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Related:  Scrittura creativa

La descrizione by Cristiana Pivetta on Prezi Story Map The Story Map interactive includes a set of graphic organizers designed to assist teachers and students in prewriting and postreading activities. The organizers are intended to focus on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution development. Students can develop multiple characters, for example, in preparation for writing their own fiction, or they may reflect on and further develop characters from stories they have read. After completing individual sections or the entire organizer, students have the ability to print out their final versions for feedback and assessment. The versatility of this tool allows it to be used in multiple contexts. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Collaborative Stories 1: Prewriting and Drafting Students hone their teamwork skills and play off each other's writing strengths as they participate in prewriting activities for a story to be written collaboratively by the whole class. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Unit back to top

Omnibook. Écrire et éditer un livre en mode collaboratif Omnibook est un outil en ligne qui va vous permettre d’écrire un livre seul ou à plusieurs. Une véritable petite maison d’édition virtuelle qui intègre d’intéressantes fonctions d’édition collaboratives qui vont de l’écriture à l’édition en passant par la révision ou la correction. Omnibook vous offre un outil complet pour écrire un ebook en mode collaboratif. Une fois inscrit sur la plateforme, vous allez pouvoir créer votre premier projet de bouquin. L’éditeur est simple et efficace et va vous aider à gérer le suivi de la rédaction de votre ouvrage. La logique veut que vous commenciez par composer la structure de votre livre et ses différents chapitres. Omniobook est une plateforme collaborative. Omnibook propose pour faciliter les échanges un service de tchat intégré ainsi qu’une fonction de commentaires dans le texte permettant les échanges sur un point ou un passage précis de l’ouvrage. Une belle découverte. Lien : Omnibook

The Coop Times All stories written in this game are automatically published to The Coop Times newspaper - read them here. By Adam Carr - @2HitAdam with special thanks to Omeed Dariani, Jola Pez and Matt Carr for submitting extra prompts! Music "Big Fish" and "Full Hand" by CC BY 3.0 If you've enjoyed my game and it's within your means, please consider giving back <3 I'm near broke at the moment, and donations help me keep making these games! So you wanna be a journalist, huh? Lemme give ya some pointers there hotshot, it's not half so glamorous as the silver screen makes it out to be. You play as a journalist trying to get a piece out before a deadline. More games by 2 Hit Studio

Interactives on ReadWriteThink Find content from Thinkfinity Partners using a visual bookmarking and sharing tool. More Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More Home › Results from ReadWriteThink 1-10 of 21 Results from ReadWriteThink page | 1 2 3 Sort by: Classroom Resources | Grades K – 12 | Student Interactive | Organizing & Summarizing Alphabet Organizer Students use this online tool to create an alphabet chart or pages for an alphabet book. Bio Cube The Bio Cube interactive has been changed to a new format: the Cube Creator. Summarizing information is an important postreading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned. The interactive Cube Creator offers four options: Bio Cube: This option allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or autobiography they have just read; it can also be used before students write their own autobiography. Specific prompts ask students to describe a person's significance, background, and personality. Mystery Cube: Use this option to help your students sort out the clues in their favorite mysteries or develop outlines for their own stories. Story Cube: In this cube option, students can summarize the key elements in a story, including character, setting, conflict, resolution, and theme. Create-Your-Own Cube: Working on a science unit? Students can save their draft cubes to revise later. Related Classroom & Professional Development Resources

A Beautiful Classroom Poster on Writing Accuracy April , 2014 Below is a wonderful classroom poster I came across in Edutopia's Pinterest board.The poster outlines 5 things students should pay heed to when engaged in writing tasks. You can print and use this poster in your class with your students. It can be used as a self assessment checklist that students draw on when working on their writings. It can also be a good way to initiate discussions around areas that pose real difficulties to students writings. Th areas that the Onion graphic features are :1-Punctuation: Start by checking for accurate punctuation: fullstops, capital letters, commas and apostrophes. 2- Words Have you chosen the most interesting and well matched words for your subject, type of text and topic? 3-Sentences Are your sentences clear and accurate? 4-paragraphs Did you remember the paragraph rules for your subject or topic? 5- Text Features Have you used the right text type features ( e.g. explain/inform/ persuade)? You can download this poster from this link.

Le potentiel du blogue pour l’apprentissage de l’écriture Quoi de neuf? Le potentiel du blogue pour l’apprentissage de l’écriture Publié le 25 juin 2014 par Anne-Isabelle Lévesque Comment aider les élèves à développer le goût de l’écriture? Un blogue est un site Web personnel tenu par un ou plusieurs blogueurs qui s’expriment librement et selon une certaine périodicité, sous la forme de billets ou d’articles (OQLF). Ce document vulgarisé du MELS présente les constats issus de quatre recherches portant sur les outils technologiques utilisés par les jeunes. Les principaux constats Motivation L’utilisation d’un blogue en classe a permis aux élèves : D’apprécier ou apprendre à apprécier l’activité.Développer le goût de l’écriture.D’avoir confiance en leur expertise.De s’exprimer plus souvent.De s’exprimer plus facilement. Au secondaire, les élèves trouvent qu’il est plus rapide, plus propre, plus motivant, plus agréable et plus efficace d’écrire à partir d’un ordinateur. Engagement Stratégies en lecture et en écriture [Dossier thématique] Pour les élèves :

50 Free Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners 50 Animation Tools & Resources For Digital Learners by Lisa Chesser, A purple monster with wild curls spiraling out of control explains the economics of oil production in the Sudan to students in Los Angeles, Sydney, Berlin, Jerusalem, and Riyadh. That is education and animation working together to teach students everywhere, everything they ever wanted to know. Some of the animation links catalogued here will give educators very basic tools and histories of animation while others have the animation already created and set in motion, it’s just a matter of sharing it with students. Educators need to decide which tool is best for them. One of the easiest ways to animate, however, isn’t with your own camera and modeling clay, it’s with your links to sites that hand you everything within their own forums. Use the first part of this list for creating original animation or using animation tools to create lessons. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Story Wheel | The iPhone and iPad app for creating stories Spin the wheel and land on an image. Now it's your turn to make up part of a story with that image. You'll have 30 seconds to record your voice as you add to the story. As you progress, the previous images are displayed on the side so you can keep track of the storyline. Your voice is played back with the images you spun. Each page of the story lists the speaker and shows the animated image that was spun.

Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator Plot Generator
