Softwares list UWashington This list is by no means complete or even exhaustive. At the bottom of the page, there are some other lists you may want to consult. New programs appear almost monthly (most published in Molecular Ecology Resources), so stay aware of developments in the field. With all programs, always read the original paper and the manual before use. General Purpose Programs These programs are a collection of tests and methods commonly used in population genetics Arlequin General purpose package that does almost every analysis in the book, and accepts microsatellite, allozyme, sequence and other data. PowerMarker Potentially powerful program that calculates all sorts of genetic distances and also does a few other things that no other program does. Genetix Powerful analysis package for population genetics, but you have to understand French. Estimation and Test of Population Genetic Parameters Calculates FST, RST and tests the estimates, among other standard population genetics statistics. ChiFish PowSim Pedant
TimeTree :: The Timescale of Life How-to (GoogleSites) - ePortfolios with GoogleApps developed by Helen C. Barrett, Ph.D. Keeping a Learning Journal The Announcements page type can be used as a form of "blog" or learning journal (sometimes called a learning portfolio), since it allows individual posts, and it is organized in reverse chronological order. The learner can also attach documents to any entry, or can create a link to any GoogleDocs Document/Presentation/Spreadsheet, to another GoogleSites page, or any web page. See Journal as an example. Create a New Page with Announcements page type.Create a New Post for each entry, to reflect on learning that takes place over time.Use the Insert -> Recent posts Gadget on any page to show a summary of the last few entries (you can indicate the number) -- recommend placing on Home page. At a certain point in time (prior to a parent conference, end of the school year, etc.), a more formal presentation portfolio would be developed, which is discussed below. Authoring an electronic portfolio For example, see Home page Link to a page
Catalogue of Organisms: Where To Next? As some of you may have noticed over the course of the past year, I have an interest in phylogenetically problematic taxa. I think anyone with even a passing interest in evolutionary matters does: few things appeal to the human spirit more than a good mystery. So I've decided to give you my own completely-biased, not-in-the-least-bit-impartial list of the ten taxa that I think currently spark the most phylogenetic questions, based on nothing more than my own subjective judgement. The mitrate Rhenocystis latipedunculata. Photo from The Virtual Fossil Museum. 1 - Stylophora: These featured here a couple of weeks ago. Photo by Linda de Volder. 2 - Opisthocomus hoazin: The hoatzin, the prime exemplar of all things uncertain in avian systematics. The pycnogonid Nymphon gracile. 3 - Pycnogonida: The sea-spiders, bizarre marine organisms that appear all legs and only barely arthropod. The palpigrade Eukoenenia mirabilis. The flying duck orchid (Caleana major). Galapagos tortoises. Rieger, R.
Phylogenetics Softwares list (Taxonomy Zoology UK) This is a list of some taxonomic and phylogenetic software, with emphasis on tree building and molecular data. There are also links to other, more extensive collections that may have what you're looking for if you can't find it here. Contents Tree viewing Tree building Tree comparison and interpretation Sequence format converters Sequence alignment, analysis, and searching RNA secondary structure Software archives Tree viewing TreeView View NEXUS and PHYLIP format tree files on Macs (68K and Power Mac) and Windows (16 and 32 bit). TreeExplorer View and manipulate MEGA format trees under Windows. Tree building Collection of APL Functions for Cladistic Analysis, written by Rino Zandee. Standard program for phylogenetic analysis (currently Macintosh only but PAUP* for PowerMac, DOS, and Unix is coming). The most comphrehensive, all imbracing collection of phylogenetic programs, including parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance methods, plus utility programs. U.K. mirror site for PHYLIP Spectrum TreeMap
Tree of Life Web Project The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny). Each page contains information about a particular group, e.g., salamanders, segmented worms, phlox flowers, tyrannosaurs, euglenids, Heliconius butterflies, club fungi, or the vampire squid. Students don't pursue STEM because it's too hard, say 52% of Americans When Americans are asked why more students don’t pursue a degree in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM), they are most likely to point to the difficulty of these subjects, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. About half of adults (52%) say the main reason young people don’t pursue STEM degrees is they think these subjects are too hard. Policymakers and educators have long puzzled over why more students do not pursue STEM majors in college, even though those who have an undergraduate degree in a STEM field of study earn more than those with other college majors – regardless of whether they work in a STEM job or a different occupation. Yet only a third of workers (33%) ages 25 and older with at least a bachelor’s degree have an undergraduate degree in a STEM field, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis. Only 13% of the U.S. workforce was employed in STEM occupations as of 2016, while the vast majority (87%) was employed in other occupations.
Ethnoecology Ethnoecology is the scientific study of how different groups of people living in different locations understand the ecosystems around them, and their relationships with surrounding environments. It seeks valid, reliable understanding of how we as humans have interacted with the environment and how these intricate relationships have been sustained over time. The "ethno" (see ethnology) prefix in ethnoecology indicates a localized study of a people, and in conjunction with ecology, signifies people's understanding and experience of environments around them. History[edit] Ethnoecology began with some of the early works of Dr. After earning his PhD he began teaching at Columbia University and continued his research among the Hanunoo. Other anthropologists had a hard time understanding this color classification system because they often applied their own idea of color criteria the Hanunoo's color classifications. Principles[edit] Traditional ecological knowledge[edit] See also[edit]
Population Genomics and Bioinformatics - Population Genetics Visualization Tools I would like to share a list of tools that visualize population genetics processes. First, let me share an amazing story from John Turner, Emeritus Prof. of Univ. of Leeds about tools that visualize evolution. This story took place in 1968 in University of York: "My compliments on your putting up that compilation on the web. Many thanks to the Evoldir members who provided the information: Andres J. For some tools I post information found in their webpages Populus The Populus software contains a set of simulations that we use to teach population biology and evolutionary ecology at the University of Minnesota. StratomeX — Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision Demonstration Video of Caleydo StratomeX Caleydo StratomeX is a visualization technique for the analysis of multiple stratified datasets. A good example for such an analysis scenario is the identification and characterization of cancer subtypes. StratomeX can be used to explore the results of data analysis systems developed to perform analyses of TCGA data. StratomeX makes such analysis results easier accessible and requires no scripting. The core concept of our approach is to visualize stratifications (groupings) of samples (patients) and the relationships between these groupings in a given cancer type. Groups can also be derived from copy number levels of a particular gene or gene mutation status, e.g., one group for “wild-type”, one for “mutated”. In the visualization, stratifications are represented as columns and the individual groups are represented as bricks in these columns. To learn more about Caleydo StratomeX refer to the Caleydo help pages. Examples Clustering comparisons Help
The Weird Strategy Dr. Seuss Used to Create His Greatest Work (And Why You Should Use It Too) In 1960, two men made a bet. There was only $50 on the line, but millions of people would feel the impact of this little wager. The first man, Bennett Cerf, was the founder of the publishing firm, Random House. The second man was named Theo Geisel, but you probably know him as Dr. Seuss. Cerf proposed the bet and challenged that Dr. Dr. At first glance, you might think this was a lucky fluke. Here's what we can learn from Dr. The Power of Constraints What Dr. Setting limits for yourself — whether that involves the time you have to work out, the money you have to start a business, or the number of words you can use in a book — often delivers better results than “keeping your options open.” In fact, Dr. In my experience, I've seen that constraints can also provide benefits in health, business, and life in general. 1. If you’re five foot five inches tall and you’re playing basketball, you figure out more creative ways to score than the six foot five inch guy. 2. Constraints are Not the Enemy
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine | Home page Biology Labs - - Virtual laboratory simulations for science education Below is a list of freely available online biology lab resources, including microscopy, genetics and life science. General biology and virtual labs The Interactive Library – This site is a list of links to interactive biology sites. Some Java applets are standalone and some come with lesson plans and notesJohnson Explorations – Online explorations from The McGraw-Hill Companies. Anatomy, physiology and dissection See the list of Anatomy Labs Microscopy, cells and microbiology Genetics and DNA Health, medical treatment and blood types Interactive Health Tutorials – From U.S. Population biology and dynamics Animal behavior, evolution and life science The following biology laboratory simulations and educational learning exercises are available for a fee. Commercial products Return to the List of Subjects.