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Coming soon! - Foldable.Me

Coming soon! - Foldable.Me

s Best Photos of model and papercraft Flickr Hive Mind is a search engine as well as an experiment in the power of Folksonomies. All thumbnail images come directly from Flickr, none are stored on Flickr Hive Mind. These photos are bound by the copyright and license of their owners, the thumbnail links take to you to the photos (as well as their copyright and license details) within Flickr. Because some other search engines (Google, etc.) index parts of Flickr Hive Mind, you may have been led here from one of them. Boxpunx Welcome to the Harlancore papertoy site . Here you will find for download the various designs I have created as well as blank templates for you to use and abuse as you see fit.. Feel free to add, subtract, embelish, shrink, enlarge or whatever any element in any way you think is clever.

#9 Neighbor Christmas Gift Idea – Therapy Sacs These are so great for cold toes after sledding or just being out in the cold. You just pop them in the mirco for a couple minutes, put on your cold toes or hands, AAHH instant warmth. They are also great for sore muscles. tag idea: Stay warm and toasty this Holiday Season, Merry Christmas! To make: You just sew a pouch, fill with wheat or rice, sew the pouch closed – DONE! So Easy!

Trick-or-Treat Paper City Halloween Craft I’ve been so busy for the last two weeks, I haven’t had time to make many new crafts, so we printed out the Paper City style trick-or-treat scene from last year. The fall leaves were so nice in our yard today, the kids took the paper people outside to practice up on their trick-or-treat lines. So if you want a little Halloween project, feel free to print out the PDF template below. Happy October! Template: Click on the image below, then print. blog - Paper toys art Ce paper toy basé sur un template de cubeecraft a été créé par le collectif Urban Paper Collective. Cet éléphant équilibriste est le modèle du mois de mars. Ce robot au doux nom de Destructor H25 a été créé par Patrick Pasques dans le cadre de son livre de paper toys sur les robots. Je précise que cette version n’est pas dans le livre, c’est un petit bonus à télécharger gratuitement, alors profitez-en. Ce diorama (mise en scène) de Disney représente Alice au Pays des merveilles et sa charmante troupe, avec un gros oeuf pour décor ; ça tombe bien me direz-vous, c’est bientôt Pâques !!

Have your kids been naughty or nice?? <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered wpgb_shadowed"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><img class="enable-pib-img-under" src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon" data-recalc-dims="1"/></div>Thanks for coming by! I try to feature a new creative tutorial every day -- and I'd love to have you follow along: <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to my email updates</strong></a> or <a href=" rel="nofollow">come follow along on Facebook</a>.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> Paperpokés - Pokémon Papercrafts think.bigchief Sfumato l’hype per i vinyl toy, ogni tanto becco ancora in giro qualche nuova produzione che attira la mia attenzione come questo Kumamon Toy di Kagawa Masahiko da 138 millimetri. Se ci capite qualcosa questo è uno dei link da cui si puà acquistare. read more

Single Serving Pie in a Jar These are individual-sized pies made in little glass jars that can go straight from your freezer to your oven to your mouth. SO cute. You can make these with store-bought crust and canned filling or jazz it up with homemade like we do. And just for added cuteness we teamed up with crafting expert Lolly for some personalized tags. Sweet Robo de Josh Buczynski Pour achever le WE en beauté, un papertoy assez technique avec des essieux pour en articuler les membres (5 axes en tout ! ). Ce « sweet » robot humanoïde aux yeux verts est une conception assez géniale du créateur Josh Buczynski. En plus d’être mignon, il pourra prendre la pose de votre choix… Cute, Vintage-Style Apartment Decor & Home Accessories Does your room reflect your fashionista style? Accessorize your living space with our cute room decor! From vintage-style bedding to unique kitchen accessories, our apartment decor is sure to add personality to any room. Let your individual style shine with our apartment decor!

Paper Foldables - Papercraft Toys by Bryan.
