Administration Liferay is a portal server. This means that it is designed to be a single environment where all of the applications a user needs can run, and these are integrated together in a consistent and systematic way. If an application lives outside of the portal, the portal should be able to consume some resource of the application (such as an RSS feed or a subset of functionality in a "dashboard" application) so that the end user can see everything he or she interacts with at a glance. To achieve this, all of the application functionality within Liferay Portal is in fragments of the page called portlets. Portlets are web applications that run in a portion of a web page. Portlet applications, like servlet applications, have become a Java standard which various portal server vendors have implemented. Portlets are not difficult to build, and Java standard portlets can be written by any Java developer with experience in writing web applications. Navigating Liferay User Name:
Khan Academy iStrategyLabs "An Idea Foundry" | Interactive Strategy, Experiential Marketing, Content Creation, Social Media Strategy Free Online Student Organizer | Schoolbinder Students Don't Care - Technorati Blogging There is a certain apathy among college students today. I’ve noticed the trend throughout my four years in college, and its ubiquity just recently struck me. There are plenty of excuses for it. I call it an inflexible system. As a student of marketing and public relations, one of the first things any budding professional is taught is to identify your audience. And moreover, this should be any professor’s dream. So what are dissatisfied students supposed to do? I am not saying that social media will ride in on a white stallion and solve all of the education system’s many problems. Without a change, the fissure between students and academics will grow wider and wider.
Sistema web para administrador y usuarios Insisto en agradecer tu gran ayuda. Encontre un pdf con algo de información y creo que entendí bastante mas, aun me quedan preguntas, pero en color detallo lo que he logrado y lo que no, si es que me puedes ayudar a entender: Restringir el acceso a la web: 1º Creo una sección nueva llamada "Acceso restringido" en "Configuración" > "Secciones". Asigna está sección a todo el contenido que haya por debajo del nodo 2 (el principal). Realice este paso, entiendo debajo del nodo 2 como la sección que sale llamada "zona de navegación: Estructura de contenido" 2º Crea un grupo nuevo por ejemplo "Usuario que ven sus datos" (no se me ocurre otro nombre). Hecho Hecho, cuando mencionas el asignar, asumo que al grupo que he creado le asigno el rol de usuarios anónimos. 4. Esto no pude hacerlo, ya que si entiendo bien, te refieres al contenido que esta en "estructura actual" en "eZ Publish [Folder]", el cual no me da la opción de eliminar. Cambiar la vista: Esto es lo que aun no entiendo bien: 1.
Kwyk Citizen Effect E-Learning platform - Cloud Saas LMS - Learning management system | Docebo Is e-Learning Inferior to Face-to-Face Instruction? (e-Learning Series) | TechChange TechChange is excited to launch a new blog series dedicated to e-Learning for educators and trainers. The series will highlight emerging technologies, best practices in instructional design and pedagogy, and important industry trends. The very nature of the way we learn and the way we teach are continually transformed by the implementation of online technologies in education and training. According to a recent report, Learning on Demand: Online Education in the United States, 2009 online enrollments in higher education are increasing at a rate of 17%, far exceeding the meager 1.2% overall growth in higher education. More than one in four higher education students now take at least one course online. Increases in distance learning enrollments at community colleges are even higher at 22%, according to the Instructional Technology Council’s Distance Education Survey Results. Academic institutions are not the only ones embracing the demand for e-learning. Effectiveness of E-Learning Summary
10 code snippets to interact with Twitter - 1 – Autofollow script (PHP) This code allow you to automatically follow user who have tweeted about a specific term. For example, if you want to follow all users who tweeted about php, simply give it as a value to the $term variable on line 7. Source : 2 – Get the number of follower in full text (PHP) When you have a website or blog and use Twitter, it can be cool to display how many followers you have. <? Source : Rarst on 3 – View who doesn’t follow you (Python) Some people don’t like the idea of following people who don’t follow you back.