instaGrok | A new way to learn Meta-Search Engines-The Library "Smarter" meta-searcher technology includes clustering and linguistic analysis that attempts to show you themes within results, and some fancy textual analysis and display that can help you dig deeply into a set of results. However, neither of these technologies is any better than the quality of the search engine databases they obtain results from. Few meta-searchers allow you to delve into the largest, most useful search engine databases. They tend to return results from smaller and/or free search engines and miscellaneous free directories, often small and highly commercial. Although we respect the potential of textual analysis and clustering technologies, we recommend directly searching individual search engines to get the most precise results, and using meta-searchers if you want to explore more broadly. The meta-search tools listed here are "use at your own risk." Better Meta-Searchers Meta-Search Engines for SERIOUS Deep Digging CSEs: Make Your Own Meta-Search Engine
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