100 Very Cool Facts About The Human Body The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered. Concept Cartoons Concept cartoons är ett bedömningsstöd och inspirationsmaterial för de naturorienterande ämnena i årskurs 1-9. Materialet bygger på teckningar där elever uttrycker sina tankar om olika fenomen eller sammanhang i vardagen. Meningen är att de ska väcka intresse, skapa diskussioner och stimulera naturvetenskapligt tänkande. Skolverket har i ett avtal med utgivaren i England, Millgate House Education Ltd, fått rättigheter att översätta Concept Cartoons till svenska och erbjuda materialet för lärare som undervisar i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena. Materialet är därför lösenordsskyddat och finns i Skolverkets bedömningsportal. Ladda ned materialet
Evolution Games, Labs, Acivities Evolution Living things change over time! Learn about and review the mechanisms that cause genetic change in populations, as well as several lines of evidence for change over time. Also, explore how organisms are classified into groups and named. Evolution Video Games, Virtual Labs & Activities Snurfle Islands! Concept Cartoons These concept cartoons were developed by Dianne Anderson and Kathleen Fisher (2002) as prompts for eliciting discussion about ideas in evolution. They can also be used as assessment tools. The cartoons are best suited for college non-majors and pre-college classes. The incorrect statements in the cartoons are derived from common naive conceptions.
Potatis Wikipedia Sättpotatis av sorten Early Rose med groddar. De tre största potatisproducerande länderna 2007 var Kina (72 miljoner ton), Ryssland (36,7 miljoner ton) och Indien (26 miljoner ton).[1] De tre toppkonsumerande länderna per capita och år 2005 var Vitryssland (181 kg per capita), Kirgizistan (143 kg per capita) och Ukraina (136 kg per capita).[1] Växten potatis[redigera | redigera wikitext] Potatisplanta med frukt. Alla delar av potatisväxten ovan jord är giftiga för människan på grund av sina höga halter av solanin. Ornithos Atlantic Rainforest Webcam World Land Trust uses cookies to make all features of the website work effectively, and they are essential if you wish to donate online. Some cookies on this site are essential, and the site won't work as expected without them. These cookies are set when you submit a form, login or interact with the site by doing something that goes beyond clicking on simple links.
Butterfly Life Cycle: Article with Lots of Pictures Bees in Hive The Butterfly Life Cycle Let’s explore a butterfly’s life cycle in detail, including all four stages of life. All butterflies have "complete metamorphosis." To grow into an adult they go through 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. aisdprekshare / Tree Homes Unit Resources Thanks to Ginger Bingham for adding these letter wall words. tree homes vocab.doc tree homesSp vocab.doc Shared by Gail Laubenthal: The document below is made in powerpoint, but is really a little booklet for your students as they learn which animals can live in trees. If you print it off as a handout with 6 or 9 slides per page, you can create a little book. Who Can Live In A Tree.ppt
Go Wild - Online and Offline Activities for Learning About Animals The World Wildlife Federation's Go Wild website is a great place to find online and offline activities that can help elementary school students learn about a variety of animals and ecosystems. The site is arranged into six sections; Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe, Polar, and Oceans. Each section includes online games and quizzes about animals. Each section also includes a hands-on activity like creating a shoe box safari. teknikochnatur Teckning av bakterier av en elev på Malmaskolan, Uppsala Beskrivning: I ”Kropp och Hälsa”, i åk 1-3, ska främst de yttre delarna av kroppen tas upp. Prata med eleverna om kroppens delar och låt dem beskriva med egna ord och bilder hur kroppen ser ut.
Food Chain - Kid's Corner The Food Chain Every living thing needs energy in order to live. Everytime animals do something (run, jump) they use energy to do so. Animals get energy from the food they eat, and all living things get energy from food. Plants use sunlight, water and nutrients to get energy (in a process called photosynthesis). Pojken som inte slutade samla: Pojketiden Carl växte upp i byn Stenbrohult i Småland. Hans pappa var präst och familjen bodde i prästgården. Där fanns en stor trädgård med många blommor, för Carls pappa var väldigt förtjust i växter och trädgårdsodling. När han var fem år fick han sin första egna lilla trädgård att sköta, "Carls trädgård". Del 1 av 5. Här kan du skapa egna klipp ur programmet
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Great Websites to Teach Anatomy o... September, 2014 looking for some amazing web tools to teach human anatomy? The websites I have assorted for you below are probably among the best you can find out there. From engaging interactives to live simulations of the body system, these tools will enable your students to explore the mystery of the human body in unprecedented ways. Some of these tools provide 3D imaging of parts of the human body so students will both learn and live the experience of discovering the hidden secrets of our body. 1- Visible Body Visible Body offers students 3D anatomical models of the human body. Life Cycle of frogs The Egg Frogs lay their eggs in water or wet places. A floating clump of eggs is called frog spawn. The large and slippery mass of eggs are too big to be eaten. This is nature's way of protecting them. But, the smaller clumps of eggs will be eaten by the creatures living near or in the pond.
Très intéressant pour une révision en classe sur la photosynthèse. Avec les gros plan, on peut bien située celle-ci. Néanmoins, la qualité de la voix de l'animateur laisse à désirer. Si vous désirez utiliser ce vidéo pour enseigner, je recommande de faire vous même les explications en désactivant le son lors d'un cours. by juliendemers Jan 26