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Making Podcast RSS Scripts

Making Podcast RSS Scripts
I'm often asked by visitors to this site how to start an Internet radio station. But, often they are over-thinking it. Offering audio on the Internet can be done in many ways and it just keeps getting easier. Podcasts Come in Various Flavors Podcasts are easy to do whether you DIY with an audio editor and your own website or use a third-party to create it and host it. But, now, just placing an audio file online at your website and informing users to "click to listen" to your "Podcast on-demand" is sufficient in many cases, especially if you know ahead of time that you are doing a limited amount of podcasts. Thanks to broadband, the moment your audio file begins playing uninterrupted through the end-users player, you have achieved the same effect as Internet Radio. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - it's a duck. How Complicated Do You Want This?

The PodPress Pluging for Wordpress A dream plugin for Podcasters using WordPress. Download PodPress Version {podpress_latest_version} Changelog Full featured and automatic feed generation (RSS2, iTunes and ATOM and BitTorrent RSS) Preview of what your Podcast will look like on iTunes Podcast Download stats, with cool graphs. Support for Premium Content (Pay Only) Makes adding a Podcast to a Post very simple View MP3 Files ID3 tags when your Posting Control over where the player will display within your post and what it will look like. Support for various formats, including Video Podcasting Supports unlimited number of media files. Automatic Media player for MP3, OGG, MP4, MOV, FLV, SWF, ASF, WMV, AVI, YouTube, and more, with inline and Popup Window support. Preview image for videos Support for separate Category podcasts Podango hosting integration (demo/demo) WordPress 2.1.x Demo WordPress 1.5 Demo WordPress is a fantastic Blogging platform and while it does have some Podcasting support, its just all that a Podcaster could want.

Basic Podcasting Gear Let’s talk about the basic podcasting gear you’ll need to get started? We’re going to start out with podcasting gear that you probably already own or can get for cheap. To get started you will need a computer with broadband internet access, a mic and headphones. Computer Your first piece of podcasting gear is your computer. There are ways to record and publish your podcast without a computer. These days you can get a PC for very little money. Most computers that have been released in the last few years can be used for podcasting. Podcasting on a PC It’s a safe bet that if you have a PC that runs Windows XP (without crawling like a tortoise), then you can use it for podcasting. If you do have an older computer (or a basic entry-level computer) and you want to upgrade it a bit for podcasting, then the best thing you can do is add memory. More RAM will make your computer operate faster when recording and processing audio. A cheaper option is the Griffin iMic. Podcasting on a Mac Microphone

Haitian School's Basketball Court Serves As Home iTunes - iTunes Store - Podcasts - Technical Specification engage - transforming teaching and learning through technology Podcasting is an Internet technology that educators can use to provide students with course materials they can use anytime, any place, even when they are not connected to a computer. You can use podcasting to deliver course content in audio, video, and/or graphic formats. The term podcast implies the ability to deliver programs like other broadcast media but it has some significant differences and advantages: Students can download podcasted programs view wherever they go, whenever they like. For educational purposes, a podcast could be: course audio files, e.g. bird calls or heart sounds mini lessons with audio and visuals, eg., glossaries with sound and images, slides with voice-over explanations audio or video case studies containing interview with experts or other speakers multimedia presentations created by students More about iTunesU at UW-Madison: Learning beyond the classroom with iTunes U and UW-Madison on iTunesU

How to Podcast Software Garden Products: ListGarden RSS Feed Generator Software Garden ListGarden™ Program: ListGarden Product Description New Version 1.3 Now Available! Features: Creates and maintains RSS feeds Produces both XML and optional human-readable companion HTML Runs either on your PC or on a web server Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux Open source Requires no knowledge of XML or the RSS data format Tuned for quick manual additions of new items and simple editing Supports enclosures (New in Version 1.3) Perfect for: Podcasting (New in Version 1.3) Change logs Notification of additions and updates to traditional websites Companions to email newsletters Event Lists Alerts, announcements, and ongoing status Notification of the arrival of new products in a store Maintaining simple online lists accessible as both XML and HTML News website headlines Experimentation with RSS Use within a corporate firewall for internal websites To download a copy, see the "How To Get It" section, below. Here is a description of the different steps you take when using ListGarden.

Eight Rules of Effective Podcasting Note: I originally posted this in March, 2006, and it continues to be a popular article on my site. I’m re-posting it now, because podcasting hasn’t changed very much, and these rules can still apply to podcasts, even though the “genre” has matured greatly in the past seven years. The buzz has been around podcasting since Apple’s embracing of the medium in iTunes, which provides easy access to thousands of podcasts. Since Apple added podcast features to iTunes, podcasts have become almost mainstream, and the first for-cash podcasts have recently arisen. But not everyone listens to podcasts, and many people check out a few and leave them behind. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To sum up, creating a good podcast is like creating any type of quality content, be it music, words or audio.

Software to Receive Podcasts - Automatic Retrieval - Windows - M There are an increasing amount of software applications being designed specifically for receiving podcasts. Here you will find a growing list of these applications. What You Need to Know About Subscribing to PodcastsThere are thousands of podcasts already out there on the Internet just waiting for you to subscribe. It's free, it's easy, and it can provide you with unlimited audio enjoyment. Here's how to do it. Podcatching Software - Windows Best Podcasters Directory has an up-to-date listing of available software for receiving Podcasts if you run Windows. Podcatching Software - MacBest Podcasters Directory has an up-to-date listing of available software for receiving Podcasts if you use a Mac. Podcatching Software - LinuxBest Podcasters Directory has an up-to-date listing of available software for receiving Podcasts if you use Linux. RSS Radio According to the websites: "RSSRadio is an easy to use Podcast client (iPodder) for Windows."

Inside PR: a public relations podcast Podcasting
