The Truth About Porn: Ex-Porn Stars Speak Out (Part 1 of 5) Podcast: Download (Duration: 7:30 — 6.9MB) Today’s program may not be suitable for some audiences, due to graphic descriptions of sexuality and violence. Listener discretion is advised. Pornography offers viewers a fantasy world that opens men and women up to sexual variety and novelty. But behind the fantasy and cleverly edited films are real men and women, many of whom have traveled dark paths to sell their bodies on screen. All this week on Covenant Eyes Radio we will be featuring the stories of three women who used to be involved in making pornography. Danielle Williams, author of From Porn to the PulpitJan Villarubia, team member at The Pink Cross FoundationJenni Case, team member at The Pink Cross Foundation. How were they introduced to the world of porn? Today they begin talking about their early childhood. Music for today’s podcast is “Set in Motion” by The Difficulty. Listen to the rest of the interview: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5
Moïse Marcoux-Chabot » Le règne de la peur (manif du 1er mai) Deuxième de deux films réalisés dans le contexte de la manif du 1er mai 2013 à Montréal. Celui-ci montre les événements et les ancre dans une réflexion plus vaste, alors que le premier était une rencontre-entrevue avec un collabo. Après un printemps érable débordant de promesses, après la lutte acharnée d'étudiants et étudiantes rêvant d'un monde plus juste, après la répression brutale et le mépris dont la jeunesse de tous âges a été victime, que reste-t-il de ce mouvement, outre le règne de la peur et de l'indifférence généralisée ? 1er mai, fête internationale des travailleuses et des travailleurs. À Montréal, une manifestation appelée par la Convergence des luttes anticapitalistes (CLAC) se rassemble devant l’hôtel de ville. De façon évidente, les manifestations ne sont plus ce qu'elles étaient au sommet de la mobilisation du printemps précédent. Les maîtres règnent par la peur et la peur règne en maître. L'adversaire a changé. D'autres ont rêvé avant nous. Sources des extraits audios
Avec “Future Sex”, Emily Witt explore et célèbre les possibles sexuels La New-Yorkaise Emily Witt s’est lancée dans une enquête sur la sexualité des Américains: dating online, porno, webcam girls, méditation orgasmique. Comment vivre une sexualité épanouie hors du couple? Exploration d’une multitude de possibles dans Future Sex. Après une énième rupture, la New-Yorkaise Emily Witt, 33 ans et journaliste (notamment au New Yorker), s’est retrouvée dans une impasse: condamnée à des nuits sans lendemain avec quelques-uns de ses amis et rêvant toujours du grand amour, comme la société continue de nous l’offrir en modèle. Emily Witt réinvente une forme de nouveau journalisme sur fond de Silicon Valley: des sites de rencontres au porno sur le Web, de la méditation orgasmique aux couples qui vantent le “polyamour” (ce qu’on appelle, plus humblement ici, des couples “ouverts”), elle expérimente tout elle-même tout en observant, décrivant, interrogeant leurs protagonistes. Qu’est-ce qui vous a donné envie d’enquêter sur les pratiques sexuelles aux États-Unis? Oui.
Beware Sexually Transmitted Demons - AETHERFORCE “The openness and surrender during sexual intercourse can allow the exchange of attached entities between two people. The thoughts, desires and behaviors of an attached entity are experienced as the person’s own thoughts, desires and behaviors. The thoughts, feelings, habits and desires do not seem foreign if they have been present for a long time, even from childhood. This is a major factor in the widespread denial of the concept and lack of acceptance of the phenomena of discarnate interference and spirit attachment, obsession or possession.” – Dr. “People also pick up entity attachments through sex. If you have sex with someone that has a entity or demon, you will absorb that entity into yourself. – Peter Michael, “Vast beings, living for thousands of years in your terms, make their living ruling and parenting you, seeking their value from you because you have considered yourselves valueless and purposeless. – Eve Lorgen, The Dark Side of Cupid
Getting Started - Mandelbulber Wiki Creating animations Initial setup First important step is to set up paths for keyframes, animation path, and rendered frames. To do this press Select file paths (output images, textures) button. Next do the same for destination of rendered animation frames. You can also specify files with textures and background but it is possible later. It is good to save settings now using Save settings button. Global parameters There are some parameters which cannot be animated. Parameters which have to be adjusted at the beginning: Below is the list of parameters which are not animated but have influence for all the animation. After changes of global parameters it is also recommended to save settings, because these parameters are not loaded from key-frame files. Creating keyframes Open the Timeline window (big Timeline button on the bottom). Keyframe is the set of parameters for one of intermediate point in the time. To create new keyframe first you have to set what you want to have on animation frame.
What Do You Desire? | Issue 16 On a Monday last April, I stood in line at JFK Airport to board a plane to San Francisco. Before me stood a silver-headed West Coast businessman. His skin had the exfoliated, burnished sheen of the extremely healthy; his glasses were of an advanced polymer; he had dark jeans. He wore the recycled ethylene-vinyl acetate shoes that are said never to smell. His fleece coat was of an extraordinary thickness and quality, with a lissome external layer that would not pill. Until I left San Francisco it never went away. My first day in the city I sat in a sunlit café in the Mission District, drank a cappuccino, and read a paper copy of the San Francisco Chronicle that lay anachronistically on the counter. The people of San Francisco were once famous for their refusal of deodorant and unnecessary shearing. At night I was alone, and I would walk down the street listening to sermons in Spanish from the storefront churches and the electronic hum of the BART train below. “Who wants to touch it?”
Breaking Pornography Addiction Aerobie Aeropress - Lenore Epstein's Review I made bad coffee. Pour-over drip, auto drip, Bialetti, cowboy coffee, whatever. I changed the temperature, changed the grinder and the grind, changed the coffee, sprinkled cornmeal and salt and prayed to the Goddess. Enter the Aeropress. Oh my heck, as they say here in Utah, it was good. It's sooo easy. I use 170 degree water and a grind slightly coarser than espresso from my Maestro Solo, the cheapest passable burr grinder I had found. Things you won't like if you are an espresso expert: The filter takes oils and mud out of the coffee. The one-minute cleanup is as great as the 4 minute coffee. Like other reviewers I do find it uses more coffee than other methods. Suggestions? Watch that you don't doze off, lean over and push the cup out from under the side. Whoever invented this thing deserves a prize.
Meet the academic who thinks prostitution should be legalised because men need more sex “Trying to stop prostitution through criminalising it is a complete waste of public money. It is bound to fail." Dr Catherine Hakim “Women have equality in the workplace, but they do not have they equality in private relationships,” says Dr Hakim, whose previous book, The New Rules, compared married men to “caged animals”. “It’s a shocking difference: men are twice as interested in sex as women and it is the same around the world. “It is hard-wired into us: men, on average, are more highly sexed than women. “It’s across all age groups, but as soon as you hit 30, the gap starts growing dramatically. Thus Dr Hakim argues older men are drawn to younger women not just for their looks, but for their libidos. “With a 20-year age gap, you get women who have the same level of sexual interest as men,” she says. Photo: PA Hakim argues this biological difference means we should legalise prostitution, a financial trade she likens to a man going to a restaurant for a different dish.
:: DASA :: Dependentes de Amor e Sexo Anônimos - Home Bem vindo(a) Panfleto “Welcome” – literatura aprovada em conferência mundial de DASA (SLAA) Cada um de nós em DASA sabe a confusão pessoal e a dificuldade para entrar nas primeiras reuniões, o sentimento de ser um recém-chegado num novo ambiente. Independente se demos este passo corajoso para livrar-nos de dor e desespero, ou para buscar alívio da saudade e do vazio, ou se fomos direcionados à reunião, o que vale é que nos movemos em direção à recuperação estando aqui. Entre as primeiras questões que encaramos à medida que participamos das reuniões estão: Sou um adicto? Sugerimos que você participe das reuniões de DASA o mais frequentemente que puder. Existem muitos tipos de reuniões, e cada uma tem sua própria personalidade. Algumas orientações comuns: O único requisito para ser membro da DASA é o desejo de parar de viver um padrão de dependência de sexo e amor. Diretrizes das Reuniões • Abstemo-nos de interrupção ou interação enquanto outro está compartilhando. Tipos de reuniões de DASA
Le plus grand nombre de propriétés à vendre Academics complain research into sex workers in London unreliable | Education Top academics involved in sex research have launched an attack on "seriously flawed" research into British brothels. The academics claim that research into prostitution in the UK published last month by the Poppy Project, which is partly funded by the Ministry of Justice, is inaccurate and unethical. The research in the Big Brothel report "exhibits serious flaws in its mode of data collection and analysis," they warn. The group of 27 key figures in sex work research from prestigious universities across the UK and overseas claim the report was conducted with neither ethical approval nor acknowledgement of evidence and co-authored by a journalist known for producing anti-prostitution findings. The Poppy Project has received £5.8m in government funding and the women and equality minister, Harriet Harman, has publicly endorsed the organisation. The report's findings lend weight to Home Office moves to make it against the law to pay for sex. She called the report a "shocker".