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Mindfulness Exercises - Mindfulness Techniques That Work

Mindfulness Exercises - Mindfulness Techniques That Work
These easy mindfulness exercises are simple enough for anyone to try, and yet they are an extraordinarily powerful method for developing self awareness. Mindfulness is awareness of the present moment. It’s living here and now. Through mindfulness, you are freed from becoming entangled in thoughts of your past, and you are freed from worrying about the future. In the here and now, everything just is...and there is great peace in that. But how to stay in touch with this moment, especially when your mind keeps running away from you like it so often does? These mindfulness techniques are an important part of learning how to practice mindfulness. Exercise 1: One Minute of Mindfulness This is an easy mindfulness exercise, and one that you can do anytime throughout the day. This mindfulness exercise is far more powerful than most people give it credit for. Keep in mind that this mindfulness exercise is not a contest or a personal challenge. Exercise 2: Conscious Observation Related:  Mental Health

What It's Like To Live With Borderline Personality Disorder I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder at the age of 14. Relationships feel impossible, my brain never stops running and my stress is magnified. I find it very difficult to distinguish who I actually am and who my mental illness wants me to be. For the first time in my life, I’m sharing my story of borderline personality disorder with the public. I want to relate to those who suffer with me, educate those who misjudge me and help those who want to love me. What is Borderline Personality Disorder? While the name is a bit misleading (and most experts generally agree), BPD is “a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image and affects and marked impulsivity beginning in early adulthood and presenting in a variety of contexts as indicated by five or more of the following:” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Long story short, it’s very hard for those with BPD to have successful and healthy relationships and stable confidence levels. Relationships Survival Plan

Taller de Habilidades Sociales y Asertividad 1. ¿Qué son las habilidades sociales? 2. ¿Por qué la gente no es habilidosa socialmente? 3. 4. 5. No es ningún secreto que una de las partes más importantes de nuestra vida son las relaciones sociales. Es creencia común que las simpatía y el atractivo social de algunas personas es innato. Raramente en nuestra vidas vamos a poder escapar de los efectos de las relaciones sociales, ya sea en nuestro lugar de trabajo, de estudios, nuestros ratos de ocio o dentro de nuestra propia familia. Un ejemplo: Una buenas habilidades sociales nos van a ser de utilidad en multitud de ocasiones: ¿Como conseguimos integrarnos en un grupo nuevo de amigos? ¿Como establecer una relación adecuada con nuestros hijos adolescentes? ¿Cómo decir no sin que la relación se sienta perjudicada? ¿Cómo actuar correctamente ante una entrevista de trabajo? Definición de habilidad social: De aquí podemos sacar varia ideas de gran interés para la vida diária:

Mindfully Managing Emotions | Susie Wolbe Our emotions are always with us. Reacting to our thoughts, our encounters and everything around us, often our emotions seem to have a life of their own. When confronted with something we find unpleasant or unkind, we may politely smile, rant and rave, scream and cry or simply walk away. As Zig Ziglar once said, "It's not what happens to you that matters. In order for you to respond, rather than give a knee-jerk reaction, try some of these strategies: Look for three good things each day. Now, it's your turn. It's just waiting for you.

El trastorno de pánico: Manual para el paciente - CAPÍTULO II: Tratamiento Hay que saber que, por suerte, hoy en día el pánico es uno de los problemas psíquicos que presentan un muy buen pronóstico con el tratamiento adecuado. Un gran número de pacientes tienen óptimas esperanzas de mejorar. El tratamiento para el ataque de pánico es usualmente una combinación de psicoterapia y fármacos. Sin embargo, cada persona es diferente, y por ende el tratamiento tiende a ser sumamente personalizado. El tipo de tratamiento que se utiliza depende de los síntomas y de las circunstancias específicas de cada persona. Los casos menos severos usualmente son tratados adecuadamente sólo con psicoterapia o con psicoeducación (¡lo que no implica necesariamente que si la persona recibe medicamentos es porque tiene un trastorno grave!) Pero cuando la angustia o la ansiedad interfieren en la capacidad de centrarse en la psicoterapia, es útil considerar el recurso farmacológico. Actualmente el tratamiento típico se basa en tres pilares: Psicoeducación Tratamiento psicoterápico Estos son: 1.

How To Keep Everyone At Arm’s Length And Never Enjoy An Authentic Human Connection: An Essential Guide It can be hard living as a wholly insecure, broken person drowning under the pressures of an endless parade of perceived failures . . . and that’s why I’m here to help! If you're trying to avoid a balanced life filled with love and real connections with others, I'm here to let you know—you can realize this fantasy! You have agency! Life doesn't have to be filled with authentic joy or bolstered by the support and sincerity of other people. You don't need to have any self-esteem. Screw Dr. In the past few years, I’ve found other ways to live (just to keep things fresh—variety being the spice of life and all), but this blissfully tortured existence used to be mine and it seems like a waste to let two and a half decades of exacting expertise go down the tubes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - Eat everything in sight. - Run—but propel yourself only out of self-hatred. - Pair a six-pack with a painkiller! 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Guía para sobrevivir a los manipuladores cotidianos Los manipuladores cotidianos son esas personas que pasan por nuestra vida imponiéndonos su visión del mundo y su forma de hacer y sentir. Esos individuos que se aprovechan de una relación estrecha y afectuosa para satisfacer sus necesidades, sin importarle en absoluto los sentimientos de la otra persona. Si ahora mismo echas una vistazo a tu alrededor, seguro que te encuentras alguno. Todos somos manipuladores. Aquí tienes unas pequeñas pautas para conocer qué es la manipulación, cómo se hace para adoptar una actitud manipuladora ante la vida, y qué recursos personales puedes desarrollar para hacerles frente.

Difference between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder | Bipolar Beat Recently on our Facebook Page, Vicky posted the following: I was diagnosed bipolar II at the age of 20 but because bipolar type II is so similar to borderline personality disorder its difficult. I have had two diagnoses of bipolar type II and one of BPD. What exactly is the difference between bipolar II disorder and borderline personality disorder? Some time ago, we did a two part series on the differences in diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, starting with “Borderline Personality and Bipolar Disorder Differences Part I: Diagnosis.” Because this question continues to arise, I think it important to revisit this topic, focusing on the differences that should be considered in making these diagnoses. How and When the Mood Symptoms Develop Bipolar disorder, including bipolar II, is a condition in which emotional and behavioral patterns emerge that are different from the person’s typical or baseline self. Timing and Pattern of Mood Symptoms

Guía para Angustiados El nivel de ansiedad que puede soportar el organismo humano con soltura y sin pagar el precio de efectos colaterales indeseables, es máslimitado de lo que nuestra cultura, basada en la productividad, el deber,la ambición y la competencia, está dispuesta a admitir. Hemos podido creer que podemos angustiarnos y podemos aguantarnos sinque la herramienta en la que consistimos se resienta. Esta ignorancia denuestras limitaciones (el hecho de que funcionamos óptimamente sólo con cierto grado de bienestar) es lo que fundamentalmente nos lleva desoír las señales de malestar que nuestro cuerpo emite hasta que los efectos son tan exagerados (ataques de pánico, temblores, sudores, rubor,mareos, etc.) que ya es tarde para suprimirlos de cuajo con la mera voluntad. El nivel desbordado del río de la ansiedad posee numerosos afluentes,y nuestra calidad de vida depende de la sabiduría que tengamos alatajar los distintos canales desde los que fluye la ansiedad.

Emotional Regulation and HSPs If we HSPs have a problem, we all agree it is overstimulation. But I realize that emotion and empathy, the E in DOES (Depth of Processing, Overstimulation, Emotionally responsive/Empathy, and Sensitive to Subtle), while not at all an inherent problem, can be an even bigger issue for HSPs, “for better and for worse.” I have written often about emotion, but perhaps not enough. We feel so intensely. It is part of why we process everything very deeply—we are more motivated to think about things by our stronger feelings of curiosity, fear, joy, anger, or whatever. But this intensity can be overwhelming, especially when we have negative feelings. What is emotional regulation? Can we be more skillful at it? On the other hand, many HSPs learned wonderful emotional regulation as children from their parents. HSPs Tend to Fail to Use Certain Strategies Why We Might Have Trouble with these Five This is Not Your Fault, but There Are Things You Can Do Emotion Regulation for Me and You Rest, Rest, Rest

Trastorno de angustia y ataques de pánico El trastorno de angustia es una alteración psiquiátrica caracterizada por ataques de pánico inesperados y repetidos. Los ataques de pánico son limitados en el tiempo, altamente compulsivos y están acompañados de un amplio rango de consecuencias fisiológicas y psicológicas negativas. Los estudios clínicos han confirmado que el trastorno de angustia es doblemente frecuente en las mujeres y que su edad de inicio es diferente en cada sexo; en hombres se presenta entre los 15 y los 24 años mientras que en las mujeres se inicia algo más tarde, entre los 35 y los 44 años. Trastorno de angustia en mujeres El trastorno de angustia en mujeres tiende a ser más severo que en los hombres y se asocia con la agorafobia, trastorno de ansiedad generalizada y trastorno de somatización. Muy recientemente, desde el campo de la neuroimagen, se ha podido comprobar diferencias entre las distintas estructuras cerebrales de los hombres y de las mujeres con trastorno de angustia. DF Temas

4 Allies and Too Anxious Beat 1 Shade of Gray This is a guest post by Spencer Koffman, who is currently writing The Weaving Web (a book about Big History). I grew up a highly sensitive boy in a loud, chaotic family. I was flooded with anxiety and depression. I coped by retreating into my room and shutting the door. By the time I was a teenager, I had already quit little league, guitar lessons, and many other social activities. If I ventured outside my bedroom, my danger alarms would shriek, so I took solace in the quietude of my safe space. This was the beginning of the dictatorship in my psyche. Anxiety and depression were a menacing duo. The twin powers of anxiety and depression had won. I gave up, but even that wasn’t a choice. Many years have passed. Like any good story about battling an evil villain, I encountered a few allies along the way. Anxiety and depression were powerful bullies. The next ally I met was Curiosity. Curiosity introduced me to my third ally, The Big Picture. So, Curiosity started working overtime.

La ansiedad y los ciclos hormonales de la mujer La ansiedad disminuya durante el embarazo y la fase luteínica del ciclo menstrual de la mujer, y que se observe un agravamiento de los síntomas de muchos trastornos de ansiedad tras el parto, parece indicar que la progesterona puede tener un papel importante en las diferencias sexuales de los trastornos de ansiedad. Científicos has elaborado una hipótesis interesante para entender la mayor vulnerabilidad de la mujer de nuestra época a desarrollar trastornos de ansiedad. Hasta el siglo pasado, hace poco tiempo mente hablando, las mujeres permanecían muchos años de su vida adulta, o embarazadas o en periodo de lactancia, lo cual equivalía a que su organismo estuviera mucho tiempo expuesto a niveles elevados de progesterona. La progesterona y la ansiedad Esta hormona y sus metabolitos incrementan la sensibilidad del receptor GABA-A, elemento clave para reducir la respuesta de ansiedad en el cerebro.

Emotion RegulationT In DBT, we use Emotion Regulation skills in order to change our emotions or situations. But sometimes it's not appropriate or we're not able to change the situation or our emotions, then we should use Distress Tolerance skills. Emotions are normal and everyone experiences them. Sometimes, particularly when we have had persistent distressing experiences during our lives, we can emotionally react more often to situations (that others may not find distressing) where we feel threatened. Learning Emotion Regulation skills will help us learn to effectively manage and change the way we feel and cope with situations. Emotions, thoughts and what we do or feel an urge to do (behaviours) are all linked and become vicious cycles. When we experience really strong negative emotions, it’s easy to get caught up into the old pattern of using unhelpful and damaging coping strategies such as using substances, self-harming or unhealthy eating habits. PL treat Physical iLness E Eat healthily S Sleep well
