The Top 50 YouTube Videos on Effective Managing » No matter what industry you work in, managers are necessary at all levels to organize employees and make sure that tasks are completed on time and budget. But with a shifting economy, changing priorities, and a workforce constantly in flux, being a manager can be far more difficult than hit television shows make it seem. Although amusing, shows like “The Office” rarely offer any practical tips for managers. So to help bring you more useful information, we have gathered the top 50 YouTube videos on effective managing organized mostly by most views. The Top YouTube Videos on Effective Managing Training See how other managers train with the help of these YouTube videos. Motivational Management Training Patrick Dixon has ranked as one of world’s 20 most influential business thinkers alive today. The Top YouTube Videos on Effective Managing by a Leader Learn about what happens when management goes right from these leaders of their industry. The Top YouTube Videos on Effective Project Managing
Mieux communiquer: le modèle DISC - Quand bébé dort, papa manage Le langage DISC a été développé par le Dr Marston. Il a pour but de décrire et comprendre le comportement humain. Selon lui les gens se comportent selon deux axes, étant portés à agir ou accepter un environnement qu’ils perçoivent comme étant hostile ou favorable. Lorsque ces 2 axes sont placés de façon orthogonale, cela détermine 4 quadrants, chacun d’entre eux représentant un schéma comportemental. Nous avons, en général, un profil qui domine (pour bébé, jusqu’à maintenant j’ai l’impression que c’est son profil dominant qui s’exprime au quotidien, mais vu son jeune âge, je lui laisse le bénéfice du doute :o) ). Ces 4 cadrans sont: Dominant: agir sur un environnement perçu comme hostile. Influent: agir sur un environnement perçu comme favorable. Stable: accepte un environnement perçu comme favorable. Consciencieux: accepte un environnement perçu comme hostile. Voici un tableau tiré du modèle DISC. Le modèle DISC a une triple utilité: – Apprendre à se connaitre soit même.
Hiring for a Collaborative Team July 7th, 2010 If you’re a hiring manager, you know that a typical hiring process emphasizes technical skills, functional skills, and industry knowledge. Interpersonal skills are near the bottom of the list, if they make the list at all. However, if you’re hiring for an agile team, or any other team that must collaborate to succeed, put interpersonal skills near the top of the list. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should ignore technical and functional skills or take a nice person you meet in the street and train them from the ground up. Screen Out the Lone Wolves Self-organizing cross-functional teams, shared code ownership, and team goals aren’t for everyone. Weed Out the Not-So-Nice This is a simple test that will quickly eliminate the not-so-nice. Involve the Team in the Hiring Process I like team-based hiring in general, and for an agile team it’s essential. Use Past Performance as an Indicator of Future Performance Watch the Candidate in Action Make the Hiring Decision as a Team
Comprendre l'assertivité pour s'affirmer - Agence SophieTurpaud Développer son assertivité = Affirmation de soi Avant tout, quelle est la définition du terme « Assertivité » ? Le mot vient de l’anglais « ASSERTIVENESS » . Initié par Andrew SALTER psychologue New-yorkais dans la première moitié du siècle dernier. Développé plus récemment par Joseph Wolpe, psychiatre et professeur de médecine américain comme « Expression libre de toutes émotions vis à vis d’un tiers » L’assertivité est donc définie comme une attitude dans laquelle on est capable de s’affirmer tout en respectant autrui. Cette attitude est particulièrement importante dans toutes les situations de la vie, mais elle l’est particulièrement dans toutes les situations d’entretiens professionnels et notamment dans le management (domaine où elle est trop souvent ignorée) L’assertivité est à distinguer de 3 autres attitudes pour définir un grand nombre de comportements humains: LA FUITE ou L’INHIBITION Evitement devant les personnes ou les événements Agressivité devant les personnes et les évènements
Les 3 caractéristiques de la motivation : blog sur l'informatique et l'entreprise. Selon une étude sur la motivation, les employeurs et les salariés n'ont pas la même perception sur la manière de motiver les personnes. (10 façons de motiver efficacement un employé - par ordre d'importance) Les employeurs : - Le bon salaire, - La sécurité de l'emploi,- Des chances d'avancement, - De bonnes conditions de travail, - Un travail intéressant, - De la loyauté de la part de la direction, - Des règles fermes mais justes,- L'appréciation,- Une attitude compréhensive, - Se sentir "dans le coup". Les salariés : - L'appréciation, - Se sentir "dans le coup", - Une attitude compréhensive, - La sécurité de l'emploi,- Un bon salaire, - Un travail intéressant, - Les chances d'avancement, - De la loyauté de la part de la direction, - De bonnes conditions de travail, - Des règles fermes mais justes. Apparemment, les salariés et les employeurs ne sont pas sur la même longueur d'onde. Mais qu'est-ce qui nous motive vraiment ? Daniel H.
Leadership Welcome to the Art and Science of Leadership, a comprehensive collection of articles and activities for developing leadership skills and knowledge. Becoming a good leader is not easy, but by learning the correct leadership skills and knowledge, putting them into practice through quality learning activities, and then adapting them to different situations, will put you well on your way to becoming a leader. Leadership Manual This guide is divided into five sections: You can also use the Leadership Mind Map to select an article, or use the search bar at the top of the page. For a list of learning activities that help to develop leadership skills, see the Leadership Development Outline. Basics of Leadership Click image for a larger diagram Leadership Philosophies Team Leadership Advanced Leadership Skills Supporting Skills There is no such thing as a perfect leader, either in the past or present, in China or elsewhere. Learning Activities Let's work together to solve this. . . Related Pages
free online templates, samples, examples, articles, resources and tools for business training and organizational development - free downloads free diagrams - theories, processes, models (pdf) John Fisher's Process of Transition Diagram - revised Nov 2012 - pdf - colour/color - with Complacency stage - see Process of Transition explanation John Fisher's 2012 Process of Personal Transition diagram - pdf - see Process of Transition explanation The Psychological Contract 'Iceberg' Diagram - pdf - see Psychological Contract Theory notes TokPisin (for Papua New Guinea) version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to Sharne Black of Ozi-K Ltd Papua New Guinea) - refer to Process of Transition explanation Spanish Version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to Marcelo Rivadeneira for the translation) - refer to Process of Transition explanation French version of John Fisher's Process of Transition diagram - pdf - (with thanks to the Canadian International Development Agency for the translation) - refer to Process of Transition explanation Tuckman 'forming storming' diagram - pdf
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek : Book Summary Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by Simon Sinek Author: Simon Sinek • Book Summary by Dean Bokhari The main message of Leaders Eat Last is simple -- the buck stops at the leader’s desk. In other words, those of us that lead may not always understand the impact that our leadership roles actually have on those we lead. Listen to this book summary on audio The depth and breadth of leadership cascades down from the executive board to management, which in turn cascades down to the soldiers that march in and out of the battle field of the organization on a daily basis shaping the culture of the environment… which comes full circle back up to the one that leads, as a direct reflection of his or her leadership. Watch this book summary on video Summary in a tweet: empathy & trust are the keys to #leadership - show it to those you lead, and it will be reciprocated. 3 Key Insights From Leaders Eat Last: #1. In a word... Lack of control at work = stress + emotional strain. #2. Diggin' this?
What is BB? What is Beyond Budgeting 'Beyond Budgeting' means beyond command-and-control toward a management model that is more empowered and adaptive. Beyond Budgeting is about rethinking how we manage organizations in a post-industrial world where innovative management models represent the only sustainable competitive advantage. It is also about releasing people from the burdens of stifling bureaucracy and suffocating control systems, trusting them with information and giving them time to think, reflect, share, learn and improve. What do we mean by "Budgeting"? The word ‘budgeting’ is not used in its narrow sense of planning and control, but as a generic term for the traditional command and control management model (with budgeting at its core).
10 Coaching Questions Every Leader Needs to Ask The best coaches also receive coaching. They also regularly coach themselves. Let me explain. If you are like me, your are enticed by routines because they allow you to feel comfortable. But routines can deceive you quickly. A simple example is exercise. I’d like to challenge you to take a quick step back to evaluate at least one area of your life (ie coach yourself). You could look at any time period. Give it a shot. 10 Coaching Questions Every Leader Needs to Ask 1) What are we trying to accomplish over the next 90 days? How are you going to measure success? This foundational question will likely be something you’ll need to return to regularly. Be clear. 2) What has gone well recently? For you as a leader to properly assess yourself, your team, or your organization, I think you should celebrate the wins (both big and small). What has been successful lately? 3) What hasn’t delivered your desired results? The coaching questions in #2 and #3 are related but actually opposites.
Gary Hamel’s pyramid of human capabilities April 8, 2010 (Click to enlarge) This is a transcript from Gary Hamel video on management innovation. The author of Future of Management presents his Maslow pyramid describing the hierarchy of human capabilities within a work environment. There are 6 levels of engagement and human capabilities in the work space :Obedience : show up, do the jobDiligence : work hard, stay focus, long hours etc …Intellect : taking responsibility for their own skills, bring best practices to the work placeInitiative : taking ownership for a problem, an opportunity before you ask them, not bound by a definition of their jobHuman creativity : brought by people who would ask how to do this in a fundamental different way ? This is the reason why employee’s engagement is such a critical issue whenever working with knowledge workers. Now : what is the proportion of their capabilities people bring into your company ? Like this: Like Loading...
Chefs d’établissement et leadership pédagogique Cet article, ainsi que celui sur « Quelques rappels sur le leadership », est un complément au Dossier de veille n° 104 « Le leadership des enseignants au cœur de l’établissement ». Vers un leadership pédagogique La fonction des chefs d’établissement s’est considérablement modifiée dans de nombreux pays ces dernières années. Il ressort de plusieurs études croisées (dont celle de Progin & Gather Thurler, 2010) que les chefs d’établissement qui arrivent actuellement en poste sont attachés au leadership pédagogique, mais ont peu d’occasion dans la pratique de s’y intéresser et de le mettre en place (lorsque c’est le cas, c’est surtout à l’occasion de projets dans l’établissement). gérer leur établissement pour qu’il fonctionne, rôle de plus en plus prégnant à cause des évaluations internationales, des standards et de la logique de reddition des comptes qui se développe dans tous les pays ;tenter de « transformer » l’organisation du travail en rompant avec la forme scolaire.
What Kind of Group Work Encourages the Most Original Thinking? When I first read Originals I couldn’t help but take notes. What I jotted down was essentially a to-do list for how I could be more creative, how I could think up and then communicate new ideas. But the book — written by Adam Grant, a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania — is not just a guide for adults. Its pages are littered with interesting advice on how teachers and parents can encourage and cultivate their kids to be original, too. Grant writes about the importance of getting kids to take risks, to embrace their own curiosity and to be confident in where their minds wander. In the book you talk about how taking risks can lead to original ideas. Well, I think one of the biggest mistakes that a lot of parents make is they spend all their time enforcing rules, and I’m guilty of this. But the sad thing about rules is that they don’t teach kids to think for themselves. So what about having kids do chores? No, of course you should have your kids do chores.