are all the same size. I get them donated from local businesses. Here are some examples of my students’ work. Teacher Resources The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Discover and discuss ways to bring the power of Library of Congress primary sources into the classroom. Go to the blog Subscribe to the blog via e-mail or RSS. Using Primary Sources Discover quick and easy ways to begin using primary sources in your classroom, with teachers' guides, information on citing sources and copyright, and the Library's primary source analysis tool. TPS Partners The Teaching with Primary Sources Program builds partnerships with educational organizations to support effective instruction using primary sources. The Teaching with Primary Sources Journal
Visual Math Improves Math Performance - YouCubed Mathematics educators have long known that engaging students in visual representations of mathematics is extremely helpful for their learning. When youcubed offered “How Close to 100” as an activity for learning math facts with visual representations, teachers across the world were thrilled and responded with thousands of tweets showing students learning by playing the game. Some of the world’s top mathematicians engage almost entirely with visual mathematics. For example, Maryam Mirzakhani, arguably the most important mathematician of our time, works almost entirely visually. In news articles she is shown sketching ideas on large pieces of paper on her kitchen table, Maryam joked to reporters that her 3 year old daughter probably thinks she is an artist. Despite the importance of visual mathematics at high levels of mathematics (and all other levels) there is a common perception that visual mathematics is only needed as a crutch for more abstract mathematics. References:
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