EAD: Encoded Archival Description Version 2002 Official Site (EAD ... general information version EAD3 - current EAD3 1.0 (from GitHub) EAD3 Schema and DTD EAD3 Tag Library New! EAD3 Tag Library [PDF - 425 p., courtesy Society of American Archivists] EAD3 FAQ [courtesy SAA EAD Roundtable] version 2002 version 1.0 (1998) - superseded documentation Encoded Archival Context Encoded Archival Context - Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families tools and helper files A variety of tools and helper files for a number of different XML authoring and editing applications is available at the SAA Standards Portal EAD Web site. SAA EAD Roundtable The EAD Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists is intended to promote the implementation and use of encoding standards for dissemination of archival information: The EAD Document Type Definition (DTD) is a standard for encoding archival finding aids using Extensible Markup Language (XML).
The Stoa [OTA] The University of Oxford Text Archive EAD (Encoded Archival Description) Help Pages Mission Statement The EAD Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists is intended to promote the implementation and use of encoding standards for dissemination of archival information. To this end, we aim to provide tools and information for use in encoding archival descriptions; discuss and facilitate the use of software for markup, parsing, indexing, and delivery; and monitor and contribute to encoding standard development for archival description. Background Following the creation of EAD Listserv in 1996 and the launch of the official EAD website by Library of Congress in 1996, members of the Society of American Archivists identified the need for a group to handle the more informal aspects of EAD implementation. Recent News & Announcements The EAD Roundtable is seeking nominations for a new Co-Chair Elect.
Roman Army Part I The Roman Army in the Late Republic and Early Empire NB: Over the centuries, the Roman army changed and developed, and conditions often differed somewhat depending on the provinces where the troops were fighting and stationed. The following information is intended to give a generic picture of military organization, armor, weaponry, etc. during the late Republic and early Empire. LEGIONS (legio): The legion was the basic unit of Rome's standing army of career soldiers, the legionaries, who were all Roman citizens and fought primarily as foot-soldiers (infantry). Though the exact numbers of men in a legion varied, the basic pattern of organization remained the same. A Modern “Legion”: British Schoolchildren Visit a Roman Fort CAMPS (castra): As Josephus notes, the Roman camps were always constructed according to a set pattern, laid out like a city bisected by two streets leading to four gates. STANDARDS(signa): Sources Barbara F.
Preview Contents Appendix A: Works Cited Prefatory material Foreword : G. Thomas Tanselle (Columbia University & John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation) Editors' introduction : Lou Burnard (Oxford University & Text Encoding Initiative); Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe (Notre Dame University & Committee on Scholarly Editions ; John Unsworth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & Committee on Scholarly Editions & Text Encoding Initiative). Guidelines for Editors of Scholarly Editions Sources and Orientations Practices and Procedures Effective Methods of Producing Machine-Readable Text from Manuscript and Print Sources : Eileen Gifford Fenton (JSTOR) and Hoyt N. Appendix A: Works Cited
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) SGML and XML as (Meta-) Markup Languages Both SGML and XML are "meta" languages because they are used for defining markup languages. A markup language defined using SGML or XML has a specific vocabulary (labels for elements and attributes) and a declared syntax (grammar defining the hierarchy and other features). Conceived notionally in the 1960s - 1970s, the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML, ISO 8879:1986) gave birth to a profile/subset called the Extensible Markup Language (XML), published as a W3C Recommendation in 1998. Depending upon your perspective and requirements, the differences between SGML and XML are inconsequential or immense. Although interest has shifted massively toward XML, the Cover Pages retains a substantial collection of legacy information about SGML. Other documents covering principally SGML topics include:
Perseus Digital Library Text Creation Partnership - Transcribed by hand. Owned by libraries. Made for eveyone. Ted Marcus' Virtual Light Table: Scanning 110-Format Film (and Kodachrome) Scanning 110-Format Film (and Kodachrome) Updated February 2013 Preamble · Prerequisites · Pitfalls · Process · Past Preamble This article grew out of techniques I found mostly by trial and error while scanning my collection of 110-format (Pocket Instamatic) Kodachrome slides. Prerequisites 110 film requires at least a 4000dpi scanner. You’ll need a dedicated film scanner, which is unfortunately now an endangered species. My Plustek 7600i scanner, at 7200dpi, can produce a 4535x3042 scan from an uncropped 110 slide. The 7200dpi scan may not provide any more real detail, but the extra pixels make enlarging and cropping easier. If your 110 slides are in 30x30mm plastic mounts, you’ll need to locate at least one 50x50mm adapter to fit the little slides into a scanner’s slide holder. I have no experience with the GEPE adapters because I have been using the original Kodak “2x2 adapters for 110 slides.” I recommend VueScan scanning software. Pitfalls About Slides About Negatives Process Past
Roman Names There are indications that in the ancient times Romans possessed only one name like the most Indo-European peoples. By the Republican period of the Roman history, a stable naming system, called „tria nomina“ developed and was actively used. The full name consisted of a praenomen, a nomen gentilicium and a cognomen. For girls on the eighth day after birth and for boys on the ninth, the praenomen was given formally, though, according to the custom of Quintus Mucius Scaevola the official listing of the name of the girl would only occur on the day of her marriage and for the boy on the day of assumption of the toga virilis, at the age of 16-17. The Roman praenomina must have once been very numerous. However, it was gradually reduced to 15-20. Two most often encountered Roman praenomina Marcus and Gaius are derived from the god Mars, the legendary father of the founders of Rome Romulus and Remus, and Gaea, the Earth Goddess. Cognomina only appear in public documents at the time of Sulla.
Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - TEI by example In zowat alle projecten die digitaal worden opgevat, maakt het CTB gebruik van een codering die gebaseerd is op de Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange van het TEI Consortium. Het Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) levert met die 'Guidelines' immers de bouwstenen voor een codeerschema dat internationaal wordt beschouwd als de meest complete en betrouwbare manier om diverse bronnen van zgn. 'markup' te voorzien. Die manier om bronnen digitaal te 'verrijken' maakt allerlei soorten onderzoek binnen de humane wetenschappen mogelijk. Omdat het erg veel belang hecht aan de verspreiding en het gebruik van de TEI Guidelines, ontwikkelde het CTB een zgn. De tutorial is te vinden via de speciaal daarvoor ontwikkelde (Engelstalige) website: TEI by Example. Het project leidde daarnaast ook tot de ontwikkeling van een tool waarmee je de deugdelijkheid van je eigen TEI-codering kunt controleren. Meer informatie?
IMLS Library Statistics - Overview The following survey sites are temporarily offline for maintenance and testing because of our ongoing IT security investigation: Federal Audit Clearinghouse (Due dates between 7/22 - 12/30/2015 are extended to 12/31/2015)Contact: 1-800-253-0696 / erd.fac@census.gov Survey of Sexual Victimization (Two week extension to respond)Contact: 301-763-2586 / greta.b.clark@census.gov Public Libraries Survey Annual Survey of State Government Finances Contact: 301-763-5149 / stephen.d.owens@census.gov Contact: 301-763-5635 / cheryl.h.lee@census.gov for details on submitting your data through a secure FTP site North Carolina State Treasurer: Annual Financial Information Report (AFIR) - 2015 Contact: 301-763-5149 / stephen.d.owens@census.gov Maryland State Data Collections - FY 2015 Uniform Financial Reports (UFR) Contact: 301-763-5149 / stephen.d.owens@census.gov if you require a copy of the blank FY 2015 County or Municipal UFR form.