Google Analytics Plugins, Hacks and Tips Collection | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog Google Analytics provides some great information about what is happening on your website. But what if you want to take it to the next level? Thanks to the many smart people who have created these wonderful hacks and plugins to get you some powerful additions to Google Analytics. Please note most of these need the truly awesome GreaseMonkey FireFox extension . (*post updated 6/18/09) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Auto press the “Access Analytics” button, if it is displayed Remembers settings you set when you switch between profiles, and allows you to open another profile in a new tab quickly. 24. 25. 26. Please help me maintain this list as the one place to find all the Google Analytics plugins, hacks and tricks.
Social Media Marketing group Characteristics of the Google Panda Algorithm Despite much discussion, analysis, and guesswork across hundreds of Websites, it seems that the true nature of Google’s Panda Technologytm continues to elude the algorithm chasers. Maybe it’s time for a reset in terms of what people think Panda is and represents and does. But rather than try to persuade people to accept whatever I might think or conclude, I feel it would be more productive to go down the list of things we can all easily verify about what Panda is or does. The Panda Technologytm was implemented as a document classifier A document classifier is a computer program that performs a specific function or set of functions in evaluating documents for a searchable index. A simple definition for “document classifier” might be a special program that solves a specific problem for “a document space and a set of document classes”. The Panda Technologytm appears to have helped some scraper sites I have trouble finding queries where scraper sites are outranking their original sources.
Google AdWords - Online Advertising by Google Keywords are what people search for on Google. Your ad appears beside relevant search results. You create your ads You create ads and choose keywords, which are words or phrases related to your business. Your ads appear on Google When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad may appear next to the search results. You attract customers People can simply click your ad to make a purchase or learn more about you. Previous topicNext topic Sign up now Our advertising network includes: Expand your reach through the Display Network With hundreds of thousands of high-quality websites, news pages, and blogs that partner with Google to display AdWords ads, the Google Display Network can reach users all over the web to help you drive conversions. Target the right user in the right context Using your keywords, Google's contextual targeting technology can automatically match your ads to webpages in our Display Network that are most relevant to your business. Concerned about costs?
sitemaps.org - Home 50 Resources for Getting the Most Out of Google Analytics Google Analytics is a very useful free tool for tracking site statistics. For most users, however, it never becomes more than just a pretty interface with interesting graphs. The resources below will help anyone, from the beginner to those who have been using Google Analytics for some time, learn how to get the most out of this great tool. For Beginners The following list of links will help you get started with Google Analytics from setup to understanding what data is being presented by Google Analytics. How to Use Google Analytics for Beginners – Mahalo’s how-to guide for beginners. Tips & Tricks If you’re already fairly familiar with Google Analytics and you’re ready to dig deeper and learn more about how to make use of the information that is available to you with Google Analytics, this list of tips & tricks is for you. Plugins, Hacks & Additions Want to learn how to get even more out of and extend Google Analytics by extending it with third party plugins, additions and hacks?
Twitter via email: send and receive tweets, get Twitter alerts, and more via email Ad Innovations - Search Ads AdWords Enhanced Campaigns Today, people are constantly connected and searching from all kinds of devices. Advertisers are looking for ways to reach people in ways that are relevant to their intent and context, like their location, the time of day and device capabilities. More about AdWords Enhanced Campaigns Ad Extensions Ad extensions let you make your ads more useful and relevant to users searching for information on Google. For example, when you're trying to describe a product, including a picture could make the message more relevant and valuable. Ad extensions work with your existing text ads, so there's no need to change your keywords, bids, or ad text. Offer extensionsNew Engage customers by extending your ads with relevant, redeemable offers. Campaign Management Campaign management features help you manage your search campaigns more easily. For example, we’ve introduced new tool to help you advertise on Google AdWords, even if you don’t have a website. Optimizations New Ad Models
référencer un/son site Renseigner les balises méta Insérées dans chaque en-tête de page, les metatags décrivent précisément le contenu du site, son auteur et le sujet de chaque page. Elles contiennent aussi la liste des mots clefs correspondant à la page. Elles sont destinées aux robots des moteurs de recherche qui parcourent sans arrêt le net afin d'en référencer toutes les pages. Voici quelques metatags : <meta name = "reply-to" content = "nom@domaine.fr"/> <meta name = "author" content = "nom de l'auteur"/> <meta name = "description" content = "description de la page actuelle"/> <meta name = "keywords" content = "mots clé qui se rapportent à la page actuelle"/> sachant que à l'heure actuelle, la seule balise prise en compte par les moteurs est "description", les "tags" ne sont pris en automatique que par certaines anciennes générations d'annuaires ;) Toutes les autres sont totalement facultatives et ne jouent en aucun cas sur le référencement. plus de détails sur les balises : Balises dans la partie head
About WP Security Lock Inc. is comprised of a team of Security Experts with more than 15 years combined experience with website security, repair, installation and maintenance. After repairing many clients’ hacked WordPress sites, the WP Security Lock team was dismayed at the amount of damage done and the money lost from potential sales. They began dedicating themselves to preventing lost sales, time wasted and the frustration of having your site go down. To helping clients secure their site from the beginning to keep the hackers out. Of course, they’ll still help you if your site went up without security and now it’s down because of malicious code from a hacker. The folks at WP Security Lock have been installing and securing WordPress sites since 2006. But a great WordPress site isn’t just a secure site. The experts at WP Security Lock have experience and expertise with all these elements and how they’re interconnected including: WP Security Lock Team Kurt ScholleBusiness Dev.
Twitter Search 20 of the Best SEO Plugins for WordPress With more than 120 million blogs in existence, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), which is an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queries. You can blog your heart out, but if you don't have good SEO, then odds are you won't have many readers. Luckily, the WordPress plugin community values SEO and has developed a number of plugins to help. Here are 20 of the best SEO plugins to help you choose the right tags, tell search robots what to work on, optimize your post titles and more. Have another SEO plugin to recommend? All in One SEO Pack - One of the most popular plugins ever for WordPress, this plugin does a bit of everything for you from helping choose the best post title and keywords, to helping you avoid duplicate content and more. Google XML Sitemaps - An essential tool in any blogger's armory of SEO tools.
Garder son référencement en changeant d'adresse URL Votre site a grandi, vous achetez un nom de domaine, prenez un hébergement professionnel et quittez votre hébergeur gratuit. Et là, patatras ! Vous avez des gens qui continuent à aller sur l’ancien site et le [Google Rank|c’est la « cote » de popularité pour Google] de votre site reste sur l’ancien au lieu de venir sur le nouveau. La problématique est donc de signaler à tous, y compris moteurs de recherche que l’on a changé d’adresse. Je vais partir du postulat (largement vérifié chez les hébergeurs gratuits) que le serveur web est apache et que PHP est installé/activé. L’opération se fait en 3 mouvements : transférer le site sur le nouvel hébergeur (via FTP probablement) vider l’ancien site placer sur l’ancien site les fichiers nécessaires pour signaler le changement d’adresse Retour Sommaire Théorie du n’habite plus à l’adresse indiquée (301 Moved Permanently) Dans sa documentation pour les webmasters, Google indique : En pratique, le 301 Moved Permanently index.php La page par défaut du site.