Un Français invente la voiture qui ne coûte rien (ou presque)
Et s’il était possible de circuler en voiture gratuitement ? A l’heure où les Français pestent contre un budget automobile en explosion, Michaël Oualid, ingénieur et ancien de l’industrie automobile, a planché pendant plusieurs années sur son projet de Free Car. Sa voiture se veut libre, car affranchie de beaucoup de codes automobiles, et gratuite, car son propriétaire verra son prix d’achat, déjà faible, remboursé au fil de son utilisation grâce à un ingénieux système de "cash-back". Quel est le principe ? La Free Car est à la fois libre et gratuite. Concrètement, le véhicule est équipée d’un boîtier. Quel est l’intérêt pour le marchand de meubles, dont les parkings sont pleins, de payer ses clients ? Il s’agit d’une simple forme de promotion, rien d’autre ! Le constructeur est rémunéré comme un apporteur d’affaires, car il génère des ventes supplémentaires pour le magasin. Quel est l’intérêt pour l’automobiliste ? En premier lieu, il verse un montant modéré. A qui s’adresse-t-elle ?
Nova Labs | Rediscover the joy of making things
Editors Note: This is a guest blog post by Beth Riddick, who grows and sells Heirloom Tomato seedlings at her home at 792 Grant St, Herndon, VA to raise money for Nova Labs FIRST Robotics teams. This year’s sale will be held SATURDAY (TODAY) APRIL 26th from 9AM to NOON. I saw first hand how Robotics benefited both my kids, even though they are very different from each other. After my son, Ian, took part in Tom Welsh’s LEGO Robotics team, he started to say how he really loved math and wanted to program robots for a living. FIRST Robotics gives young inventors a way to pursue their passion, the same way that sports programs give athletes a chance to perform at their best. Just as we give every kid a chance to try sports, we need to make Robotics available to every child. And since I can’t coach, I fundraise! Rather than sell the tomatoes themselves, we sell the seedlings for gardeners to grow their own plants. This pic was taken about a week ago. Beth Riddick Robot Tomatoesrobottomatoes.org
Woodself présenté par Woodself
The project Help Woodself to grow and to remain free! www.woodself.com is a simple idea that has been running through the web for several months: offer do-it-yourselfers a full service of free customized woodworking plans. Customized furniture plans Concept is playful: in just a few clicks, standard furniture can be customized by choosing for instance the width, the height or the shelves layout. Once happy with their design, web users can submit their configuration and the detailed woodworking plans get instantly generated: exploded view, side or front views, part details, list of all parts identified with a label, holes location. At that stage, woodworkers have everything in hands to begin with their furniture project. More furniture Everything starts with a standard piece of furniture, ready to get customized. Now, Woodself has to expand its furniture catalog so that visitors can find the design that suits their need. More services Why fund it? To increase the website traffic!