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Como Fazer Scrapbook
O Scrapbooking é uma técnica de decoração de álbuns de fotografia e onde mais se tem adeptos desse tipo de artesanato é nos Estados Unidos. No Brasil, essa arte vem ganhando destaque e espaço e já é possível encontrar não só os materiais necessários, mas também scrapbooks prontos em diversas casas de artesanato. Você pode fazer um para o seu bebê, um scrapbook para onamorado ou para o álbum da família. É comum que se faça também scrapbooks de viagens. O gostoso de se fazer um scrapbook é que ele demanda diferentes técnicas de artesanato: decoupage, pintura, caligrafia, texturização… enfim: é um compilado de artesanato. Se você quer aprender um pouco mais dessa arte, o Comofas te ensina como fazer um scrapbook passo a passo! 1) Tenha em mãos inúmeros materiais: tecidos, tesouras, carimbos, EVA, carolinas, papéis-cartão, adesivos, tinta, cola, feltro, estilete, imagens recortadas… 2) Pense em algo para combinar com as fotos daquela página do seu álbum. Vídeo: Fazendo o seu próprio scrapbook
Storytelling: 10 Significant Reasons For Branding | Piktochart Blog
Brands and agencies need to embrace storytelling because it’s awesome and it works. Storytelling for branding is not a new method. It’s simply buzzing as a unique content marketing way following the growth of social media. In fact, it is asserted as the top business skill of the next 5 years (source: contently.com). 1. With a story, you bring your audience to a deeper level of understanding. 2. Stories make your content special because it is all about experience. 3. Story helps you to present your brand offerings or messages better. 4. People easily latch on stories that hook at their emotions and senses. 5. When you tell a story you take your customers for a ride. 6. With data and facts you shape them into meaning that can easily be understood. 7. A good story instills emotions in your audience. 8. Mere facts and points typically are read and brushed aside. 9. Stories stimulate people to react or tell their own stories. 10. Consider These Stories (by way of infographics) Conclusion
Photovisi - Photo Collage Maker
Scrapbook Journaling
As scrapbooking has become more and more popular, so to has the concept of scrapbook journaling. Journaling tells the story you would tell...we'll help you tell it well. When you sit down with your pictures and show them to friends and family, often you find yourself telling a certain story or reliving a certain detail associated with that memory. Now, imagine that generations from now, someone (perhaps a descendant of yours) finds your scrapbook. Journaling Basics It is often easiest to begin by writing down the questions. There are a number of different ways to "just do it" when it comes to scrapbook journaling. Computer Journaling Some find that typing their stories on the computer is faster and easier - plus the computer will check your grammar and spelling! Your Handwriting Imagine...you are in your grandmother's attic helping her clean. Especially in this age of technology, text messaging, and email, handwriting is becoming more and more a symbol of our humanity. Use Stickers Lists
IUAV Interaction Design Thesis Projects » THE ARK Immersive storytelling in Historic/urban ambient
The Ark is an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) based on a web app. It aims to create small communities of players living in the same city and encourage them to deepen their knowledge of the city’s history and morphology. An ARG is a game that uses communication and network technologies, combined with elements in the real world, to create an immersive narrative experience in which players participate actively and in real time. The structure of The Ark is designed to be easily adapted to different social, spatial and temporal settings. _elements The main elements are the plot (the story is the backbone of the game), a web platform that supports the system, and a series of six puzzles on which the game is based. For the most demanding players a mobile application is available. The project explored and defined the development of the narrative, the definition of the kind of puzzles, the visual appearance of the application and the video content. Get more infos on my site: paolobasso.com
Create cartoons
Making a Scrapbook
A photo album just shows you the photos but a scrapbook tells the story. A scrapbook can contain photos, mementos, notes about the event and by the page's look and feel, it can depict a 'mood'. Making a scrapbook of each theme is a good idea because you can put them together fairly rapidly--each page doesn't need to be totally unique, in fact you want continuity. It will save you time and money using the same colors of background paper, for instance, and maybe for Christmas alternate red and green backgrounds to depict changing years. Do a 'cover page' for each year or event and keep it simple and bold--maybe one photo and the date and location. If all your 'cover pages' are similarly styled, there will be a nice continuity throughout. Do you have a new baby, child or business you'd like to start a scrapbook for? It is fun to look back and see how a business or hobby grows over the years. The 8 x 11 inch format works best for me because: What is all the ACID FREE, ARCHIVAL buzz about?
Digital Storyteller
Digital Storytelling in Language Arts Authors: Glen Bull & Sara Kajder Introduction This introduction to digital storytelling in language arts is adapted from an article published in Learning and Leading with Technology. Digital Storytelling in Language Arts (pdf) A digital story consists of a series of still images that are combined with a narrated soundtrack to tell a story. The Wellsprings of Digital Stories Digital storytelling as we practice and teach it grew out of the work of Joe Lambert and Dana Atchley at the Center for Digital Storytelling at U.C. We have adapted their work for school settings. The second technical advance is the ubiquitous presence of digital cameras and digital images. While technical advances have made digital storytelling practical in today’s schools, connections to the language arts classroom are grounded in the curriculum. Technology has the capacity to amplify the writer’s voice in a well-written story, however. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Classroom Strategies
15 Ideas for Using Digital Cameras in Science
1. Stop motion movies and flip books. By taking multiple pictures, students would create a photo flip book or stop motion movie to demonstrate, as accurately as possible, a particular science concept or process. For some examples, see Dale Basler’s post Create stop-motion videos and learn physics. 2. 3. "Where Sand Meets Sea" by Kelsey Rose Weber Students take pictures and explain the all of the science concepts present in their photo. 4. 5. by Amy Snyder, 2007 Students would take pictures with the shutter open a little longer than normal to capture motion. 6. 7. Make a slide show from pictures of students doing lab work and participating in demonstrations. 8. 9. In groups of 3, my students often write-up problem solutions on large whiteboards and present them to the class. 10. 11. "f=force" copyright AshleyJM 12. 13. 14. 15. In the above video, which cart felt more force? (NOTE: Some media in this post may not display in feed readers and must be viewed on the website.) Like this: